Pokemon Legendary Hero

Ch.1: Introduction

My name is Kage Uchiha, and I'm a Pokemon trainer. But I'm unlike the other trainers for four reasons. Reason number one; I was born with the Sharigans, these are my permanent eyes, I don't have any secondary eyes. Reason number two; I was born with an unusual gift, if you want to call it a "gift". I can understand exactly what Pokemon are saying to us and each other. Reason number three; I haven't captured any Pokemon. The two Pokemon that are with me, Jolteon and Glaceon, are wild Pokemon. They've been traveling with me since they were Eevees. Why haven't they left me and started a life of their own, you might ask? I ask them that same question and they told me that they are my friends and friends never leaves another friend alone. I know I'm forgetting something. Oh yeah, the fourth reason. I met the Ho-Ohs of Johto and Orre at the Tin Tower. They gave me a ocarina that was called "The Ocarina of Legends" and told me that if I met a Legendary Pokemon, play the ocarina, and the Legendary will give me a melody to call it. Well, now that introductions are out of the way, I guess we can get to the story now.