
This story is something that just popped into my head after seeing the new Tron movie. After seeing it I just had to give the Tron world a sequel (it's my favorite world).

Also, to make this story correct timeline-wise, I have decided to have time flow differently between worlds. Those 20 years on Earth were only a few of them on Destiny Islands. Sora would be like 35 else.

Also, I will be posting some art on this story on my DeviantArt later on.


Disclaimer: I do not own any of Tron, Kingdom Hearts, or any of it's characters. The script in this Fic was indeed literally taken from the movie, but I do not claim any ownership of it.

the Kingdom Hearts and Tron franchises belong to their rightful owners.

From: Tron
To: Sora
Subject: Thank you.

Dear Sora,

It's been some time since we last met, hasn't it? Slowly but steadily, the Grid is being rebuilt better then ever. A User came to help as well. He wrote a program after his own image, Clu, to help us in building the perfect system.

I want to thank you, Sora, for helping me, helping us, in defeating the MCP. Without you, or Donald and Goofy, for that matter, we wouldn't be here rebuilding the system to something better then it was ever before.

From the bottom of my metaphorical heart, thank you.

Greetings from your friend.


Time: Unspecified amount of years later
Location: Destiny Islands.

"I'm off!"

Dressed in a dark blue school uniform, Sora slammed the door behind him. He checked if he had his cellphone and jumped on his bike on his way to school. He knew he could just cast Haste to make himself go faster without any effort what-so-ever, but that would attract unnecessary attention, which he already had enough, being the Keyblade master and all.

He passed an old abandoned building that used to be an arcade. The broken neon-sign used to say "Flynn's", but only the F, Y and 'S part were left now. A few years ago it had suddenly closed due to unknown circumstances. He was said when it happened. As a kid he used to go there all the time. He remembered the owner having all the high-scores on all the games, which motivated Sora to try to beat them, in which he never succeeded by the way. Apparently Flynn owned another arcade on some other world. Maybe he'd go and visit sometime.

He got his mind off the arcade and checked his watch. He cursed, and starting racing as fast as he could.

Time: Meanwhile
Location: USA, Earth

Sam Flynn entered parked his motorcycle in his apartment. He opened his door, entered the room, and threw a piece of meat in front of a dog lying on a pillow in the corner of the room.

"Enjoy it, Marv. You earned it."

Yet another of his annual Encom pranks had gone well, thanks to his dog Marv. Instead of showing the new and "improved" version of Encom OS, which used to be free and called Flynn OS, Encom had just showed the whole world a video of a dog barking at a camera. Marv, to be exact.

He opened his fridge and took out a beer.

"Why are you in my apartment, Alan..."

"You wouldn't answer your phone." Sam turned around to face his old friend, Alan Bradley.

"How've you been Sam?"

"You know, when I was twelve I appreciated the surrogate father thing, but come on, Alan. I've got it under control now."

"Oh, clearly" Alan said sarcastically.

"Well what is it. You wanna help me with my homework like old times? Have a catch" Sam said as he threw Alan a beer. He caught it and put it on the ground. He walked to the edge of the apartment, which actually was a pier.

"You know, you've got a pretty nice view here." He turned to Sam again who was changing his shirt.. "Heard you did a triple Axel off of here before. Tough landing, huh?" he said as he saw the red stripes on Sam's back.

"Hm, could've been worse"

"I also thought your... message to the board was... very clever."

"You like that? It was Marv's idea." Sam said as he crashed into his couch. He chuckled. Alan sighed.

"Alan, are we really gonna do this again... Do I really look like I wanna run a company?" Sam took a sip from his beer.

"No. And truthfully, I think the board's pretty happy with where you are. That way they can just keep doing whatever they want. I guess what I find... curious, is the charities, the... annual prank on the company. You sure have an interesting way of being disinterested, Sam."

Sam sighed. He took a magazine and started flipped through the pages.

"Why are you here, Alan."

Alan took a small device out of his pocket.

"I was paged last night."

"Oh man, still rocking the pager, eh?"

"Yeah... your dad once told me I had to sleep with it. I still do..."

Alan's face suddenly became serious.

"The page came from your dad's office in the arcade..."

A few seconds of silence followed before Sam only said: "So?"

"So? The number's been disconnected for twenty years! Sam, two nights before he disappeared he came to my house. 'I've cracked it!' he kept saying. He was talking about genetic algorithms, quantum teleportation, he said he was about to change everything! Science, medicine, religion. He wouldn't have left that." Alan sat down next to Sam.

"He wouldn't have left you..." Sam stood up and walked towards his pier.

"You're the only one who still believes that. He's either dead or chillin' in Costa Rica. Probably both." Sam sighed. "I'm sorry. I'm tired, I smell like jail, let's just reconvene in a few years, huh? What do you say." He turned towards the water again. Alan approached Sam.

"These are the keys to the arcade. I haven't gone over there yet... I thought you should be the one."

"Alan you're acting like he'll be sitting there working. Like, 'hey kiddo, lost track'a time'"

Alan threw Sam the keys.

"Wouldn't that be something" Alan said as he turned and left the apartment. Marv walked towards Sam and started whining.

"What..." he said. Marv barked.

Sam sighed, finished his beer, and got to his motorcycle.

Location: Flynn's Arcade abandoned building, Earth.

Sam arrived not too long after that. He just couldn't resist the urge. He opened the door using the keys Alan had given him, and entered. He flicked a switch and all of the lights and machines started working, including the eighties music.

He walked around the building a bit, looking for signs anybody could have been there. He found nothing. When he walked back to the door to leave, one particular game caught his eye. It was in the far back, underneath broken, flickering Neon letters that said TRON.

He walked towards it and pulled the plastic cover off. He smiled. He took a coin out of his wallet and inserted it into the game console. It fell back out. As Sam picked the coin up, he noticed scratches on the floor. As if the console had been moved.

He stood back up and pushed the console aside, revealing a secret passage to a basement. He turned on a flashlight, opened the small door and entered, not knowing the console slid back to it's original spot as he closed the door behind him.

He walked down the stairs that ended at a huge metal door. The keys were still hanging in it, as if somebody had just entered. If it weren't for the dust that made the keys a dull gray, it might just have been that way. Sam stared at the keys for a few seconds, and opened the door.

He was now standing in an office. A small window near the desk lighted it. Some weird machine that looked like a camera was in the back of the room, facing the desk.

"So..." Sam said as he looked around the room.

He walked towards the desk, which apparently also was a computer touch-screen monitor. He rubbed the dust off, and the computer registered the movement of his hand. A few screens popped up.

He sat down behind the desk and rubbed the rest of the dust off. A touch-keyboard popped up. He typed a few computer commands.

$ Whoami

"Heh..." Sam shrugged

$uname -a
SolarOS 4.0.1 Generic_50203-02 sun4m i386

$login -n root
Login incorrect

Sam thought. How was he getting in... What if...

No home directory specified in password file!
Logging in with home=/

Sam kept typing a few more commands until a list of history popped up. One of the commands in the list caught his eye, the last one in the list: 'LLLSDLaserControl -ok 1'. He decided to execute it. A small screen popped up.

Activate laser?

Yes No

Sam looked around. 'Laser? I don't see any... Ah, what the heck.'


A machine whirred behind him. Light gathered in the lens of the camera-like machine. There was a flash... The light coming from the window had turned an eerie blue, and the computer had disappeared. He went outside. Where he was looking just like how it did when he entered, if it weren't for the blue neon-stripes along the buildings and roads.

"This isn't happening..." Sam said to himself as he ran onto the street. A searchlight shone down on him. He instinctively raised his hands. When he turned up to see if it were police, all he saw was a massive upside down U shaped vehicle approach him.

"Oh man, this isn't happening!" He tried to run, but the spot of the street he was standing on lifted like an elevator towards the platform on top of the vehicle. People in black bodysuits and helmets with red neon-stripes approached him and grabbed him.

"This program has no disk. Another stray"

"Wait! I'm not a program!" Sam screamed as he was pulled onto the platform and locked into place against some sort of wall.

As they ascended, Sam realized where he was.

"I've actually done it...

I'm on the Grid..."

A few minutes later, they landed near a dome. Three guys in red stepped onto the platform and analyzed each of the people locked against the walls.

'Rectify... Rectify... Rectify... Games... Rectify...'

"I know you must get this a lot, but this's gotta be a big mistake..."


Time: Meanwhile
Location: Destiny Islands

A bell rung. It had been a long day, and even though there was never an actual winter on Destiny Islands, the sun's trajectory did change, making today's daytime rather short. By the time Sora was on his way home, it had already started to become darker. A warm orange filled the sky as the sun was setting.

"Reminds you of Twiight Town, doesn't it?" Roxas said in his mind.

"Yeah... I wonder how the guys there are doing." Sora replied.

"So do I. Maybe we could go visit sometime. In summer vacation or something."

"Yeah... good idea... It's been, like, ages."

Sora jumped onto his bike and headed home. On his way home he got a text. He stopped to take his phone out of his pocket.

From: unknown number
The gate has been locked.
Only one key can open
the gate from this
world to the Grid.

"What's this?"

'Probably some sort of prank...' Roxas said, as if he was shrugging.

As soon as Sora wanted to get onto his bike again, the Keyblade appeared.

"It seems the Keyblade doesn't think so." Sora said. Suddenly, the weapon started pulling Sora forwards. Sora followed it. When it stopped pulling, it disappeared.

Sora turned around. He was standing in front of Flynn's old arcade building.

"Sora, you're not really..." Roxas said.

"I Don't think it's a prank anymore, Roxas. The Grid is the world inside the computers, remember? I remember this arcade having a game called Light Cycle. Ring any bells?"

"You mean..."

"Yes. There's something wrong on the Grid. Tron's in trouble and this arcade has an entrance to the Grid." Sora walked towards the door and opened it. It was unlocked. "I'm going in."

Inside were a few rows of consoles. (A/N: I'm getting a deja vu...). As soon as he entered, a word in broken neon-letters caught his eye.


"I knew it..."

Sora walked towards the console. The floor near the console had dragging marks on it.

"There's something behind this console. And we're going to find out what."

"My thoughts exactly"

"well, duh. I AM you, remember?"

"Err... good point."

Sora pushed the console to the side. There was nothing behind it. Just a keypad and a lock.

"Dead ends... Is what I've said, if I didn't have... THIS" Sora said as the Keyblade flashed into his hand. He aimed and shot. An audible click, a flash, and the wall disappeared, leaving a halway similar to the one behind Ansem's study, except for the dust.

"Hmm" Sora shrugged and entered. After a few minutes he entered an office nearly Identical to Ansem, except it was darker, dustier and a lot smaller. A laser similar to the one in Ansem's study at the back wall pointing at the desk. Sora knew how to activate it. He boeted up the computer and started typing.

Dir/ LLLSDLaserControl -ok 1

Activate laser?

Yes No


"Well this place sure has changed" Sora said, looking around. The first thing he noticed, aside from the fact that his outfit hadn't changed -probably because he wasn't wearing his magic clothes- there were actual streets now. The Grid had changed into a huge city.

"Wow, Tron and that other User sure did a good job here" Roxas remarked.

"I don't know... something's... off." Sora said as he looked around. A few recognizers were flying around. One of them approached Sora and landed. A few programs stepped off some sort off program and approached sora.

"Greetings, programs" Sora said to them. "Long time no- Hey!" two of the programs suddenly grabbed Sora by the arms and dragged him onto the platform, throwing him against a wall-lock. It clicked.

"This program has no disk."

"Err, probably because I'm not a program?" Sora remarked. The program in red ignored him. A program next to Sora was shivering.

"Not the games, not the games" he kept repeating.

"Man, that guy must have had some sort of Light Cycle trauma..."

"No kidding..."

The recognizer took off. As they had reached a dome ("Since when does this place have a dome?") Sora and the other programs got analyzed As the red program stood in front of Sora, it said:


And that *huff huff* was the longest chapter *huff huff* I've ever written. A lot of it is just copied from the movie, and another part is basically the same thing, with Sora in the spotlights, but I had to stay as close as possible to the movie, and find a way to get Sora in.

Please R&R, Flaming is not appreciated.