Heyy guys, I'm back! So, on top of my Sweeney Todd story, I'm also writing another Alice in Wonderland story, with my one of my best internet buddies, xBadxRomancesx.

Chapter 1

There is a sound. The sound of a flute. It is a cheery little sound. The flute is being played by a young girl in the foggiest forest of an enchanted place called Underland. The girl is about fourteen years of age. Her eyes are green like a the first pear on a tree, but not quite like grass after a rain storm. Her hair is black like tar, but not as black as night. She's thin, but not sickly. Pale like a strip of lace, but not as white as the first snow fall. And cheeks as red as an apple, but not quite a cherry. And from her small red lips comes the sound of the sweet flute.

She sits at a long table. There is a table cloth with colorful teacups and tea pots and sugar bowls and cream pitchers and other dishes all different sizes and colors with no matches. She wears a dress that's missing a sleeve and has been torn and patched too many times. Her flute was made from a pine tree, given to the young girl half her lifetime ago. She sits next to a man that is almost identical to her. He has orange hair that looks like flames sticking out on either side of his head under his large top hat. His clothes are even wilder then hers. He has even paler skin and wears colorful make up around his green eyes. The man is the girls Father. Tarrant Hightop, the Mad Hatter. He speaks with a Scottish accent, as does she. She lives with him, having no idea who her Mother is.

And her name is Quin. Quin Hightop.

"Fantastic dear. Simply lovely." He commented as she finished her tune.

"Thank you Father." She said setting the flute in her lap.

"Have you had any visions lately?" He sipped his tea, sticking his pinky out of course. The cup was a pale pink, with yellow roses painted on it. It had the smallest crack on the top, but it didn't matter. They drank from cups that were even more damaged every day!

"No, I'm afraid I haven't." Quin said with disappointment. Ever since she was a small child, she could have visions. They came mostly when she was asleep, and they were usually of the future. Frequently, it was symbols that appeared instead of watching an actual event Some weren't clear, and difficult to figure out. But they happened. Even if she tried to stop it.

"Pity." Tarrant stared down into his teacup. "It's empty."

"One down! One down!" A ragged, brown, crazy-eyed hare jumped out from under the table. He took Quin's hand and lead her too the seat too her left and did the same with the Mad Hatter. That is the Mad Hare. He lives in "the foggies" as he calls it as well as Quin and her Father. He is possibly the maddest creature in all of Underland, that is way strangers fear him.

Quin and Tarrant don't of course. For he is their friend, and the Hare would never harm them. Quin and Tarrant have many other friends. Such as, Tweedle Dee. and Tweedle Dum. The grinning Cheshire cat. The white Rabbit McTwisp. And of course, The dormouse Mallymumken. Mally for short. And they all live happily-and madly!- in Underland. Spending their days chatting and dancing to Quin's mystifying flute music. Drinking tea with cream and sugar and eating toast with jam and butter and mustard with cakes. But sometimes they are quiet. And they simply wait. Wait for a revolution. Waiting for someone named 'Alice'. Because Underland is ruled by a menace know as Iracebeth-The Red Queen. And 'Alice' was supposed to save them from the Red Queen's murderous tirade. Quin has never met the Red Queen, but has heard awful things about her from her friends and Father who have met her. She had killed Quin's Grandparents when she was little. So she has grown to despise her and sing "down with the bloody big 'ead" like everyone else. But most of the time, Quin and her little family are very cheerful.

Because you have too savor every moment of life before it, like Quin's, is turned completely upside down.

And not at all in a fun way