L stood outside in the pouring rain wondering what he should do about the Kira case, he had no way to prove that Light was Kira and it was frustrating him. He had already let Light leave against his better judgment since he had no evidence to prove Light was Kira, he only had his gut feeling which was normally always right. He knew that there must be a way to get light to confess to being Kira, there just had to be a way, but how? How could he make Light confess to him? His thoughts were interrupted when Matsuda came outside of the headquarters to see if L was alright.

"Are you alright Ryuuzaki? You do realize it's freezing and raining out here right?"

L knew Matsuda was just trying to be polite and concerned for L, but did he think that L was stupid? Of course he knew it was raining and cold out here.

"I know Matsuda. I thank you for your concern and I will be inside in a moment."

With that Matsuda returned inside and L was once again left alone with his thoughts. He sighed, he had to think of a plan and soon. Kira could be getting ready to kill again at any moment, thankfully though, Light still didn't have L's full name and thus he could not kill L. He walked back inside of headquarters ignoring the weird looks from the people that worked for him and sat in his usual position in

front of his laptop with his thumb between his lips in thought. He pulled his knees closer to his chest thinking of possible way to get Light to confess but still none of the plans seemed like they would be good enough.

"Watari, would you grab me some cake please"

It was more of a command than a suggestion but Watari was used to it and did as he was told. L went right back to his thoughts about Light, how could no one see that he was Kira? How could they believe his lies? He was suddenly upset at the fact they had made him let Light leave. He is L the world's greatest detective and still they believed Light over him? How could they not see Light like he could? He quickly snapped out of his thoughts when Watari sat down a piece of strawberry cheesecake in front of him and walked away. He picked up the fork that had been set down beside the cake and jabbed it rather harshly into the soft cake before eating it. He sighed loudly earning looks from the other detectives that he ignored. He couldn't let Light effect him like this. It was driving him insane and he knew that he had to find a way to keep calm. He took a few deep breaths and it was working on calming his nerves until he heard the painful screeching voice of one Misa Amane getting closer and closer and also louder and louder.

"Light! Where are you? Misa-Misa is here!"

L had to mentally restrain himself from getting up and slapping duct tape over the girls mouth to get her to shut up. She came into the room and walked over to L with a glare.

"Where is my Light? I know you have him here somewhere you pervert!"

"Why hello Miss Amane I am afraid that Light is-"

He was about to tell Misa that Light was released but she obviously thought that he was going to say she couldn't see him and was cut off. She placed her hands on her hips with her glare still in place.

"I wanted to invite Light to my party and you're going to ruin it by keeping him here! Light needs a night out Ryuuzaki and more importantly a night out with ME! I am his girlfriend after all!"

"You're having a party Misa-san?"

An idea was now forming inside of his mind at the thought of Misa having a party, he could defiantly use this to his advantage. I small smile formed on his lips that shocked Misa a bit never having seen L smile in the slightest.


"Is there going to be alcohol there?"

"Yes, why does it matter Ryuuzaki? It's not like you're invited pervert!"

"Oh well that's too bad I thought we could be friends, since I did do something out of concern for you.."

"What have you done for me Ryuuzaki?"

"Well I was concerned that you never get any time with Light and that it was straining yours and Lights relationship so I let him go."

"Really? Oh Ryuuzaki! Thank you so much! You're invited to my party as a friend!"

"I have one request though"

"Anything Ryuuzaki!"

"Let's not tell Light I'm going to be there, okay?"

"Okay! It will be a surprise!"

L smiled as Misa pranced happily out of the headquarters, he had a plan now that seemed fool proof even if there was a 40% chance that the plan would fail. What person could lie while under the influence of alcohol? He hoped the Light was one of those people who would tell anyone or anything the truth when drunk. He had to get ready for tomorrow night as Misa told him before she left that this was to be a formal party. It would be a little out of his comfort zone to dress in anything else then his usual baggy clothing, let alone going to a place full of people he wouldn't know. He had asked Watari to pick him up something formal for Misa's party, Watari was confused but he didn't ask why L was going or why Misa had invited him and just did as he was told. Later that day Watari found L in his room and handed him a bag which L assumed was the formal clothing for the party. He didn't look at it but simply placed it on the bed assuming it would fit him fine and look decent since Watari did all of his shopping and must know his clothing sizes. The rest of the night was unusual for L since all of his thoughts were of Light and they weren't the usual thoughts he had of Light. He found himself wondering what Light would look like all dressed up and the thought was bothering him. Why was he thinking about what Light would look like? Well the answer was obvious since Light always looked quite attractive in his everyday attire. He now became confused at that thought. When had he started thinking of Light as attractive? "I must be tired" that was the only explanation he could think of for finding Light attractive but at the same time he was worrying about how he would look tomorrow night in front of Light. Why did it matter? Why should he care what Light thinks? Light could be possibly be Kira, no Light is Kira and that meant that he shouldn't care about Light in any way, shape, or form... right? His heart was trying to tell him otherwise it seemed. He pushed back his feelings and locked them away for as long as possible but the thoughts of Light seemed to plague his mind. He sighed.

"It seems that I may have an attraction to Light.."

He didn't mean to say it out loud, but it was more of a realization and it wasn't like anyone was around to hear him. He placed his thumb between his lips in thought about how to get rid of these feelings since they'd do nothing but get in the way. He yawed loudly and decided it would be good to get at least an hour's rest before tomorrow since all these new thoughts were making him exhausted. He laid down on his bed and shut his eyes waiting for sleep to take over.

~Party Night~

L was in a panic. He was nervous and didn't know how this night was going to go but only hoped it would go according to plan. He looked at himself in the mirror and thought that he looked rather odd in the formal clothing. He wore a black buttoned up dress shirt along with form fitting dress pants that he didn't find comfortable at all but he had to do this. His hair was as messy as always and all the black on him seemed to make himself look paler, he sighed it was only for a few hours and he could live through it. He was an hour late for the party but he had planned it that way since he didn't want to arrive before Light would. He walked into the party and looked around and instantly he was visibly nervous, there were so many people here that he was starting to think that he would never find Light.

Light was not enjoying this party, it was alright thanks to the help of booze but with every girl (and a few guys) hitting on him he wasn't happy. He didn't know where Misa was even and normally she would be hanging off him literally. He sighed and downed another glass of punch assuming it was mixed with vodka, he knew he was drunk but he also knew that he would not hook up with anyone here. No one was worthy of him here and he wasn't sure why he showed up in the first place, he just had a feeling he should so he did. He looked around the crowded room and his eyes soon landed on a nervous L standing at the door way looking around. He couldn't help but smirk and chuckle a bit. Why was L here? He noticed that L looked quite good all dressed up and the thought didn't bother him at all, he quite liked the thought. He started to walk towards L through the crowd not caring if the detective would see him or not. He stopped in his tracks though when he saw Misa run up and hug L and then pull him away and into the crowd where Light could no longer see him. He clenched his teeth together and was now angry at Misa. How could she just drag L away like that? Light ran a hand through his hair to calm himself and walked back to the punch and poured himself another glass and waited for L to return to his site again. Misa would eventually bring L this way since she brought all her late guests over to the punch so they could catch up to the rest of the partiers. One thought kept running through his head over and over again, where had she taken L? He didn't think she even like him and it didn't make sense in his mind. It was about an hour and three glasses of punch later that Light finally saw L again when Misa brought right to him. Light smiled brightly and both Misa and L blushed but only L knew that the smile was actually for him.

"Light! Look who Misa-Misa invited!"

Misa was smiling brightly at Light and Light continued to stare at L not even caring how uncomfortable the detective was looking.

"Hello Ryuuzaki, It's nice to see you again."

"Hello Light.."

L didn't know that it would be this hard to confront Light even when he could tell Light was obviously drunk. He just didn't expect Light to look so handsome in the white dress shirt and black dress pants, nor did he expect Light to smile and stare at him the way he was and he didn't know how to even describe the look Light was giving him. It made shivers run all over his body.