He drove me to his house, wanting more time with me. We just kept silent as we went inside his mansion, our hands held together.

I wonder what he was thinking… it was already past 8 in the evening and I was sure that he called my parents that I couldn't make it home tonight.

I wanted to play with Rui tonight, have fun for a while.

We went to the kitchen and I helped him prepare dinner. After eating, we went upstairs to his room.

"Don't you have tests?" I asked suddenly.

He shook his head and smiled. "We're done."

Rui walked towards the windowsill and sat down, his mind off to somewhere again.

"What are you thinking?" I sat next to him. I lifted my hand and held his face.

"Well…" he breathed. "I was thinking…since Yuki and Soujiroh…"

"What about?" I continued.

"Since they're getting married soon, I was thinking about... you know," he hesitated at first and looked into my eyes. "…About you and me. Someday."

"Is that where you're getting at?" I laughed softly. "You know my answer, Rui."

His eyes lit up but his mood suddenly shifted. "Well, is that a yes?" he joked.

"Forever and always." I agreed. He got up suddenly and before I knew it, he was twirling me in the air.

"Stop it!" I laughed. He just proposed to me…I got caught up in his mood in an instant, pure happiness.

He set me down on my feet, still grinning widely, his eyes gleaming with victory. "I'll buy you a ring soon," he promised. He lifted up our entwined hands and brushed my cheeks.


After, going to the bathroom to wash, I put on my nightclothes. Rui bought some for me because I often sleep over his house. He was also giving me my own room but I told him it wasn't necessary.

I found him sitting on the couch, watching late night TV. I sat down next to him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Do you even know me, Makino?" he said, not looking away from the TV.

"Hmm?" I was already tired.

"I mean, I know you know me too much…but my family…do you know about it?" he stared at the picture frames on top of his study table, it was some pictures of his family. Honestly speaking, I don't really know who his family was. I've never met them… I've already met the family of Akira-san and Soujiroh-san. Not to mention Domyouji's evil mother.

All that I know about Rui was that his family owns the biggest trading firms in Japan and he is the grandson of the late president. He lives alone in the big Hanazawa mansion and I don't know if he works at their company.

"Umm…" I managed to answer. I was caught up in my thoughts. "All I know is that you're the grandson of the president and your family owns the biggest trading firms in all of Japan..." I mumbled in his chest.

"That's slightly correct." He chuckled and hugged me closer to him. "I'm actually the only child of my parents. They are the CEO's of the company…" he started his story.

"The president…well, he's my grandfather. The father of my mom…"

"Why don't they live with you?" I asked.

"They live in Kyoto. We actually own lots of houses around the world. That's why I'm the most shy among the F4. I've been traveling all my life. It was only when I reached high school that my parents got me settled here in Japan." He replied.

"Do you see them more often?" I asked again.

"Well, my parents are always busy. But I always visit them when they're unoccupied…" I listened willingly.

"You miss them…" I murmured.

"I'm always lonely, Makino. Unless I'm with F4 or you." he replied smoothly. "So it doesn't make any difference."

I just nodded. I was fighting sleep to overcome me. "You're tired." He whispered and touched the shadow beneath my eye. He noticed.

"Yup." I laughed. "It was a long day… I cried the whole morning…"


"I…" I couldn't finish. "I was confused…I didn't want to turn down Domyouji but my heart was telling me to do it."

"Arigato~" he whispered, his eyes grew soft.

"For what?" I pressed.

"For, well, choosing me." He whispered.

I didn't reply anymore…not knowing what to answer.

He lifted my chin up to kiss me. I didn't resist. He ruffled my hair involuntarily, making him more eager to kiss me.

"You're in the mood for this so late at night?" I said through our lips.

He just grinned and dragged me towards the bed. As soon as I was lying down beneath him, he whispered in my ear, "Since you're so tired that I can't even make you stay up, might as well do this to you." he smirked.

"Yah!" I protested.

"Don't worry, I won't do what you're thinking about…it's too early for that." He laughed. "Since I proposed to you, I'll shower you with kisses tonight."

He didn't give me a chance to answer back. He kissed me again for a moment and he rolled over next to me. I decided to play along and sat up on the bed.

"Rui," I cooed my voice all sweet. His breathing was ragged, good timing.

"Eh?" he breathed.

"Sit down on your hands. No cheating, okay?" I winked. "You're not allowed to touch me. Once you cheat, well…I'll think of a consequence." I laughed.

He followed me, not asking what I was doing.

I faced him and kneeled down. "No cheating, okay?" I played along. "Now, don't move."

I kissed his jaw, moving along his nose, then his lips. I giggled because he couldn't move; his hands were tied down on him. I was sure that he wanted to pin me down again on the bed.

"This is not a good idea," he whispered playfully.

I kissed his lips, making our breathing ragged altogether. "Play along, okay?" I laughed again.

"I'll try." He chuckled. I began to untie his necktie, I wasn't really planning to remove his clothes, just wanted to tease him; which made him surprised. He was about to talk but I kissed him again, making him frozen on the bed.

I was still not finish with the kiss but he suddenly grabbed me, his arms moving now. "Hey!" I protested. "I told you no cheating!" He laughed quietly.

"Sorry…" he whispered in my ear. "You know I wouldn't let you do that." He laughed and pushed me down again on the bed.

"Cheater." I stuck my tongue out at him. He grinned, "Now…it's your turn."

"Hey!" I laughed.

He suddenly pinned me on the bed, making me unable to move. A seductive, yet playful look was in his eyes. He gave me another long kiss, making both of us agape and gasping in for some air. He didn't stop there; he moved towards my neck and collar bone…planting sweet, soft kisses on the way. I forgot all about myself being tired and sleepy. I was suddenly into a playful mood.

My head began to spin like crazy once he pulled up again and put his lips against mine. He smirked, happy that he was winning. He groaned and began to swiftly remove his tie, then his white shirt beneath it. His hands were everywhere, on my face, my neck, my hair, and then repeating all over again. Heat was radiating off from both of us. I was really in need of air because I never thought that he would do this; especially so late at night.

Without breaking the kiss, he moved his hands towards my t-shirt, making me all taken aback. He let his hands under my t-shirt and was about to tear it off… going higher… and higher…and stopped.

He pulled out from the kiss and laughed when his chest was now out in the open. He sat up on the bed next to me and ruffled his bronze-tousled hair. I looked at him, puzzled.

"You really thought I was going to go that far, didn't you?" he smirked. I stared at him with my mouth hanging open; he returned his revenge to me through letting me thinking he was gonna keep me awake all night! Roars of laughter escaped through me and the bed shook.

"Sleepy yet?" he ruffled my hair and winked.

"I'm all awake now!" I complained. I moved closer to him and hugged him.

"You should've seen the look on your face!" he laughed. "You really thought I was gonna finish it!"

I didn't answer. Embarrassment flooded through me.

"Gome-ne, Makino." He kissed my hair. "You started it." He chuckled.

"Hey!" I wailed, wanting another kiss.

He kissed me on my cheek, still not enough to satisfy me. "Ai-shiteru~" (ILY) He said softly. "Now let's sleep…we have a big day tomorrow."


"You'll know tomorrow." He winked. "It's a surprise for my bride-to-be."

My face lit up with what he said. "I think you forgot you have no shirt on…" I said coyly.

"No, I didn't." he disagreed. "It's the middle of spring, and it's so hot…I'll sleep with no shirt on."

I raised an eyebrow. "You might catch a cold."

He rolled his eyes. "Oh please, this comforter's a lot thicker than you think it is. Did you forget whose bed this is?" he smirked playfully. "Now, come on, let's sleep. I'm tired already."

"Hai~" I replied and lay down.

"Oh, wait, Be right back." He sat up and went to the bathroom.

Continue or not? =)

tell me whatya think ;;)
