disclaimer: characters and world are not mine


"Jyou!" Mimi called, banging her fist against the door to his apartment. "Jyou, I know you're there, pleeeeease open the door!"

The would-be doctor rose from his desk with a start, making a mad dash for the door lest he keep his girlfriend waiting. "Sorry," he said once he opened the door, "I was studying, so I—" he stopped, noticing the package his girlfriend was holding. It was moving.

And had air holes.

"Palmon?" he asked, a touch of hope in his voice.

Mimi giggled. "Don't be silly! Why would I put Palmon in a gift package?" She offered the package up to him, confirming Jyou's fears that Mimi was, indeed, trying to present him with something living.

"Mimi, I should warn you—I'm allergic to most animals—"

"Oh, come on, Jyou! I really need to make it up to you after the brownie incident, just open it! Please!" she begged, staring up at Jyou with those big brown puppy-dog eyes of hers. How was he supposed to say no to that? Life was unfair.

Hesitantly, he took the box and placed it on the couch, cautiously removing the lid like he expected something vile to jump out at him. When nothing happened, he opened one eye and, seeing that the box contained a mild-mannered dog that was just panting and staring up at him, he relaxed.

"He's hypoallergenic!" Mimi beamed. "I promised you that I would be more careful, didn't I? This is just my way of proving it to you!"

Jyou thought this was a pretty big way of apologizing for sending him into anaphylactic shock last week. "Well, yes, but… Mimi, I don't really have the time to take care of a dog," he apologized, breaking eye contact shamefully. "I'm sorry you went to all the trouble—"

"Look, I think he likes you!" Mimi beamed, lifting the puppy out of the box and holding him out to Jyou, obstinately ignoring his protests. "He's wagging his tail."

"Mimi," he pleaded, "I'm serious."

"I know," she pouted. "But look at his little face!" She broke into baby-talk, holding the tiny dog up to Jyou.

Jyou's heart softened immediately; he reached out to scratch the puppy behind his ears. "Okay, okay," he caved. "But… maybe—maybe you should move in with me. You know, to help me take care of the dog. Since I still need time to study."

"Oh, Jyou!" Mimi placed the dog back down onto the couch and threw her arms around his neck. "I thought you'd never ask! Now I should probably give Natsumi her dog back…"

"Wait, was this all a ploy to ask you to move in with me?"

Mimi slapped on her best look of feigned innocence and smiled coyly up at him. "I don't know what you're talking about! I was just trying to prove to you that I do pay attention to what you're allergic to."

"Well, in that case, I guess we don't really need to live—"


"Relax, I was kidding!"

AN: That Mimi, she's craftier than she looks. Please review!