A boy strolled around the lake lazily loosening his tie. He knew that to anyone watching he would look carefree, nonchalant- cool and rock-hard, like he looked every day. He was grateful for that. Nobody could ever know his inner thoughts, the ones he was having such incredible frustration with. The boy dropped his bag, certain he was hidden well behind a tree. Then his face crumpled and he leaned his head into his drawn-up knees, shuddering like he always did when he was nervous or scared.

Draco Lucius Malfoy was gay, and he didn't know what the hell to do about it.

Of course, he couldn't tell his friends. Blaise would laugh and tell everyone. Pansy- well, not that Pansy was a friend, she was more a blood-sucking parasite, but she would scream the news from every rooftop until his father knew. And if his father knew…

Draco's shaking grew more pronounced as he thought of the news getting to his father, that he was gay, a pouf, a shirt-lifter. His father would disown him. His father would take away everything. He'd be in disgrace, almost like a Mudblood or a Muggle. Him! Draco Malfoy! No, nobody could ever know. He'd just have to hide it. He could get by without marrying a girl; he could spread rumours, he could give them diseases, cripple them- he'd survive. Just so long as he didn't have to- kiss them, or pretend to want them; even the so-called hottest girls in school failed to give him a jolt. There were a few guys, but two were Hufflepuffs, of all things. The last one he wouldn't even talk to anymore, didn't bother- just tried to keep him out of his thoughts, out of his own private fantasies. Harry Potter had no place in his affections.

Draco's shuddering slowed and stopped as he calmed himself with images of Harry- not naughty ones, just sweet ones. What it could be like if they were together. Having Harry kiss him on the cheek for Christmas, maybe; Harry with his arm around him or holding Draco's hand as they walked down a street. That can never be, Draco told himself. Stop! That boy has no place in your mind. But the truth was, Harry ran rampant in Draco's thoughts, dreams, and his deepest hopes. He couldn't make himself stop anymore than he could make himself stop being gay. And with that thought, Draco built his face up again, standing, picking up his bag and straightening his tie. As he walked by the lake, he watched his reflection, striding proudly straight along the shoreline. On the inside he shrank, but on the outside he was as strong and "himself" as ever.


Harry Potter sat in front of the fire. It was autumn, everything was getting a little colder- but he felt numb as Hermione rubbed his back and tried to get him to drink some hot chocolate. He stared hollowly at Ron's legs, which were blocking his view of the deep burgundy Gryffindor carpet.

"So let me get this straight," Ron said, his face screwing up a little. "My sister… dumped you…?"

Harry looked up, baring his teeth. "Yeah, Ron, Ginny dumped me. Just now, in fact. Are you happy now?"

Hermione made little shhing noises and shot a look at Ron, who steadily backtracked.

"Hell, mate, I didn't mean it like that. Merlin, I'd rather her be with you than any other bloke. But I mean, why?"

Harry raised his face to the fire, running a hand through his hair. Hermione raised the cocoa to him once more, and this time he took a long draught. Hermione smiled and set the mug on a nearby table.

"I don't have the foggiest idea. She just came running up to me, said, 'we're through', and ran away. I mean- Hermione, why would she do that?"

Both boys turned to Hermione, like students turning to a teacher. Fleetingly an expression of annoyance crossed Hermione's face. At the moment, she wished they'd never noticed she was a girl. She tucked her hair behind her ear primly, fully prepared to give them a nonsense reason.

"Well, you see, it could just be her time of month. Or you could have done something to anger her, or she could have just found another guy, or she-"

"Found another guy?" asked Harry, looking partially heartbroken, but mostly pissed.

"It's likely," said Hermione with trepidation. "I mean- well- drink more cocoa, Harry."

Harry sipped at the cup shoved in his face, but now he just looked pissed. Ron tried to take the cup from Hermione to have a sip but she slapped at his hand. "Whoa, touchy."

"This is Harry's," she said, looking over Harry's features anxiously for some sign that the boys didn't know would be there. Harry looked extremely angry, though- his brows were knitted together and he was shoving his glasses up on his nose angrily.

"Right, well, she can just stop thinking I'm going to take her back, or anything, because we are through, THROUGH do you hear me! I'm- I-" Harry toppled forward a bit, realization. "Hermion-!"

"Ron, quick, you have to catch him," the girl shrieked, and Ron leapt forward just in time to keep his friend with the scar from crashing face first into the floor. Hermione blew her bangs out of her face, dumping the rest of the sleeping-potion-spiked cocoa into a potted plant. Ron looked up at her with shining eyes.

"You. Are. A. Genius, Hermione, I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Yes, well," she said, blushing behind her hair. "It was a fairly simple potion and I happened to have some on me. You'd better get him to bed."

Ron grabbed her hand from behind, pulling her into a hug- just a brief one, but It made her heart flutter. "You're a lifesaver, thanks-" he heaved harry over his shoulders in a fireman's carry, and Hermione cast a quick Lightening charm. Ron shot her another grateful look before carrying his peacefully snoring friend past the gaggle of students in the common room (who were all sniggering) and up to the dormitories. Hermione allowed herself only a minute of wistful thinking before she turned back to the books. After all, Harry's Potions essay wasn't going to finish itself.


Word spread around Hogwarts fast. Of course, it didn't help that Harry was one of the most sought-after men in Hogwarts history. Draco watched as Harry shouted something at Hermione, covered up by the clamor of other students in the Great Hall. He kept pelting bits of toast at her as he gestured frantically. The Weaselette was at the end of the Gryffindor tables, talking with a few of her friends and studiously ignoring her ex-boyfriend. Good. She didn't deserve him anyway.

An idea sparked in Draco's head. He smiled, watching Hermione now instead, leaning to Ron, Ron leaning away, looking around at the other girls in the Hall. Oh, this could definitely be good.

"Blaise, come here. You're going to help me."

Okay you guys, this is going to run for about ten chapters, I think, unless it runs longer. Comments? Do you want me to continue? Which perspective do you like better, Draco's or Harry's? As always, love to those who review.