Title: A bird belongs to the sky

Rating: T

Characters: America/England

Word Count: 592

Summary: America really wished England had said goodbye as he flew into the sky.

Disclaimer: Nothing in here belongs to me, get it? It belongs to himaruya. That's the guy's name, right?

Huffing he heaved the last of his baggage onto the machine and with his sleeve wiped away the sweat on his forehead. Hopefully he looked around himself but the man he desired to see was nowhere around. And it could be the last time they see each other.

After checking if he has enough oil, if the bombs underneath the blades were correctly assembled – it wouldn't do to blow himself up, now would it? - and if everything else was ready for the take off. He looked around him again – still nobody he wanted to see.

He jumped into the plane, making all the necessary preparations and waiting for his signal.

While America dreaded this flight – and not only his but also those of his boys which could mean death for some of them– he couldn't help but feel exhilarated to be in the sky again. It was his element and he loved it.

The sky was magnificent in all its vastness and freedom and normally in the air he felt free of worries and of responsibilities. Nothing, absolutely nothing could bother or reach him here and nobody could match him.

It wasn't pure arrogance that made him say this. It was just the pure unadulterated truth.

Alfred had always admired the sky and envied the birds who could fly all day. Chuckling he remembered whining about the unfairness of it all to Arthur who at that time – and now, even though America was denying that – was the apple of his eyes. Unreasonably he would cry and demand to fly when he was young. England always was at his wit's end when that happened.

The signal for take-off appeared and he started the machine that slowly began rolling forward and got faster and faster until it didn't touch earth anymore. Then it started to rise and he flew higher and higher into the sky.

If Arthur had come to wave goodbye he would be at least a bit more encouraged, Alfred thought but England was against him being in this war – "It bloody hell is the Old World's war , not the New World's" ; "Why then did you dispatch my brother?" - and protested yet the Allies saw the advantages in his declaration of war against Japan and consequently Germany.

He had wanted to enter the war earlier – the image of England writhing and screaming as his heart burned stuck in his mind – but his politicians were against it.

A voice whispered inside of him " Was it really too much to demand a goodbye from England?" It wasn't like he didn't have any part in his decisions. Joining bodies and heated looks and sloppily shared kisses flashed into his mind but he ignored them.

Alfred was in the sky and the worries of the earth shouldn't be able to catch up with him but England always had had the ability to chain him to the ground. Yet he had until now always managed to break free.

Suddenly he noticed a card hanging onto the his steering clutch. On it he could read the following words.

" Git if you die out there I will summon your ghost and punish you to kingdom come and back. Do you understand, you bloody tosser? So be safe out there!"

Alfred felt a beaming grin stretching on his face and with a challenging glint in his eyes he flew through the sky, content in his element, content like a bird belonging to the sky.