AN – OK, so I wanted to have this finished by November 2011!

I've added an extra chapter to abducted because, reading through it, it's just not finished. So many of you wanted to know how the scene between Trix and Jim ended. So here it is.

The rest will be continued in Book 2 – Discovered. To all who've been waiting so patiently, I hope you like it (yes the first chapter is written). I've had the outline on my computer but life got in the way. I hope to have this series complete by the end of this year. Hint – the more reviews, the faster I type.

'Trix,' the word came out muffled, soft, like a cry from a starving man who'd seen food and realised just how hungry he actually felt. For Jim, the same emotions cruised along every nerve fibre and neuron he possessed. He wanted, needed Trixie with every cell in his body.

He'd imagined this situation, being alone and kissing Trixie. The image plagued his mind almost every day since he'd met her at fifteen. In the years since, he'd matured and grown into a man. Boyhood fantasies transformed into intimate dreams of the emerging woman he'd fallen in love with. Eventually those dreams became romantic in nature before finally turning erotic. James Frayne managed to tame the images by removing himself from temptation. He built up a wall of honesty, reliability and stayed away from Trixie. Jim found it impossible to be alone with his special girl. He ensured the other Bob Whites surrounded and distracted them when he managed a weekend home from College.

Yet in the depths of his soul, his honourable subconscious demanded he listen to reason. This was neither the time nor the place to start something between them. He needed to find the courage within himself to call a halt to their rapidly spiralling out of control passions.

'Trix,' he tried again, louder and more persistent this time.

She didn't hear his plea. Like him, Trixie had become caught in the moment. Her lips still pressed softly against his. In her innocents she opened her mouth. Jim couldn't help himself. In one mad moment of surrender, he eagerly accepted the invitation to taste her unique essence. Feeling himself drowning as his tongue explored then plundered Trixie's depths, his conscious once again stirred. This time it refused to be submerged beneath his newly awoken desire. Painfully it challenged his honerability.

'Trix,' this time Jim rolled them over. With Trixie now beneath him, she could feel the evidence of his arousal for her. Blue eye's pleaded, begging him not to pull away. If she'd been more aware, moved even an inch, Jim's desire might have won over sensibility.

Placing a hand either side of her head, Jim pushed away, opening a gap. The cooling night air rushed in, as did his better judgement. 'We have to stop,' the words came out more harshly than he'd intended. They'd been aimed mostly at himself.

Hurt lanced through Trixie's expression as she stared up at Jim unintelligibly. For a moment she didn't understand what happened to make him stop. The last few minutes formed the most intense and intimate moments of her life. Tears welled in the corners of her clear blue eyes as the feeling of rejection coalesced. From somewhere she found the courage to keep them contained. Feeling rebuffed, Trixie struggled from beneath Jim. Creating a wide space between them, she lifted her face to the night sky. Sitting crossed legged, the emotional distance between them seem suddenly unreachable.

'Trix,' Jim attempted to bridge the gap he'd created. Taking in a long, slow breath, he considered his next words very carefully. Whatever came out of his mouth would set the precedent for the remainder of their relationship.

Moving slowly, he came to a sitting position directly opposite Trixie. Closing his eyes, the only way he could broach the subject he needed to talk about, Jim finally felt able to speak. 'You've been completely honest about how far you'd go to secure my feeling for you tonight, Trix,' he started, desperately wanting to open his lids and see her reaction to his heartfelt tone, but he couldn't. James Frayne wouldn't chance his future happiness on making an error. 'I have to be just as honest with you if we're going to take this further.'

Jim felt Trixie's disbelieving stare, accompanied by a dramatic eye roll. He thought he heard her say something negative under her breath. Forcing himself to keep calm, to think logically, Jim knew what he had to communicate if he wanted his special girl to listen to him.

'I love you Trixie but I'm afraid,' his words earned her anger and disbelief. Jim felt it in waves emanating off her. Finding the courage, he lifted his eyelids, unsure if he could continue with the resentment he saw there. Trixie's body language obstructive, her arms crossed and face set in stone. She dared him to continue.

'The first night we spent here,' Jim deliberately allowed some of the trepidation he felt to infuse into his tone, 'when you confessed your feelings, I said we had to sit down with your parents and set some ground rules. We need those ground rules here, even more than back in Sleepyside. It's been three weeks, Trix, and we haven't managed to find a way out. What if we'd given into our hormones tonight?'

Unwilling to surrender the point to Jim, Trixie sat in stony silence. At first she'd taken the rejection of her advances personally. Once her resentment had faded, she'd come to her senses quickly. Finally, the little clues Jim had been hinting at over the last three weeks coalesced in her mind and she understood his fear because Trixie suddenly felt it too.

'Have you had your period yet?' he attempted to get the conversation started once again. Not very subtle Frayne, he chastised, unable to think of any other way to bring up the awkward topic, since you've spent every moment with Trixie and would know it she had. Still it got my point across if the look on her face is anything to go by.

Well, Trixie couldn't look at him another moment. Lowering her gaze to a particularly interesting rock, she glowered at it for all her worth. That topic is supposed to be out of bounds. Now I understand why Jim found it hard to look at me after we stopped kissing.

As the silence elongated, Trixie realised Jim wanted an answer. Shaking her head provided all the reaction she could give him. If her life depended on it, Trixie couldn't have gotten a word past the lump in her throat as the implications of their near encounter hit home.

'I think we need to slow down,' Jim offered carefully. 'Over the next couple of months we can track your cycle…'

Trixie's head came up at the speed of lightening. 'Jim,' she started in a strangled voice, finding the subject too private to discuss openly. 'How,' swallowing hard, she tried again with our success.

'You're not the only one who's done their homework, Trix,' he offered gently. Cheeks red, Jim had to continue, to spell out their options so they could move forward. 'I can't run out to the corner store for condoms and while you might have been thinking about starting on contraception, it's not available to us right now. Accidents can't happen while we're still down here, so that leaves us with the old rhythm method. I'm not willing to take the chance until we're both ready and the time is right. We need to track at least your next two cycles to be sure when it will be safe and give us time to grow into our relationship.'

'If,' Trixie hesitated only to see the fear in Jim's green gaze, 'we've counted the days correctly, I'm due tomorrow.'

The astounded look on Jim's face finally made Trixie let out a muffled giggle. 'Mom and Dad used that method after my birth. They slipped up with Bobby. When my period first started,' Trixie's blush rivalled Jim's now, 'she explained it really well. So well, your mom and Mrs Lynch asked her to talk to Honey and Di.'

'Oh,' he offered, unsure what else he needed to say.

'Jim,' Trixie pleaded, bringing his attention to her in an instant. 'I feel just as uncomfortable about this as you, but you're right. We have to be honest with each other. My cycles are thirty days long. I did some reading and you can tell when a woman's fertile by the kind of mucus she produces. It's not safe unless you're aiming to create a baby on those days.'

'Oh,' he replied for the second time in the same minute, not sure what to do or say now.

'Jim?' Trix asked, biting her lip.

'Yeah,' he answered with a curious look on his face.

'Do you think we'll ever get out of here?' Fear lacing her words, Trixie had come to the conclusion it'd be a long time before anyone happened across them.

'I have to hope,' Jim stated emphatically, 'because without hope the soul dies. All those years with Jonesy, sometimes only the hope of escaping kept me sane.'

The mood had completely changed. By mentioning his nemesis, Jim had deliberately forced their strained bond to become closer. As much as he hated talking about the man or the time he'd spent under his guardianship, it linked their emotions.

'Tell me about it,' Trixie requested. Mentally she recognised the olive branch Jim offered.

'Come over here and lay with me, Trix,' Jim almost pleaded. He couldn't continue without her at his side. Trixie always offered Jim belief in himself. 'No funny stuff, I promise.'

'I trust you, Mr Honourable,' she teased, moving to lie as they had an hour earlier. 'Look,' Trixie pointed to the sky, 'the moon finally up.'

'One night, about a month before I finally escaped, I remember looking up at a moon just like this one, and thinking about my dad,' Jim spoke in a quiet, reverent manner, 'that's what gave me the courage to make another break for my freedom.'

The moon waxed, then waned and still Jim and Trixie sat in the middle of the hole, connecting in an intimate level they'd never dared before. As the sun rose, they finally fell into an exhausted sleep. Spooned against each other, it began another phase of their relationship.