Author Note - More Woody/Dolly! I've been bitten by the bug. I just can't stop writing them even though I should be working on the final projects due in my science lab! Anyways, this particular story will be a collection of oneshots based on Woody helping Dolly through something he's been through before or vice versa (though mostly it will be Woody helping Dolly I think at this point). The oneshots will all be generally independent of one another, although some references may interweave themselves as I go along. Don't know until it happens I guess.

This idea was basically born many many many months ago from a drabble I wrote for a community called "disney_uberland" over on LiveJournal. This first oneshot is even more specifically an elaboration of the content in that drabble. So, I hope you all like it (and don't worry, there will be more in the other story I only just published lol and maybe even another story on the way ahhh!).

Disclaimer - I don't own Toy Story 3, but honestly you should know that by now. Plus, I haven't read a lot of stories in this section, so any similarities I assure you are coincidental.

I've Been There Before

1. Witch

The Andersons had stepped out for the evening and the toys were busy taking advantage of their free time in various ways. "Dolly, have you seen the…" Woody was about to ask Dolly where the remote for Bonnie's little T.V. was, some of the toys wanted to watch a movie, but he could immediately tell that the rag doll's mind was far away as she stared out the window. "Hey, you okay up there?" Without thinking twice, he abandoned his task of finding the remote and climbed up to join her. "It's a pretty sunset," he attempted to solicit a reaction.

"It is," she nodded, but she kept her gaze fixed outside.

"I can understand why you'd prefer to watch this over a movie," he smiled as he admired the way the orange light of the setting sun colored the world outside and he noticed how it even managed to reach through the window and intensify the orange of Dolly's dress while also brightening her face and hair.

"Woody, am I scary?" Her abrupt question threw him off guard and he stuttered to respond. "I mean, do I look scary? Am I, well, am I ugly?"

"I don't understand," Woody shook his head in complete confusion as he looked her over trying to figure out what prompted such random questions. "What makes you even ask?"

"Well, I know I'm not the prettiest doll around. There's my large eyes and one tooth, but do you think it makes me look scarier than other dolls?" Finally, Dolly had the nerve to actually turn and face him. Perhaps she was trying to give him a good look so he could answer honestly.

"I don't think you're ugly," Woody furrowed his brow as he looked down at her. "Or scary. Where's this even coming from?"

Dolly sighed and darted her eyes away from him. "I don't know, it's just, well…kids only make the ugly toys the villain right?" Suddenly a light went off in Woody's head and he thought he knew what she meant. "I know I'm probably just being silly, but…Bonnie always makes me the scary witch so I thought, maybe it means she loves me the least. Maybe I'm…oh, I don't know," Dolly hung her head, not knowing how to continue. She was about to just tell him to forget she mentioned it.

"Maybe you're not as good as the other toys?" Her head shot up and her eyes practically bore holes into him as hard as she stared. He continued knowingly, "Maybe you were thinking, why would Bonnie want you when she's got someone like, well, someone like Jessie for example?"

"H..h…how did you know that?" Dolly searched his face in confusion.

"Because," Woody gave a half smile, "I've been there before." He saw her eyes widen slightly. "It was about 10 years or so ago. When Andy first got ol' Buzz Lightyear…the world's greatest toy." There was a hint of harmless sarcasm in Woody's voice as he recalled the events that took place after Buzz's arrival. "Let's just say, I went from being number one to being second best. During those first few weeks of playtime, I was the villain so that Andy could use Buzz as a super cool hero. Only, he was more ruthless than Bonnie makes me with you," he laughed a little, pointing out the general difference between how boys play and how girls play. Dolly smiled, but remained silent so he could continue. "Eventually, I got so jealous I acted a bit irrationally. I was tried to push Buzz behind a desk so Andy would take me along out to dinner one night and I ended up knocking Buzz out the window instead." Dolly gasped. "I know. I'm still pretty ashamed of it. But long story short, me and Buzz both ended up lost and had to get back to Andy's. We became friends along the way, but…not before I finally admitted how worthless I felt with a toy like Buzz around," Woody sighed, surprised at how real the memory still was for him even after so long.

"Oh, Woody," Dolly placed a hand on his arm. "That's awful."

Woody gave her a grateful smile. "It was. Or at least it felt that way. But you know what?" She shook her head as she dropped her hand. "Turns out Andy was excited to see both of us when he 'found' us again," he used his fingers as air quotes so she would understand what he meant. It left her curious as to how they managed it, but she didn't ask. "The point is, Andy still loved me. I had been wrong in thinking he didn't. I might not have been as good looking or flashy as Buzz so it was easy for him to get so attached to Mr. Space Ranger over there. But Andy still loved me in spite of it and eventually he made me and Buzz both heroes during playtime."

Dolly smiled for a moment, but then it faded. "But I've almost always been the scary witch," she pointed out.

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean it's because you're ugly or scary. I understand why it's easy to think that, but you'll be better off if you choose not to believe it. Trust me," he laughed. "Besides, I bet Bonnie just really liked the idea of a scary witch and she thought you were the best candidate because…well, do you really think any of the others could be as awesome a witch as you? I mean, I know I wouldn't feel right battling anybody else," he half teased and she smiled again in spite of herself.

"I guess that's true. I am a great at whatever I do," she joked, but Woody could tell her heart wasn't as into it as usual. And without warning, the mood changed and all Woody wanted to do was figure out how he could make her really understand. He felt the notion to take both of her hands in his and he couldn't resist it. Dolly looked down at his hands on hers in slight confusion, but her heart fluttered as she looked up at the tall cowboy who towered over her.

"Dolly, I am serious about what I said. I really don't think it's because you're ugly or scary." He looked her over carefully. "Didn't you say once that Bonnie made that dress for you and that's why you love it so much? No kid who doesn't love you would have gone through the trouble of customizing you," he said with conviction. "And that same kid gives you just as much a spot on her bed every night as the rest of us. More than some of us actually," he pointed out. Ever since having been given Andy's toys, there wasn't enough room for all of them on the bed and Bonnie had taken to rotating them as best as she could. However, Dolly basically held a permanent spot, along with Woody and a few of the others.

Dolly smiled as she realized how carelessly she had forgotten both facts in her irrational state of mind. Woody was right about how easy it was to think the worst. "I guess you're right," she finally said. "I just wasn't thinking clearly." Dolly looked down at their hands again for a moment before adding, "And neither were you." He raised an eyebrow. "You said you're not as good looking as Buzz, but I don't think that's true, cowboy," she said.

"Oh, uh, did I?" Woody suddenly felt nervous in a way he hadn't in a long time. "Well, I must have been, I mean, I…" he stuttered.

"Maybe not as flashy," she teased, giving him a chance to regain his composure. "But every bit as handsome," she reiterated. "More even."

"Well, I don't know about that," Woody managed through an embarrassed chuckle.

"Hey, Woody! Did you find that remote yet?" Buzz called up to them in a clueless fashion, breaking the moment.

Woody and Dolly looked down at their hands and suddenly moved apart in simultaneous shock and embarrassment as they realized they way they'd been acting. It had been so natural, neither of them had realized it when it was happening.

"It's, uh, I think her mom set it up on the top shelf over there," Dolly pointed, trying to act casual.

Buzz turned and looked, squinting his eyes. "Oh I think I see it. Thanks!" He then sprinted off.

"Well, I guess I'll go see what they're planning on watching," Woody backed away awkwardly. "Might be something good," he shrugged as he began to climb back down to the floor.

"Right, right," Dolly nodded a little too enthusiastically. "I, uh, I might join you guys later."

"Oh that'll be nice," he felt like he was just babbling at this point, as part of him wanted to bolt and the other part didn't actually want to leave.

"Yeah, so I'll see you later I guess," Dolly said with her usual smile. "And, um, you know, thanks, Woody," she said before he could walk away. "It helped."

"My pleasure," Woody tipped his hat and returned her smile before turning his back to leave, Dolly also turning her back so as not to watch him as he went. Woody took a few steps before coming to a halt. He stood there for a few moments before gathering the nerve to turn back around. "Oh and hey, Dolly," she turned around quickly, startled by his voice. "You're beautiful," he blurted out and then turned and walked away as fast as casually possible, leaving a flabbergasted Dolly behind him.