Title: Clandestine

Summary: When Yami transfers to Domino High, he expects the school to be boring, but soon, resident playboy, Seto Kaiba, has his eye on him. It seems that things won't be dull in this school.

Pairing: Yami x Kaiba, Kaiba x Yami

Rating: M for possible graphic lemons, sexual content, and mature language

Disclaimer: I obviously do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, and this is just to say that Yu-Gi-Oh is indeed not mine, has not been mine, and will never be mine. And as sad as that fact is, well, life must go on!

Those of you who duel in real life, duelingnetwork (dot) com is an amazing site to deck test on. So, if any of you decide to play, add me...my user's holykhayos. and PM to duel! haha I love this game

Chapter 1: First Impressions

Domino High was bustling with activity—students scrambling to their lockers, chatting with their friends, and all in all, creating general mayhem. Today, however, whispers about a foreign exchange student flew through the halls. The new student, still presently nameless, was said to have wild, tricolored hair, intense blood-red eyes, and a face that had the potential to make girls faint dead away. No one, yet everyone knew who he was. Gossip spread like the plague, and soon, the entire student body waited in anticipation of his arrival.

As if on cue, the main doors were thrust open, and he walked in. He walked with an air of dignity, and looked almost ethereal, standing silhouetted in the glare of the sun. A hush settled over the lobby, and scattered whispers broke out. Mysterious and breathtaking, the girls found themselves falling in love, and the men found themselves growing envious. Dressed in only the best, the sophisticated teen surveyed the room, red eyes dancing with barely concealed amusement. His silken black shirt clung to the luscious curve of his shoulders, and tapered to his slim waist. He wore dark pants cinched with two overlapping, studded belts, the overall effect was rocker, but tastefully so. His expensive, studded boots moulded to his feet and muted his footsteps. A thick metal chain adorned his neck, and a sort of exotic pendant nestled against his chest.

As soon as he had come, he turned to leave. He took a step forward and found himself face to face with the broad chest of the school's self-proclaimed king. The smaller teen's eyes flashed, and he looked up into the dark, beady eyes of the ugliest human being he had ever laid eyes on.

"Need help, newbie?" Yami cringed as the stink of the bully's breath washed over his face. Oh god, if he comes any closer, I might just asphyxiate. As if the bully heard his thoughts, he promptly leaned closer and said, "you got no manners, kid? Or are you just awed at Ushio, The King?

"The King? Please. ," Yami rolled his eyes, edging away. He attempted to walk around Ushio, but found that the other man's bulk took up the better part of the hallway, and even with Yami's slight build, he had no hope of squeezing though.

"Going so soon? You didn't even tell us your name!" Ushio laughed racously, clearly enjoying himself.

Us? Sure enough, a crowd had gathered around them, seemingly eager for something. He shrugged it off. It was nothing he couldn't handle, anyway.

Yami smirked. Two could play at this game. "I'm Yami. Under normal circumstances, I would say something like 'pleased to meet you', however, in this case, I'm afraid I can't say the same." There. That should hold him for awhile.

The crimson-eyed teen spun on his heel, and walked back the way he had come. A sudden movement behind him alerted him to his impending danger. Out of reflex, he dropped into a crouch, and whipped around just in time to dodge a punched aimed at his face.

Red-faced and positively quaking with anger, Ushio shoved a trembling finger into Yami chest, lips moving, but no sound coming out. Yami laughed "Kuriboh got your tongue? Or was it just my ridiculously fine ass? I bet you couldn't stand t osee it walk away from you." he paused "but next time, dear, try and be a bit more subtle, alright?" He threw Ushio a saucy wink, and waited for the explosion. Someone to the left of him chortled, and the chortle was followed by a laugh, and soon, the entire spectator crowd was laughing at Ushio's embarassment.

Yami didn't have to wait long. With a muffled scream of rage, Ushio launched himself at Yami, who stood calmly, as if waiting to be flattened. At the last possible second, Yami side-stepped, and gave Ushio a shove, causing the other teen to crash headlong into the lockers. Unhurt, but angrier than before, Ushio circled back, more cautious this time. He lunged at Yami, who jumped back, and sent Ushio sprawling over space that he just occupied.

Screams of outrage and excitement came from the observers as they watched Yami effortlessly dominate the other teenager. Their energy fueled Ushio, and he found strength to yell a battle cry before Yami snapped out his leg, and landed a solid kick on Ushio's shin.

"WHY YOU-" his scream of rage drowned out the rest of his sentence, and he threw himself at Yami, fully intent on crushing Yami beneath him.

"Ra, you really need to calm down. It's not like I'm annoying you or anything." Yami couldn't keep the smugness off his face. "Besides, I think we're putting on a good show, don't you? But it's getting a bit boring. Won't you step it up?"

Suddenly, Ushio was on top of him, pinning Yami's smaller body against the floor. "You gonna talk pretty now, punk? You going to? I'm going to beat you to a pulp, right here, right now. Beg for mercy. Beg me for mercy."

Crimson eyes flashed, and one word rang out, loud and clear.


Flushing, and turning an unhealthy shade of puce, Ushio growled a warning, "this is your last chance. I'm not stopping after I get started, no matter how much you scream."

Yami pretended to consider his options. "So, it's either I beg for mercy, or I get beaten to pulp by the guy who's been trying to land a punch for oh...half an hour now. Choices, choices." He glared up at Ushio, "what do you think? Are you smart enough to figure that out?" Yami brought his knee up forcefully, where it connected with something fleshy. Ushio squealed in pain, and rolled off of Yami, clutching his crotch.

Yami smirked, and said, "I hope some of you got that on tape. Though I have to admit, I would appreciate it immensely if you edited that bit with him on top of me, out. It was not fun, and more than a little bit disturbing."

Offering a curt nod as a parting farewell, Yami made his way to his first period class.

Yami smiled to himself. He was going to like it here.

(A/N): Hey guys! This is my first fic, so please review and let me know if I should continue! I would really like constructive criticism and anything to help me to become a better writer :)Kaiba will show up in later chapters, I promise! We need him.

I'm loving you if you're reading this,
