Hola readers

Im new to this but critisim welcome

Disclamer: i do no own pokemon and its charecters

Bold is thoughts


"Hey Drew" may called, Drew smirked " may i know im gorgeous but there's no need to stalke me" *flicks hair* (que fangirl scream *faints*)

Drew waited for may to get mad but she didn't.

" i know i don't, and i'm not i just have a few questions" may smiled leaning in

Drew blushed at their proximidy but hid it well, "s-shot" Drew stumbled with his words.

May looked at him closely but shrugged it off "ok, what's my favorite colour?"

Drew sighed "red"

"correct, what was my first pokemon?"

"Torchic" Drew mentally faced palmed these questions where stupid.

"ok...whats my first name?"

Drew fell over anime style, he got back up and answered "...may"

"whats my surname?"

Drew was really annoyed now these questions where pointless "...maple"

"ok... how do you love?" may raised an eyebrow in curiousity

"may maple" Drew's emerald eyes widened at his slip up.

"r-r-really" may blushed and suddenly found the ground really interesting

"n-no that was a mistake, who would ever fall for a girl like you?" Drew replied as smugly as possible to hide his embaressment.

Only then did Drew notice the tears brimming may's stunning sapphire eyes (try saying that 10 times fast)

"may i'm..." Drew tried to explain but may ran off crying before he got the chance to finish.

Im such an idiot drew thought to himself bitterly as he chased after may


I can't believe he said that the me.. dosn't he know how much this hurs me... I whimpered as i stopped to wipe away my tears when someone tapped me on my shoulder, before i could react i was pulled so I fell into their chest, I heard ragged breathing of someone who had been running, i had a bad feeling about this and when i looked my gut was correct because i looked up to see the grass headed jerk himself.

"what do want grass head?" may hissed, venom dripping from every word, Drew flinched at the fiercness of her words but regained his confidence quickly and held tighter to may because she was starting to struggle. "I'm so sorry may" Drew whispered in a soft pleading tone.

It had stered to rain but neither noticed, the were to busy looking into eachothers eyes. Emerald clashed with sapphire and may had calmed down to the rhythm of Drew's heart beat.(i know cliche right?)

"may i didn't mean anything i said I love you and nothing will ever change that" Drew sated bold but soft.

May stunned but Drew's kind word, but more importantly Drew loved her.

"i love you to drew" may chirped with a shy smile

Drew didn't waste anytime and captured may lips in his own, the stood there in the rain savorying every momment. After was seemed like an eternity the broke apart for air smiling while taking deep breathes.

"well we better go inside i don't want my girlfriend to get a cold" Drew smirked, may was suprised for a second but the the replied "same for my boyfriend"

They both intertwined hands and ran home.

When they both reached may's house they shared one last kiss and when they broke apart Drew looked at her softly, hugged her and whispered "feel free to ask my questions anytime".

Clover123ie: awww wasnt that so sweet!

May: yeah it was but drew was occ

Drew: yeah i was i would never do any of that

May:so... you'll stop smirking and flicking your hair

Drew: as I was saying i would never do most of that

Dawn: that is such a good fanfic

Drew, May, Clover:O.o where did you come from?

Dawn: thats my secret... and pauls

Sorry if it was to occ for some peoples liking but please review