Author's notes: Long awaited chapter. I used Kimblee's memorys of Ishval to write out what happened. The chapter may seem short but thats because I cut a large part of it, a part of it which is a gift for my partner and I feel more comfortable posting those kinds of things on my Y!Gallery account. So if you would like to read the "Full" version please head over to my Y!Gallery account. Its only new because I didn't have anywhere else to post this kind of thing. Please Enjoy! :D (Y!Gallery account is under the same name. )

Ishval- 1905.

Chapter 6: The seven deadly sins.

"And some have such potential." the homunculus commented, standing to walk along side of its alchemist companion through the bloodshed and carnage. "I had my eye on one particular" it added looking up to the alchemist as he glanced down. "And whom might that be?" he asked most curiously. "Roy Mustang, tell me about him." it demanded simply- earning a chuckle from the crimson alchemist. "We're not exactly friends." he said, becoming more interested in Envy's apparent interest in the young flame alchemist. "You get to see him more then I do- you also get to interact with him; tell me what he's like." the jealous sin said eyeing the taller of them over as he fell silent with thought. "Well, I don't think he would be one you could persuade into joining you, if thats what you're thinking." he said, noticing the homunculus frown. "What makes you say that, Kimblee?" it asked "He cares too much for his fellow man." the alchemist said, just as simply as the homunculus scowled "Typical."

Kimblee gave a smirk, allowing Envy to get in front of him "But no matter, you still have me, right?" the alchemist said, moving in to slide his arms around the homunculus from behind, his hands wondering down its lithe frame. Envy stopped, feeling the alchemist wrap his arms around it, the soft touch of his hands gliding over the exposed skin of it's middle and the warmth of his breath on it's neck ran a shiver up it's spine. "Right... I have you." it replied meekly, knowing what the other had in mind for them; it leant back, slightly, reaching up to rest its hand on he side of Kimblee's face with a gentle caress, its finger trailing down his cheek with a soft smirk. "Don't you think we should do this somewhere... More private?" it asked, although it did like the idea of making love right there in the middle of all the wreckage. Kimblee nipped at the sins neck, glancing up he spied what remained of a small house, it was obviously in a shamble but he figured it was fine for what he wanted to use it for. He pointed in it's direction. "How about in there?" he cooed as the homunculus nodded, breaking away from him and making its way to the house.

Military headquarters
later that day

Kimblee strode into the office- the meeting place of his superiors, they had called him here on short notice but Kimblee knew what it was about and he was in fact given instructions to kill all of them. While they ranked higher then he did- this was a job he was sure he could complete rather effortlessly. These men where all clued into the plans of the homunculi, each one promised a front row seat in the "new world"by the shadowy creatures if they only compiled with what they were told. They believed that if they followed the orders of the creatures lurking underground they would gain not only immortality but god-like status amongst their peers; It was this simple human greed that made them so easy to manipulate, though It was unknown to them that their usefulness to the homunculi had reached its limit and so Kimblee was sent in to dispose of them. It was a job Kimblee had grown quite fond of; the freedom to use his alchemy as he wished on whoever he saw fit and there was something about destroying his commanding officers that appealed to him in a way he couldn't describe.

"The battle is over, Ishval is now under our control. And all thanks to you. Well done, Major Kimblee." A bald man spoke, he wore thick, dark glasses and he was surrounded by four of the other commanding officers. It wasn't long before another began to speak "So tell us, how did the stone work out?" he asked the Crimson Alchemist. It was clear they were all eager to know what it was like to slaughter thousands with the clap of ones hands, a power Kimblee didn't think men such as themselves could possibly comprehend. He held the small red stone in his hand his eyes focused on the small glowing fragment "It's beyond amazing" the raven haired alchemist spoke coolly. "It lets you bypass the law of equivalent exchange to harness an eminence power." he finished, his eyes still on the small glowing stone, it was a beautiful thing; the alchemist could almost see the souls of the Ishvalans twisting and dancing around under its shining red shell. "Excellent. Write up the details in your formal report for us." The bald man spoke once again soon followed by the other man in the room "But we'll need the stone back first." He announced, taking Kimblee's attention from the shining fragment. The alchemist gave a haughty huff, they weren't worthy of such a beauty- such a power; he threw the stone into his mouth and swallowed it in a flash- watching as the expressions of the men turned to shock, horror and anger "What the hell do you think your doing?" spoke the man once more, gritting his teeth with anger. "Now lets see..." Kimblee spoke calmly "I guess this makes you the only ones who know I'm in possession of this stone." he cooed menacingly- a wicked smirk making its way across his features as the man threw himself at him in a desperate attempt to grab the alchemist "Traitor!" he shouted, but found himself to slow the apprehend the now rouge Solf J. Kimblee who had landed on the small table in front of them.

There was a large explosion which shook the entire perimeter for miles; it knocked the guards standing outside off their feet with the sheer power of the blast. More soldiers quickly responded running towards the headquarters, trying to make sense of what had happened. The whole place had gone up in smoke making it hard to see, however it wasn't long before a figure slowly emerged from the smoke.

What a wonderful feeling, thought the alchemist. His spine was still tingling with sheer ecstasy from the sound of the explosion and the knowledge that he had single handedly murdered four of his 'superiors', proving that he was in fact the superior power here.

He had completed his job, once again, effortlessly, he always did, earning him a wicked smirk from a creature that could easily be called the number one fan of his work. "Nice work, Crimson" Praised the homunculus to itself as it watched the smoke clear from it's alchemist play-thing, he was soon arrested by the surrounding guards and led away, the homunculus would be sure to follow close by.