Disclaimer: Vampire knight belongs to Hino Matsuri, but this plot is completely mine! Though I will be using some scenes from the Manga, after I scan through them, but expect some lines they say to be the same or some kind of scene.

Summary: She hated it, she hated the fact that she needs it, that she cannot go on without it. She hates the fact that that she needed the thing that changed her, but most of all, she hates the fact that she cannot hate him.

Alright people, so I have no idea why I'm writing this, but whatever. All you have to know is that I have not been reading the manga and that I only watched the Anime. So this is completely AU! Of course there will be facts about the manga and stuff, but I will play with them as I like.

Warnings: KanaFemZero, OCC's, AU, HUGE twist with Zero and Ichiru's GENDER! Yuuki is NOT a pureblood vampire, or a vampire at all! AND I really don't like Yuuki that much, so don't expect kindness towards her from my part.

This Red Thread of Blood

Chapter 1:


Blood is the essence of her existence to live.

Blood is the disgusting thing that pumped her heart and is too sweet to resist.

Blood is the red liquid that changed her.

Blood is her doom.

Blood is her hatred for all vampires.

Blood is her only way to stay sane.

Blood hates her since she cannot take just any blood.

She needs the red, dense liquid just like a human, but she needs it as a vampire as well. The sweet fragrance she hates to love; it intoxicates her to her core. The hate she has for it is no match for the love she has, the dilemma she gotten herself into.

All for blood.

Why? Why could she not just take those stupid tablets? Why couldn't she just forget it? Why was she carving blood like a wild animal? She had no idea, but she could not care in the least. All she wanted was for it to stop.

Kiryu Zero was a troubled young woman. She was an ex-human, yet a vampire huntress, but she was a vampire. Zero sighed as she made her way to the moon dorm; it was almost time for the switch between the dorms and school for the vampires. She let the wind blow her short silver hair and heard the loud and deep cling from the metal doors. She stopped, hidden behind the crazy girls that had no idea who really walked down the path to school.

Her heart skipped a beat and she glared, her eyes landed on the tall brunet that made her life hell. Screams erupted all around and she rolled her eyes, Aido greeted the girls cheerfully and everyone pushed. Zero watched as Yuuki got pushed to the ground, she hurried to her side but Kaname was already there. Her heart clenched as she saw the gentleness directed at her adoptive sister's way, and she glared more.

Yuuki was up and flushed; the vampire laughed as he too got up and exchanged a few words with her. He placed his hand on top of her head, "No need to worry," she heard his smooth voice tell her. The silverette narrowed her eyes as she grabbed him by the wrist, she yanked his hand off and glared her best at him.

Kaname's brown-red eyes met hard lavender orbs, he blinked as her smooth but hard voice said, "Class is starting… Kuran," to him.

The brunet smiled as he jerked his hand away, "Scary, Prefect-sama ," he said as he walked off with the other vampires.

Zero narrowed her eyes as she saw him walk away, "I don't care how much you suck up to Kuran, but remember the rules," she said as she turned to look at the girl. She was seven inches taller than Yuuki, so she had to look down at her.

The brunette blushed, "I-I know! They're different, you don't have to tell me," she pouted.

Zero nodded, she knew better than anyone how different they were, especially Kuran Kaname. They were not only vampires but nobles, and to top it all, Kaname was the only Pureblood there. She turned slowly with a deadly glare, "Brats! Get back to your dorm now! I can't believe I have to listen to all of you scream every night!" she yelled at them. The other girls ran scared as those cold lavender eyes landed on them, and all escaped in seconds.

Yuuki hit her, "Always late! You're as useless as ever!" she told her.

The silverette growled, "Looks who's talking, getting pushed like a rag doll, shrimp," she told her as her hand rested on top of the younger's head to prevent her from hitting more. Yuuki blushed with anger.

"Who are you calling shrimp!" she yelled.

"Sorry, shorty, but have you look in the mirror lately?" she smirked down at her, the brunette growled and stuck out her tongue. She shook her head and started to make her way to the chairman's office.

Zero glared at her foster father, "Once again, this is ridiculous!" she hissed, glaring at Cross Kaien.

"Zero-chan, calm down," he told her.

The silverette glared more, "Stop calling me that! And how do you expect us to hold down all those damn girls with just the two of us, huh? Do you know how difficult it is with shorty here?" she asked, earning a 'Hey!' from Yuuki and a sigh from the chairman.

"I know it's difficult, but you two are the only ones I trust to do this," he stated. The light brunet smiled, "Plus, with the long and sleepless nights, no one would take the job. I know my two lovely daughters can do this and won't let me down," he finished before Zero hit the desk and cracked it, she looked at him from under her bangs, which made her even more of a deadly beauty.

"Since when did I become your daughter? I know you took care of me, but that never happened," she growled.

Kaien shrugged, "Calm down, I know you're obsessed with details, it's such a pain," he said lightly.

The huntress sighed, and looked at Yuuki, "Don't you have something to say? You're more his kid than I am," she said, then she knew she had to go as the other girl rubbed the back of her neck bashfully.

"Well, as long as I can help, I'm happy! Plus, the night students are behaving," she said and Zero turned around just as the ex-hunter started his rambling about education, balance and who knows what else.

"I'm going patrolling," she said.


Zero walked to school with a distant gaze, the night breeze spread her scent all over, and she closed her eyes before looking up at the moon. Her mind went back to a tall, handsome, Pureblood vampire. She clenched her hands into fists and furrowed her brows with anger; she hated it because she couldn't hate it or him. She tried and tried to fool herself, but it never worked. She could fool the world, she could fool Yuuki and she could fool the chairman, but she could not fool her heart, she could not lie to it.

The silverette was just glad that Kaname bought her hate game for him. Even if a Pureblood ruined her life, she could not hate Kaname even though he was one himself. She wished she could, but every time she looked into his eyes, she felt something burst into her heart. She didn't know when or why, but she fell in love with the vampire. The girl shook her head and bit her lip hard, sinking her fang into her bottom lips and drawing blood. The girl hissed and quickly licked it away.

Kiryu glared at the ground as she finally reached the school grounds. She took a deep breath and went to her usual spot where she could gaze at him from afar, where he could not see her or know it was her. She would have to wait until Yuuki got there to allow freedom to her feelings for the vampire. Thankfully, a few minutes later, the brunette reached the roof and looked at Kaname dreamily. The pang in her heart was something she still hasn't gotten used to, but she sighed and looked at the Pureblood.

Zero's eyes soften drastically, a light and pureness reached the depths of her lavender eyes, and she freed her love to him for a few seconds. She watched him listen to the lecture calmly and worked easily. She loved the way he sighed and ran his hand through his wild brown hair, and then start to write something down. She closed her eyes, and when she opened them once more, they were hard and cold. She hopped off of the tree she was at, making it look like she just got there, and walked over to Yuuki slowly, taking a few more seconds than necessary, "I'll go watch over the other side, don't drool too much over the vampire," she said and left before Yuuki could hit her.

She smirked and let her eyes soften just a bit for her, she waved once and left the rooftop. Zero walked around campus and found a few day-class female students trying to sneak in, but one glare from her, and they ran back their dorms. The silverette sighed and looked towards the building; she quickly looked away and ran to watch another class and see if anyone was out for the night.

Review! And tell me what you guys think! ;D