A/N I have always thought that Allen Ball made a terrible mistake killing off Godric.

This is what I think should have happened. I am going to try and follow the seasons as close as possible even with the changes I have made. Thanks for all the reviews and story follows it's super flattering- keep em coming : )

Chapter 18

The first thing I noticed when I woke this night was Sookie. Her tantalizing smell coupled with the feel of her body still enveloping mine snugly. I could hear her softly snoring as she was still laying on my chest one arm held close her body, hand resting just over where my heart should beat. Her taste still on my tongue, I opened my eyes and I could see her blond hair was swept to one side away from her face, which was pressed into my neck. She looked so peaceful and content.

Not wanting to wake her, I kept my movements slow though I could not keep my arms from tightening slightly hugging her closer to me. I stroked her back and hair smoothing it gently tangled as it was from last night. I could feel her come awake slowly through the bond, and through her waking bodies movements, which caused immediate reactions in mine. My fangs descended with an audible snick as her body tensed and she snuggled closer still.

She moaned and her inner-walls clamped down and released, my hips moved in response and her eyes opened. Her beautiful blue eyes stared deep into my own as our bodies began to move against one another. I moved my hands down to her hips and soon I was slowly sliding in and out of her while she kissed and bit at my neck and chest. She traced along my tattoos with her tongue delicately and oh so torturously slow.

Her lips finally found mine and I was lost in the feel of our tongues sliding against one another exploring, tasting each other. As her tongue explored my fangs I quickened the pace of our joining. She moaned into my mouth as I sucked on the wound she made when she slowly pressed her tongue into the sharp point of my fang. As soon as the wound healed she sat up changing the angle at which I was thrusting into her and giving me a perfect view of her breasts. I thought I would explode when she leant back a little more and her hands rose to her breasts and she began to massage them and tweak her own nipples. I fought to not crush her as I held her by her hips and pounded into her from below.

Her eyes began to roll back and flutter as her inner-walls spasmed, I let her slow her pace and as she lowered her body to lay against mine I flipped us and gathered her legs bringing her knees together and over one shoulder. Pounding into her tight slick cunt faster, harder as she screamed and pleaded for another release. We both came loudly, lights flashing behind my eyes. I let my grip on her legs relax and curled in behind her and gathered her body close into mine.

We lay still for seemly hours just listening to her breathe and waiting for coherence to return to our brains and mobility to our bodies.

"Morning..." she giggled and turned to face me.

"Morning," I kissed her, "Ma Petite." Kiss. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mmmhmm," she snuggled into me and wrapped her arms around my back.

"Did you sleep all day?" I asked her.

"Nope, I came back to bed a couple of hours ago."

"Did you now?"

"Yup," she popped the last letter. I couldn't resist kissing her teasing and sarcastic little mouth until she was breathless and panting.

"I guess we should get up eventually," I said, although it wasn't really a question and I certainly wouldn't mind staying right here for the next several nights.

"We really should - I have lots to show you - you'll never guess what happened while you were dead to the world in here all day!" Sookie said playfully.

"Really? I don't suppose you'll elaborate any further?"

"Nope" My little sarcastic minx responded again popping her last syllable.

"I bet I could convince you, little minx. I would simply need to..." I pinned her and began tickling her mercilessly.

"Ahhhh, no stop... Ahhh" Sookie was giggling and squirming erratically trying unsuccessfully to get loose.

"Well my little minx, do you cede to me? Will you reveal your surprise?"

"Never!" She squealed in between violent peals of laughter. I redoubled my efforts and soon she cried out "Uncle! Uncle! Oh my god... Godric please stop your gonna make me pee." She continued to giggle even though I slowed as soon as she started to acquiesce to my demands.

"And so? What is so interesting that couldn't wait until the sun had set to happen?"

"I had a visitor."

"A visitor? We warded the property and no one knows you are here?"

"We didn't ward against this type of visitor. She warded it against subsequent unwanted visits by her kind and any other which really is very useful."

"Her kind?"

"Yes my visitor was my mother: Hera. She gifted us with a magical training program. It's insane! Magical simulations that auto regenerate and we can run through different scenarios."

I was a little stunned, a lot worried and just a smidgen jealous at her revelation.

"Sookie, your certain? Devine beings can be very vague and convoluted in their speech."

"Well she certainly wasn't very forth coming with very many answers, although she did tell me I was of her and thus she wanted to gift me something that would help prepare me for the trials we will face in the future."

"What else did she say? Anything could be very helpful."

"It's all kind of fuzzy, she seemed to impart knowledge and power with a simple touch. The power I felt from her was awesome it flowed from her in waves. And I noticed this after she left, this is where she touched me." She twisted her spine to show me her shoulder blade, there where last night was nothing but clear smooth skin the likeness of a peacock was clearly visible. I don't know how I could have missed this earlier.

"It's beautiful, Ma Petite. You know I have something similar, they signify my heritage to those who know how to interpret them. These marks can be kept from prying eyes as they are magical and therefore invisible unless the bearer wishes them to be seen." I released her and sat up in the bed and turned so that my back was to Sookie and let all of my marks and tattoos show. She quickly drew in a breath and her hands began to trace the newly visible artwork. I slowly turned as there were more still on my chest and all down my arms. My marks not only spoke of my ancestry and lineage, but also my history, my past each had a story some of which I had no desire to relive or retell.

"You are so beautiful." Sookie said so softly if I weren't Vampire I wouldn't have been able to hear it. Her eyes finally met my own and the love and acceptance I saw there floored me. I was speechless. She continued to explore and I could feel her curiosity though she kept her questions to herself, I knew that I would need to explain as best as I could one of these days and soon.

"I feel like there is so much I don't know - about you - about everything really. I have been living under false pretences for my entire life. I thought I was the only one that was different, this telepathic curse of mine made me an outcast, a freak." A wave of loneliness rolled over me, pouring out of her as she spoke.

"Sookie there is so much to tell you. I am sorry you grew up alone with no supernatural family to teach you, to nurture your gifts, to remind you that you are far from an outcast freak. You are descendant from the Goddess Hera and one of the Royal Brigant Faery line which makes you royalty for sure and most likely one of the most powerful beings born during my time." My words seemed to have the desired effect and Sookie seemed to pull herself up straighter and her emotions changed drastically.

"Lets get up and get ready I want to show you the training program." She took my hands and we got up and walked into the bathroom and straight into the shower. "Should we share the training program with the others right away?" Sookie asked as I adjusted the water temperature and quickly wet my own hair and moved aside letting her under the spray.

"I think you and I could use some time alone and we can always invite them to see it later." I told her as I watched the water run down her body.

"Sounds good sweetie." We showered quickly; we were a little anxious, nervous and excited like little children on the night before Christmas. We both dressed in comfortable jeans and T's, which was fast becoming our uniform of choice. Sookie pulled her wet hair up with a clip, then smoothed some sort of crème onto her face, neck, hands and elbows.

Sookie turned on the lights as we went and began bustling about the kitchen. I sat at what was quickly becoming my usual seat: a bar stool at the kitchen island. She seemed so at home puttering around, the house suddenly felt like a home with her here. The last home that felt this way was my mothers in Faery. It was large and full of siblings and extended family, there was always something cooking: the house always smelt like fresh bread and baked goods.

"Good evening," Eric said as he sauntered into the kitchen breaking me out of my daydream and startling Sookie into throwing the ingredient in her hands into the air.

"Ahhhrrrggg, Jesus don't do that! Eric you scared the crap out of me." Jessica was right behind Eric and she rushed into the kitchen and bent to help Sookie pick up the scattered pieces of pasta from the bag that burst when it fell to the floor. Pam perched herself on the stool next to mine and proceeded to watch Sookie and the baby Vampire. Eric stood still watching, seemingly pleased with the results of his entrance.

Sookie and Jessica soon had everything picked up and Sookie went back to her meal prep and Jessica warmed the rest of us a royalty blended in the microwave. Sookie was making something that seemed to require constant attention and had her back to the lot of us while we all quickly downed our blood.

"Oh my gosh are you making chicken, penne Alfredo Sookie?" Jessica asked in a jealous and almost whimsical tone of voice. "That was always my favourite dinner that my mom made."

"Yes I am and it's one of mine too. I just couldn't resist since I happened to have the ingredients and all." Sookie told her as she strained the pasta, and quickly tossed everything into a large bowl. She leaned against the counter and began to eat, getting more and more self conscious under our stares.

"Eric what are your plans this evening?" I asked to divert attention away from Sookie.

"Pam and I are needed at the club for at least part of the night." Eric replied though he didn't take his eyes off Sookie.

"Sookie has a surprise which we would like to share with you later maybe after you get home then?"

"More surprises Godric?" Pam turned and faced me with wide eyes.

"Yes well it's not for me to share, in fact I have yet to see it for myself. Sookie is being quite tight lipped aren't you Ma Petite." I teased her.

Sookie cleared her throat, "It's a good surprise really, and you'll all love it I'm sure." Sookie finished her dinner and started to clean up the dishes.

"Eric can you take Jess with you tonight." Sookie asked Eric reminding me again why I agreed to become her adoptive Maker.

"Yes of course, it would be good for her to have some live blood again yes?" Eric agreed easily enough and Jessica seemed quite happy to go along with them to Fangtasia again.

"She still needs to be supervised, though she did marvelously the last time albeit a little on the messy side." I winked at Jessica who would have blushed if she could.

"Don't worry we will take good care of the baby Vamp, won't we Master?" Pamela seemed to be warming to the idea of Jessica now that Bill was gone.

"Why don't you two go get ready, and I will see you later I have area paper work to deal with." Eric bowed his head in my direction and smirked at Sookie then he was gone just as suddenly as he had appeared. I couldn't resist shaking my head and smiling after him. Pam and Jessica went back upstairs telling us that they would see us later.

Sookie held her hand out to me, "Are you ready?"

"Yes, lead on Ma Petite." We made our way back out the sliding door and into the backyard. Sookie kept a hold on my hand and we walked silently side by side into the forest. I was trying to keep my expectations under control not knowing was starting to eat at me. Also thinking about all the things about the sup world that I needed to teach Sookie about. Soon the air started to feel different thicker more magical almost pungent with possibilities.

"We're here." Sookie said simply as she stopped walking and faced me. I looked around and dropped into my faery aspect and let my senses explode. I took in the magical training center Hera had gifted my Sookie with each of my senses including my spark one by one. It was beautiful and very impressive indescribable really. We were able to setup any scenario, terrain, weather, intensity, length everything was customizable. Even props like weapons, magical ingredients, texts everything was made available like some sort of virtual reality video game.

"Wow Sookie this is incredible." I told her truthfully in awe of the possibilities.

"I know right its totally amazing, when we talked about this last night I could never have dreamt this was possible in a million years." Sookie was practically jumping up and down clapping her hands together.

"You know this will make teaching you about the supernatural world so much easier, this way I can show you instead of merely telling you. For example this is the last supernatural council, each member was the leader of their race." I used the program for lack of a better word to conjure a likeness of the last supernatural council many of whom are still alive and lead their people still. I was able to bring each into focus at will.

The seven members were: the Ancient Pythoness (Vampire), Niall Brigant (Faery), Alex (Daemon), Olin (Elemental), Radinka (Britlingen), Macha (Warlock/Witch), Morgan Son of Gunther (Two-Natured).

"I have mentioned the supernatural council well these were the last members, some are still alive, some of course are not. This is the Ancient Pythoness; she is the absolute authority in the vampire world. She was the oracle of Delphi the original oracle that Alexander the Great consulted, the Vampires of her time turned her so as to not lose her gift. She is surrounded by her hand maidens and presides over trials within our legal system."

"So she is part of the Authority?" Sookie asked quietly still staring intently at the apparition before us.

"Well yes and no, these days the Authority sees her as a figure head." I let her absorb the new information before going on to the next.

"Niall Brigant whom you have met, he is Crown Prince of Faery. Only a female of royal blood may take the title Queen and there have been none since the last Queen perished more than three thousand years ago. Faery has been in constant civil war since then with no clear heir, and thus each prince, princess vie for the thrown. Niall has held sway over Faery for centuries ever since the last great war."

"Wow, that makes me wonder why my Grand Father seemingly hid me all my life." Sookie said almost to herself. It was a statement that bore reflection, but I wanted to keep the lesson going.

"This is Alex he is the ruler of Daemon which I'm told is similar to Faery although the creatures are different. The Fae and Dae while similar have many differences and mostly keep to themselves. I am unsure of his abilities or weaknesses in truth but I do know that he has ruled Daemon for over six thousand years with very little conflict." Alex is quite a large man well over six feet tall (think Cole from Charmed).

"Why does his appearance change like that?"

"One is more humanoid and the other is his Daemon aspect."

"Oh wow, that's pretty cool."

"Olin is the King of the Elementals, I know almost nothing about their race they keep mostly to themselves and hardly visit the human realm especially now." Olin is a wispy looking thin being almost transparent in appearance.

"Why especially now?"

"As the environment deteriorates the vast majority of supernatural beings can no longer exist here."


"Next is Radinka she was the emissary from the Britlingen plane, Macha was selected to represent the Warlocks and Witches and Morgan Son of Gunther the Two-Natured. All of them have long since passed, but they are sure to have contemporaries somewhere."

"Wow everyone looks so formidable and powerful."

"That is a general requirement for a seat at the table yes." I joking told her.

"Thank you for showing me this Godric, I'm sure there is so much more and your right this thing is going to make learning all about the supernatural world so much easier."

"I know I have mentioned some of the Vampire Hierarchy, Sheriff's, Kings and Queens." I reach out and magically create a map of the Western Hemisphere with the current (wow that's useful) territory lines. "This map shows the territories." I focus the map in closer on our position and the lines and names of those responsible become much more clear. Its as if the map is an extension of my mind although its knowledge is vaster.

"As you can see here the Kingdom lines mostly follow the state lines although some of the more populous states are split into several Kingdoms. And within each are the Sheriff's fiefdoms which now a days we refer to simply as areas."

"Your area in Texas shares a border with Eric's here in Louisiana."

"Yes we were lucky to find neighbouring Kingdoms to settle in when we came to this continent: none of the monarchs would allow us both."

"Why not? Do they really have that much power over you?"

"To answer your first question, we are older than most Vampires and as Maker and Childe together... Well truthfully most were afraid that we would overthrow them. However even the amount of paperwork involved in being a Sheriff is enough to turn us both off of any more responsibility. And as for the later, each Sheriff pledges fealty to their Regent and each Vampire in a Sheriff's area pledges fealty to their Sheriff. This is both a pledge of loyalty and a financial oath."

"So for the most part each Kingdom is ruled autonomously as the King or Queen see's fit?"

"Yes Ma Petite quite correct, there are of course laws and rules that all Vampire including Royalty must obey and this is why there is the Council or the Authority which is used for inter territory disputes." I focus on the map and add another layer of complexity.

"This shows the formal alliances between monarchs, marriage contracts are valid for one hundred years and can take months or years to negotiate. There are other less formal alliances and of course many that are only verbal."

"It seems those still in negotiations are in red and those that are in effect are blue."

"Yes and we can see here that Louisiana is in negotiations with Arkansas, Mississippi and Florida. I am sure that can be attributed to Sophie Anne's sever lack of funds and her inability to curb her spending." Sookie seemed fascinated by the map. "Here why don't you take control and manipulate it as you wish and explore the different Kingdoms for a bit." Sookie started to explore and I stood back to watch her, she seemed to use her whole being, flicking through with a gesture of her wrist and alternating between perspectives with a glance. She carefully studied the map as a whole and then went from Kingdom to Kingdom, Area to Area and took a quick look at each monarch and Sheriff.

"What are these other boundary line here, here and here?" As she asked aloud the map responded and showed the four clans each represented by a symbol: the Whale, the Feather, the Thunder Bolt and the Eye.

"Ahh these are the four clans that each Kingdom is a member of. The whale is the symbol for the Moshup Clan, the feather Amun, Thunder bolt symbolizes the Zeus clan and the eye represents Narayana Clan."

"What is the clans purpose?"

"Well on a semi frequent basis there are clan meetings called summits to which each Kingdom sends representatives. These summits are where inter Kingdom issues are dealt with and deals are negotiated. I suppose it is similar to human conferences in many ways other than the legal and more ceremonial aspects."

"Even though your area's border on one another you are also along the clan border does this mean that you went to different summits?"

"This was yet another comfort for our Regents, not only being in separate Kingdoms but Clans as well."

"Now that you're living here won't there be issues?" I take a moment and look into her eyes and then offer her my hand and when she puts hers in mine I pull her into my body and lower us to the ground with her on my lap.

"Ma Petite I was raised to believe in fate and destiny being the son of Hades and a powerful fire Faery family. The changes that are happening around us and the very fact that we have met in the midst of all this upheaval bears notice. Vampires are only out in the open a couple of years now, and it stands to reason that the other races especially the Two-Natured would like to follow. With Vampire out in the open the human realm is a vastly different place than it has been in thousands of centuries."

"Well that certainly warrants a lot of thought."

"And I believe that we have time to become accustomed to our future roles at the very least prepare and hone our skills, and to make our plans." We take a few moments deep in our own thoughts, until I can feel that Eric, Pam and I assume Jessica have returned from Fangtasia. "Ma Petite the others are back, should we go and get them and see if we can't figure out the battle training modes."

"Wuu that sounds like fun, oh but let's pop home I think I figured out how to after last night."


"Yup, hold on tight!"

Eric attempted to hide that our sudden appearance had startled him as much as he had Sookie earlier. I couldn't hold my laugher anymore and soon we were both doubled over gasping for air.

"Got Cha! Eric you should have seen the look on your face! Ha."

"We thought that you would like to join us for the aforementioned surprise, if you will follow us please." I spoke before Eric's pride could get the better of him and he lashed out at my beloved. I casually draped my arm over her shoulder as we led them out the back and through the forest. Again Sookie was quiet and as soon as we reached the spot she stopped and turned to face the rest of our nest.

"We are here." They all looked around, Jessica was completely bewildered, and Pam was curious and was looking around attempting to discover the surprise. Eric on the other hand was old enough to feel the magic present.

"What is this?" Eric asked us. I let Sookie explain, as it was hers to do so.

"I received a gift from my Mother earlier this afternoon, she gifted me a magical training program." I can't help but notice that the moment that we returned to this area both our sparks ignited and shone brightly.

"What can you each discern from this? Are you able to sense it, access it?" I ask.

"I can feel that this area is heavy with magic and it feels intense, but I don't think that I know how to access it." Eric explains.

"I can feel that there is something different and I suppose magical is the correct term, but other than that nothing." Pam adds her own experience.

"I don't sense anything out of the ordinary." Jessica says clearly a little put out to be the only one who cannot sense anything.

"Sookie why don't you bring up the map that we were discussing earlier I believe Jessica most likely has not learnt about this before." Sookie immediately brought the map to life and each of our guests gasped at its appearance. "Go ahead dear one."

"The program responds to whatever commands that we give it and can show us many things. This is a map of the Vampire hierarchy, all I have to do is focus on or think about different aspects and the map changes to show more details or other relationships." She started with the big picture and slowly narrowed the focus.

"Jessica maybe now that Sookie has enabled it can you try to interact with it, try and move around and examine different areas for example." Jessica stepped forward and seemed to treat it like a giant computerized white board; soon she was zooming around giggling at how quickly it responded. Both Pam and Eric of course knew most of this subject having lived here for a couple of centuries and so they stood back seemingly disinterested but inwardly reeling yet again.

"Oh my gosh this is so much easier to follow, Pam tried to tell me about this stuff when I was first made but it just went in one ear and right out the other." Jessica gushed still giggling.

"This program has within it all known supernatural beings, weapons, texts, spells, legends the user simply has to navigate. It purpose is to train and so we are able to conger simulations with any variations that we can think of." I take control and create a replica of Fangtasia complete with Vampire and human employee and patrons, and then I add an ambush by both Sophie Anne and Russell. Eric and Pam hiss as they burst through the door. I have decided to make this a scenario where they use political force and so the simulated Vampires walk right up to us and begin to speak.