In a Moment

This is my first fanfic ever! Exciting I know! Anyway I except POSITIVE feedback! If it's negative I'll most certainly ignore it! Also I will try to update as quickly as possible although I doubt this story will be so good people will be waiting for updates. I promise you some sexual scenes later on in the story! YIPEE! Who doesn't love reading sex scenes? Anyway I would like to point out that this story is mostly centered on Nico and Thalia! But will also include other couples such as Percy and Annabeth (my favorite). Also Butch has a hot lady friend! Hooray for Butch! Anyways I hope you guys enjoy! I love you all…unless you hate star wars…I can't forgive you for that!

Disclaimer: I only wish I owned Percy Jackson and the Olympians. Sadly I do not. (sigh)

Chapter 1: The moment

Nico was wondering the woods next to camp, he knew it was late but he figured no one would find out. As there was no one else living with him in the Hades cabin, due to the pact between the three brothers and the fact that Hades wasn't exactly known for his studliness. The young man figured he would run into a monster sooner or later so he brought along his sword. It had been four years since the second battle of the titans. During that time he had become the best swordfighter at camp, except from Percy of course. Although, Percy and Annabeth weren't really campers anymore. They had married as soon as they turned eighteen and now Annabeth was pregnant…no surprise there. Of course that was one of the reasons Nico was wondering dangerous woods in the middle of the night. Earlier that day he had had to inform Annabeth that her baby was very sick and nearing death. Even though Annabeth had always been a strong girl she became quite distraught and sobbed into Percy's shoulder for a full two hours before Chiron put her on bedrest and medicines. Chiron also had every possible Apollo camper helping her in shifts. Nico hated delivering that kind of news, he hated always being the person to tell someone "Hey, your loved ones dying. Hope it works out!" He was pondering all of these thought when he heard a twig snap. Unsheathing his sword he got into attack position. The bushes to the right of him rustled slightly, he swung through them just missing what was behind the leaves. But instead of hearing a growl he heard a noticeable voice say "NICO! Damnit you could've killed me!" Nico knew that voice all too well "Thalia?"He asked. Thalia came out from behind the bushes. She was wearing her regular attire for hunting with Artemis, her pale skin contrasting with her black hair and the dark perfectly. Nico had never noticed before but in the moonlight she looked as though she was glowing. Dazed and confused he shook his head trying to get the image out of his mind, but she still stood there beautiful as ever glaring at him. "Who did you think it was Mrs. Oleary?" she said in an agonizingly sarcastic tone. Nico decided he would play it coo "Oh NO! I would never swing my sword at the possibility of it being Mrs. Oleary. How could I live on with the guilt." Putting a hand to his forehead and crying out "the AGONY!" Was it a bit over dramatic…sure. But was Thalia seriously trying not to laugh…oh yeah. He lowered his hand and gave her a dazzling smile-which she'd have to admit made her a little weak at the knees-before asking "Thalia, what are you doing out here? You know it's really dangerous, right?" Thalia let out a scoff before saying in a rather pompous voice "Nico! I'm Thalia! Daughter of Zeus, hunter of Artemis. Not to mention" she walked closer to him and whispered in his ear "I'm kind of immortal." She pulled away from him and lowered herself from her tiptoes. Marveling at how tall and muscular he was now, he must have been six foot two and Thalia liked it. She stepped back a few feet, not trusting herseld near his perfect lips. He sighed before asking "Thals, why do you torture me like that?" "Like what?" she asked seriously stunned by what he just said. Stumbling getting the words out he finally said "Like…answering only part of my question." What he had really wanted to say didn't even make since to him. The truth was Thalia had driven him crazy with lust with the whole whispering thing. Though, he didn't know why. Thalia was just a friend…right? "Oh…" Thalia said. He thought she looked a little disappointed but it was probably just the moonlight casting shadows. "So?" Nico said breaking the tension "Why are you here?" "Oh right" she gulped like she was nervous which was extremely rare for Thalia. "Umm…I kind of followed you." Nico blushed but managed to get out "Why?" "While I was in cabin one reading a book and I noticed you walking out the door looking depressed so I followed you. I guess I was a little worried you'd get yourself killed or something. I know you feel bad about Annabeths baby." Nico looked down at his shoes and said "Thanks Thals, but I'm fine." "Are you sure?" Concern seemed to flow out of her as she took a step forward and touched his arm reassuringly. She would never admit to it but she did that just to feel his biceps. She wasn't disappointed. He would never admit to it but at that moment all he could think about the sentence "OH MY GODS! SHE'S TOUCHING ME! EEEEPPPP!" Nico stammered against her touch "It's okay…I…I'm fine." "Okay" she said lowering her arm still not convinced. "Well" she said after what seemed like an eternity. "I better get back. Gotta get some sleep. I'm visiting Annabeth in the morning." "Ok…umm…bye." Nico said rather awkwardly. Thalia gave him a hug- which drove them both mad- before turning and running away towards camp, the bow on her back bouncing with every step. Nico was left alone with his thoughts which mostly consisted of "HOLY CRAP! I'M IN LOVE!"

Hope you guys liked it! There will be plenty more I promise!