DISCLAIMER: I do not own fma or anything else

A surprise date

A week had passed since Ed had been suspended and he was walking down the corridors of Central command to go and report in to the Colonel. He walked into the outer office and saw Havoc sitting at his desk.

"Morning Havoc." He said walking up to him and sitting at one of the other desks. It was only eight fifty so Ed had time before he had to see the Colonel.

"Morning Boss." Havoc said whilst he filled out paper work. Ed looked around the room and noticed that Riza's coat wasn't hanging up on the coat peg.

"Hey Havoc have you seen Riza this morning?" Ed said surprised that she wasn't in yet.

"Not this morning, though I don't blame her after what the Colonel made her do last week. I'd be surprised if she even came it at all."

"What did the Colonel bastard do?" Ed asked, Jean looked at him shocked.

"You mean Hawkeye hasn't told you?" Ed shook his head.

"No I haven't even seen her all week." Ed said getting worried.

"The Colonel had her running around for him all week like his personal slave, he had her bring him his coffee, clean his office and even had her clean the officers toilets with a tooth brush." Havoc explained to Ed who looked like he was about to blow up.

"I WILL KILL HIM." Ed seethed making Jean back away from him, just then Breada, Fuery, and Falman walked into the office, they looked at Jean then Ed.

"What's up with you two" Breada asked taking his coat of and hanging it up with the others.

"Ed's just found out about Hawkeye." Havoc explained, everyone in the room backed up a bit. A few minutes passed in the office before Roy walked in seeing everyone looking scared, he looked around the office and noticed Ed sat at one of the desks looking really pissed off.

"Ah Fullmetal, nice to see that you came in liked I asked." Roy said walking towards his office. Ed followed him and sat down on the couch.

"Your supposed to salute a superior officer when entering their office." Roy commented, Ed stood up and gave Roy a mocking salute before sitting down again. Roy smirked it seemed that Ed didn't enjoy his punishment. 'Well that will teach him to follow orders.' Roy thought.

"So what do you want me to do then?" Ed asked annoyed, Roy looked up at him with a grin on his face.

"I want you to take any files that Havoc has sorted and file them in the filing room, after you have done that I want you to fill these out." Roy said pointing to the pile of papers on his desk, Ed looked at the pile.

"Is that all Sir." He asked Roy nodded. "For the time being, I will let you know if I have anything I want you to do. Dismissed." Roy said, Ed got up to leave but instead walked up to Roy's desk.

"Oh Sir." Ed said in a mockingly sweet tone. "Yes Fullmetal?"

"If you ever treat Riza like that AGAIN then I WILL RIP YOU UP INTO TINY PIECES AND FEED YOU TO A CHIMERA." Ed shouted before turning around and heading towards the door. Roy was shocked for a moment before regaining his composer, he got up from his desk and grabbed Ed's arm.

"Do you know who you are talking to Fullmetal, I could have you court marshalled for that." Roy said, Ed turned around and faced him the look off pure hatred on his face.

"I don't care, it still doesn't give you the right to treat you men like that, Riza has done nothing but stood by you and that's how you repay her." Ed retorted.

"She broke the rules, she knows that she is supposed to call an officer before leaving her posts." Roy said back.

"How many other times has she ever let you down? It was my fault that that happened not hers." Roy thought about this for a moment.

"It doesn't mean that she gets away with it."

"Yes it does you could have given her a warning or something, not making her scrub toilets with a tooth brush."Ed said. "All because you are pissed of that Havoc took your date and I asked Riza out before you, doesn't mean that you should treat us all like this." Roy looked shocked again, Ed grinned.

"Yes I heard about the bet that Havoc and Hughes made, so what it's not like you like her anyway."

"Yes I do." Roy said. "Then why did you tell Havoc that you 'wouldn't ask her out' and that she was 'too uptight to even ask on a date'." Ed said, Roy went all pale and sat down on the couch.

"Grow up Colonel, and stop blaming everyone else for your problems." And with that e Ed left the office to do the work he was assigned to do.

About half an hour later Riza came in and hung up her coat. "Morning Lieutenant." Fuery said looking up from the radio he was trying to fix, Riza didn't reply she went into Roy's office to start her work. When she walked in Roy was sat at his desk with his head in his hands. 'Probably got a hang over' she thought as she went over to his desk and picked up the files that he had finished.

Roy looked up when he noticed that Riza had come in. "Morning Hawkeye, and how are you this morning?" Roy asked her, Riza just ignored him and left the office to hand in the papers. It was like this all day none of his men would talk to him and Ed kept on glaring him when ever he saw him. Roy thought about what Ed had said in the office that morning. 'He's right I have been acting like a jerk, and all because I was jealous.' He thought to himself, Roy checked his watch it was five o'clock. 'Everyone will be heading home now.' He signed before putting on his coat and leaving his office, he locked the door and saw everyone else also getting ready to go.

"Good work today especially you Edward, I will see you all tomorrow. Good night." Everyone just stayed quite as he left the office leaving Hawkeye to lock up.

The next morning Roy called everyone into his office. "I have called you all in here because I want to talk to you all about something." Roy said standing behind his desk,

everyone groaned.

"So what have we done wrong this time?" Ed said

"None of you are in trouble."

"Then what is this about?" Havoc asked "Are we getting transferred?"

"No we are not being transferred."

"So in that case it must be that you are being promoted" Riza said leaning against his desk.

"I wish but no."

"Then what is this about?" Ed said getting annoyed.

"As you probably have noticed I have been under a lot of stress recently, and I have been treating you all with disrespect." Roy said sitting down in his chair. "I was thinking a lot about what Ed said to me yesterday, and he was right I have been acting like a ungrateful bastard and I should have never treated like I did last week Riza, to all of you. Sigh. What I'm trying to say that I'm sorry. I am sorry for the way I have treated you all the last few weeks. Will you all forgive me."

All of Roy's subordinates looked at each other and grinned.

"We will if you agree to a few conditions." Havoc said Roy gulped. "What kind of conditions?"

"You have to be Riza's slave for the week, and you have to do everything that she says." Ed said giving him an evil look. Roy looked scared, he knew that Riza was a woman not to be messed with and she was bound to make him do some really embarrassing things.

"And if you fail to follow my orders to the exacted letter, then your punishment will be that you have to walk around HQ wearing a mini skirt singing the happy song." Roy paled whilst everyone in the room laughed.

"So do we have a deal?" Riza said holding out her hand.

"I guess I don't have much of a choice." Roy moaned shaking her hand. "OK you first order is to go and get everyone a coffee."

"I want mine white with two sugars." Havoc said.

"I want a tea please." Said Fuery.

"White no sugar." Said Falman

"I want the same as Havoc." Breada said.

"I'll have mine with cream, two sugars." Riza said.

"And I want mine black, two sugars and can you get me some toast with jam on, I kind of missed breakfast this morning." Ed said a huge grin an his face. Roy wrote down the orders and went to get them whilst everyone else got on with their work.

Riza had Roy running around after them all week and by the end of it he'd had enough.

"Colonel the toilets need to be unclogged again." Breada said walking back into the office.

"That's it I can take this any more, can't you all just forgive me all ready." Roy complained.

"Now now Colonel this was the deal remember, now go in there and unclog that toilet. Oh and whilst your at it could you maybe open a window in there it really stinks." Havoc said sitting at his desk.

"Would you proffer to sing the song in a mini skirt?" Ed asked holding up the said skirt.

"No I would not I would rather that we all just forgot this and went back to work like normal."

"Well I'm sorry Colonel but the week isn't over so you have to do it." Havoc told him.

"No the deal was that I had to do what Hawkeye said and she isn't here." Just then Riza walked into the office.

"Sir the men are complaining that the toilet stinks and that one of toilets is blocked up again." She said sitting down at her desk.

"You know I have got other work to be doing, I'm three days behind on my paperwork."

Roy complained again walking up to Hawkeye's desk, Riza looked up at him.

"That's no different than any other day of the week." She replied, Roy banged his head on her desk.

"Please the General will have my head if I keep being late for my deadlines, haven't I suffered enough?" They all thought about it of a moment before Riza came up with an idea. "OK you want us to stop making you clean toilets?" She asked him, Roy nodded.

"Then all you have to do is one thing and we will all call it even." She said making the Colonel look up.

Fifteen minutes later...

Roy was walking down the corridor wearing a short blue millatery skirt singing the happy song.

"I'm really happy cause there's only one of me, look at my smile. I'm so DANM HAPPY, other people are really jealous of me." He sang whilst everyone on the corridor laughed so hard that they where falling over with cramps. He continued walking down the corridor trying to ignore all the other soldiers laughing at him went he saw General Hakuro and Fuhrer Armstrong walking towards him.

"What the hell Mustang." Hakuro said when he noticed what Roy was wearing. "What are you wearing and why where you singing?" He asked Giving Roy a funny look.

"Well Sir you see me and my men had a little bet and I lost so this was the penalty." Roy said looking away from them.

"I see so you have time to make bets with your men but you don't have time to do your paperwork." The General questioned.

"Well Sir you see..."

"Just leave him General." Armstrong said trying not to giggle, Hakuro saluted her.

"Nice skirt Mustang, it goes with your eyes." She said walking towards Roy making him look like he was going to wet himself. "I want you paperwork finished and on my desk by the end of your shift." She said in her threatening tone. "Or else I'll have you singing in front out the whole of HQ naked." Roy didn't say anything he just saluted her and went running back to his office, get changed and finish of his many piles of paperwork.

In another part of HQ Ed was walking back from the cafeteria , when he heard Riza talking to one of the another female soldiers called Amy Snow.

"So I hear that you and Fullmetal are going out." Amy said to Riza who was putting away files.

"Yeah, he asked me to the party so I went with him." She said concentrating on what she was doing.

"So what's it like? Has he taken you on a really romantic date yet?" Riza sighed "No we haven't had the time, we've been to busy with work." She replied.

"Yeah I heard about him being suspended and what the Colonel made you do last week. If he wasn't so lazy then General Hakuro wouldn't be constantly on his case." Riza stopped a looked at Amy.

"So tell me what's your dream date?" She asked Riza. "I don't really have one." Riza replied going back to her work.

"Oh come on you must have thought about it." Amy said, she saw Riza blush.

"OK, I have thought about it." Riza said her cheeks a tint of pink. "So tell me. Please." Amy asked her.

"All right my dream date would be a romantic picnic by the river, or a candle lit dinner with a beautiful view." Riza told her making Amy squeal like a teenage girl. Riza just ignored her she finished putting the files away and walked back to the office.

Ed quickly hid around the corner and waited for Riza to leave before walking back to the office, giving Amy the thumbs up as he walked by. He walked into Roy's office and went up to his desk.

"Colonel I have a favour to ask." He said sitting down on the couch.

"As you can see Fullmetal I'm a little busy at the moment, because of the little stunt you all made me do I have to sit here and finish of all this work by the end of the day or Armstrong is going to make me do something really unpleasant." Roy said shuddering at the memory.

"It's nothing big I just wondered if you could help me with my plans for a date I'm planning for Riza." Ed said, Roy shook his head.

"And what is it that you wanted my help with?" He asked. "I was wondering if you could arrange for a car to pick Riza up tomorrow night and escort her to the date." Ed said.

"Why don't you just pick her up yourself?" Roy asked getting annoyed, he really didn't want to have to stand naked in front of everyone and sing.

"Because I have something really special planned and I want it to be a surprise." Ed said the Roy. "Please I'll help you finish your paperwork." Ed pleaded, Roy sighed. "OK I will help you if you help me finish my work." Roy said handing Ed a pile of papers. Ed put the papers on the small desk that Riza sometimes sits on if she has to watch the Colonel and put the papers on it. He then went over to Roy's desk again and watched him sign his name before sitting down at the other desk and started reading and signing the papers using Roy's signature. Roy was surprised that Ed was able to copy his signature just by watching him but he did and sat there signing the papers so that the Colonel could help him.

While Ed was helping Roy from certain doom, Riza and the others were trying to think of what to do for Ed's birthday that was coming up in a few weeks.

"Lets take him to a club." Havoc suggested tapping his pen on the desk.

"No it has to been somewhere were Alphonse can go, Ed would be really disappointed if he couldn't go." Riza said polishing her gun. They sat there in silence for a moment when Breada had an idea.

"Hey doesn't the Colonel step mum own a bar?" He said, Riza looked at him yes but like I said Al is under age and won't be aloud in." She said.

"Not if we get the Colonel to ask her, we could just keep an eye on Al to make sure that he doesn't drink." Breada said, Riza thought about it. "OK when Ed goes to take the papers to the Führer's office I'll go in and ask the Colonel if he could ask is mum if she could let us throw the party there." As on queue Ed came walking out of Roy's office with a stack of papers in his hand. As soon as Ed was gone Riza got up and went into Roy's office.

"Colonel, me and everyone in the office has been discussing Ed's up and coming birthday and was wondering if you could do us a favour." Riza asked her commanding officer who dropped his head on his desk. "What is this ask Roy for help day." He said to himself, Riza looked at him puzzled.

"Colonel are you all right?"

"Yes Lieutenant I'm fine, now what is it that I can help you with." He asked her since they was no point in telling her to go away.

"We were trying to decide on where we should have Ed's party, but was having difficultly because most of the places are for people eighteen and over meaning that Alphonse wouldn't be able to come." Riza explained. "Then Breada mentioned that your mum runs a small bar and we where hoping that you could call her and ask if we could throw the party there." She finished, Roy looked up at her.

"When are you throwing the party?"

"Two weeks this tomorrow Sir." She said, he sat there for a moment before answering her.

"OK I will go down there tonight after work and ask her if it is all right." He said, this made Riza really happy, she ran over to him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Sir." She said walking out of the office.

It was the end of Roy's shift and thanks to Ed's help he had managed to get all of the paperwork finished and on Armstrong's desk saving him from having to be embarrassed twice in one day. He came back into his office where he saw Ed tidying up the desk he had used ready for if Hawkeye wanted to use it on Monday. Roy smiled at the boy, if it wasn't for him he would be outside by now naked and singing the happy song in front of everyone, so as promised to pick up his phone and arranged for Riza to be picked up at seven the next evening and told the driver where to meet Ed.

"There you go Ed, like promised Riza will be picked up at seven and will be escorted to where you'll be waiting." He said after he got of the phone, Ed smiled. "Thanks Mustang." He said before butting on his coat and leaving to go and get the rest of his plan ready. Roy waited until Ed had left before he but on his coat and left to go and see his step mum for a favour.

It was Saturday evening and Riza was sat reading a book when she heard someone knock on her door, she saved the page with her book mark and asked the door surprised with what she saw. Stand in front of her was a man in a drivers uniform.

"Are you miss Riza Hawkeye." He asked her, Riza just looked at him confused.

"Yes I am."

"Mister Elric as asked me to ask you to get dressed in one of your beautiful dresses and follow me so that I can escort you to him." He said, Riza was in shock for a few moments before running to her bedroom and got changed into a long blue velvet dress, she but on the necklace that Ed had bought her for their date at the party and put on some matching blue velvet shoes before following the driver to his car. She sat in the back and noticed a blindfold next to her with a note telling her to put it on. She but on the blind fold and so they where on the way to meet Ed.

It took a ten minute drive before they arrived to their destination, the driver opened the car door and helped Riza out of the car and guided her to where Ed was waiting.

Ed sat waiting for his date to arrive when he saw her being guided by the driver., he put his hand telling the man to stop before he handed him some money and dismissing him. He turned and looked at Riza before telling her that she could take of her blindfold. She took it of and gasped at what she saw. In front of her was a white table with candles on it next to a beautiful lake and there where torches placed around to lit up the area giving of a nice warm glow. She turned and looked at Ed who was wearing a full suit and tie set. He handed out his hand and walked her over to the table and helped her with her chair before sitting down and poured them both some wine.

"Ed you did all this?" She asked not believing that her boyfriend had planned all of this on his own. Ed smiled and looked her in the eyes.

"Yes I knew that you wanted to go on a date, but I wanted to make it special, so I asked Major Armstrong if he could help me sent this up and asked Mustang to arrange the driver to pick you up." He said handing her her wine. Riza blushed.

"Do you like it?" He asked her.

"Yes I do, I'm just a little surprised that all, I wasn't expecting all this." She said grabbing his hand. "Thank you, but one question. How did you know that I would like this?" She asked suspiciously.

"Well I heard you and sergeant Snow talking in the filing room yesterday, and heard you say that you would love to have a romantic picnic by the lake or candle lit dinner, so I combined the two." Ed said admitting that he had been eavesdropping on her conversation. Riza gave him a stern look before soften and giving him a kiss. They where interrupted when a woman in a waitresses uniform came over to them and put two plates on the table with fish, potatoes and vegetable on it. Riza looked at her plate before picking up her knife and fork to eat. They sat and ate whilst watching the fireflies dance across the water. When they had finished their plates where taken and a few moments later brought over a bowl of strawberries and chocolate, Ed picked up a strawberry and dipped it in the chocolate before feeding it to Riza.

"This is just wonderful, I still can't believe that you arranged all this in one day." Riza said, Ed just kissed her before feeding her another chocolate covered strawberry. "I love you Riza." He said looking into her dark hazel eyes. "I love you too Ed. He stood up and moved away from the table where he sat down on the river bank with her with the touches keeping them both warm, whilst the waitress and another waiter came over and took the table back to the restaurant across the road that Armstrong had paid to have this specially set up for the two. They sat there for awhile before Ed escorted Riza back to her apartment. "I had a really good time tonight Ed thank you." She said giving him a kiss goodbye, he said goodnight to her before heading home.

A few weeks past since Ed and Riza's date and it was Ed's Eighteenth birthday. Roy had managed to get Madam Christmas to allow the party and was helping her get everything ready before the birthday boy arrived along with Havoc, Breada, Fuery and Falman. Winry and Al was also there and had cooked the party food whilst Roy and his team put up the decorations. Roy went over to the bar to pick up one of the decorations went Hughes and his family came in carrying a cake that Gracia had baked that day, followed by the band that Madam Christmas had bucked for the party.

"Wow haven't you guys been busy." Hughes said putting the cake on one of the tables. Roy grinned at his best friend. "Well it's not everyday when one of my subordinates turns eighteen Maes." Roy said climbing down the ladder, he checked his pocket watch.

"Five forty-five, they should be here soon." Roy said picking up the ladders and putting them in the back and went to help the band set up.

Mean while Ed and Riza walked down the street towards Madam Christmas' bar. "Where are we going?" Ed asked her holding her hand. "You'll see when we get there." Was all she said as she guided him to where his party was being held.

Winry stood near the window looking out for couple, when she saw them coming she gave everyone the signal and turned of the lights before hiding behind the bar.

Riza guided Ed into the bar and shut the door behind them. "Riza what are we doing here?" Ed asked looking around the dark room. Riza turned on the lights causing everyone to jump out of their hiding places. "Happy birthday Ed." They all shouted making Ed jump. He looked around the room and saw that everyone was there.

"Happy Birthday Brother." Al said handing Ed his present. "Thanks Al." Ed opened up and saw that inside was an alchemy book that Ed had been looking for. "Al where did you find this?" He asked looking at the book, Al smiled. "I found it when I went to the south to visit teacher." Al said, Ed but the book on the table that had been left for presents, when he noticed something odd about Al and Winry. He turned around and noticed that they where holding hands.

"Al are you and Winry?" Al nodded. "Yes we are Brother, when you went back to Central to after your visit I took Winry to the tree near are old house and asked her." He said looking at Winry. The band started up and everyone started dancing and eating the party food that Winry and Al had prepared, Ed and Riza went to the bar and bought themselves a drink, watching as his brother and Winry danced.

"I'm so happy for him, no one deserves to be happy more than Al does." Ed said drinking his beer. Riza smiled at him, after everything that the two brothers had been through things had finally come right for them both. They turned went they noticed someone walk through the door.

"Hello Edward, Happy Birthday." Hohenheim said walking up to the bar. "Sorry I'm late had a little trouble with the trains." He said sitting at the bar next to them, they all sat there drinking their drink when Roy signalled the band to stop playing and tapped his glass.

"First may I wish Edward a happy eighteenth birthday." Everyone raised their glasses and wished Ed a happy birthday. "It's hard to believe that it has been six years since he first joined the millatery and my team, though he has been a pain in my ass since that day." Everyone laughed at that comment. "He has always been a good soldier, subordinate and friend. He has been there and helped us all with are battles even though he had his own battles to fight and win." Roy pulls out a piece of paper. "This is why I am happy to say that thanks to your success on your mission a few weeks ago that both you and Hawkeye have both been promoted." Everyone cheered as Roy gave Ed his promotion papers. "Congratulations, from now on you will be Lieutenant Colonel Edward Elric and Captain Riza Hawkeye." Ed and Riza stared at the paper not believing there eyes. Everyone came over to concentrate them when Hohenheim went up to Ed and handed him his birthday present. Ed rip of the rapping paper and opened the box to find a photo album inside.

"I found it at Pinako's house and she said that it would be a good present." Ed didn't say anything in but the book down on the table and gave him a hug.

"Thanks dad." Ed said letting go of his farther. They all danced and drank, until it was time for the cake.

At the end of the party Ed escorted Riza back to her apartment, they got to her doorstep and Riza invited him in for some coffee and to give him his present. He ended up staying there spending his first night with her. It really had been a happy birthday.

Hoped that you enjoyed. Please review. I am writing a third story and hope to put it up soon.