AN: Here's the final chapter...its ONLY a two-shot...I might write more Crellie fanfics in the future though...maybe

Disclamer: I do not own Degrassi...just this story

Eight Months Later:

"Ellie. Come on!" Craig calls to me from the middle of the living room. I stand in the bathroom looking at myself. I've stopped cutting. I haven't had a drink in nearly a whole year. I got Craig back in my life.

"Coming." I say. I look back to my reflection. I smile.

"Welcome back." I smile and walk out of the bathroom.

"What were you doing in there?" Craig asks as he pulls me into his arms for a hug.

"Welcoming back an old friend." I meet his gaze.

He kisses me, "It's good to have you back El. The real you. Not that you I met eight months ago."

"It was stupid. I'm, I'm sorry for calling you like that back then."

"To be honest, I was trying to work up the courage to call you too." he kisses my temple.

"I'm glad you came." I say into his shoulder.

"I'm glad you called." he whispers into my hair.

"When—when do you leave for LA?" I pull back.

"Tonight. I have a late flight."

I frown, "I don't want you to go."

He smiles, "Then come with me."

"What?" I ask.

"El, I've been in love with you since we were in group together. I've just always been to scared to tell you. I've lost nearly everything I cared about. I'm not losing you, El, I love you. Come with me to LA?"

"I…I don't know what to say…"

He cuts me off, "Yes. Say you'll come with me. Hell, say you'll marry me!"

"What? Craig are you crazy?"

"Only when I'm with you El. So, what do you say?"

"I say…help me pack?"

AN: Cute? Did you like it?

xoxoxo Cat