Return from the Edge

Ahmose Inarus

Disclaimer: I do not own Criminal Minds

Criminal Minds


Chapter 5

Reid awoke to firm hands coated in massage oil kneading the muscles of his back and shoulders. He inhaled slow and deep through his nose, then let it out in a hum of pleasure.

"Hmmmmm…" He purred, stretching his entire body and shivering as fingers slid down his ribs. Hotch chuckled at his lover, who was reminiscent of an EXTREMELY content housecat. His hands ran up Reid's shoulders and down his spine, beginning to work on the boy's buttocks and thighs over his pajama pants. Reid sighed, cuddling into the pillows and blankets.

The phone rang and Reid whined. Hotch chuckled and picked it up, propping it on his shoulder with his cheek so he could continue to massage his lover's body. "Hotchner." He greeted. "Chief Strauss." He felt Reid tense under his hands. "Yes? And? Good, what were the exact words?" He chuckled after a moment. "Sounds about right. Thank you for letting me know. Thank you. Bye." He tossed the phone away.

"What was that about?" Reid asked.

"The Psych Eval Strauss made you take."


"You did fine."

"What were you laughing about?"

"The doctor said you were eager and enthusiastic and delighted to be back at work, and even happier to be in the field. And that you were very proud of the work you did in the field on this past case."

"At least THIS doctor got it right." Reid snickered, and flopped over onto his back. Hotch just smiled down at him, then began running his hands over the boy's hips and stomach. "So." Reid said after a bit. "We have a whole day to ourselves. What do you want to do?"

"Whatever you want, baby." Hotch told him, moving the massage to the younger's pectoral muscles. Reid sighed softly.

"… What do you want to do for Thanksgiving?"

"… That's a month away!" Hotch laughed.

"I know. Just trying to make conversation…"

"Well… if we're not on a case… maybe we could go see your parents?"

"… I dunno… I was actually thinking about YOUR family." Reid said, looking at the man.

"All I have is Jack." Hotch said.

"You have a brother!" Reid cried, looking amused.

"Oh yeah…"

"… Nice, Hotch." Reid teased with a wry chuckle. Hotch scowled, and suddenly Reid thrashed and let out a shriek as fingers danced over his ribs. The phone rang again. Hotch sighed and answered.

"Hotchner… yes, good morning! Uh huh… yes, they do. Yes. Uh, yeah. Three o'clock. See you then." And he hung up.

"Who?" Reid asked, curiously.

"Just have to pick up something." Hotch said, tossing the phone aside and leaning down to kiss his lover. "Come on. Get dressed. I'm taking you out for breakfast."

And so he did. He and Reid had breakfast at IHOP, Reid eating Scrambled eggs, bacon and a large amount of pancakes, while Hotch had eggs over easy, hash browns, bacon, sausage, ham and French Toast. Hotch had orange juice, Reid polished off an entire pitcher of coffee before their food even arrived. Afterwards, Hotch took Reid to the boy's favorite book store and spent… well… several hundred dollars spoiling his lover, smiling at the boy's blushing, stammering protests the entire time.

By then, it was noon. Hotch sighed as they loaded the books into the car, trying to figure out how they would stay busy until three. He glanced at his love, and found himself staring at the boy's ass… and then he felt a heat in his groin.

'No no… not that… STOP IT.' He told himself firmly, focusing on getting his mind out of the gutter. After all… he didn't even know if Reid was… READY for that yet. He sighed yet again… four months of abstinence. God, he wanted to throw the boy down and take him right there on the hood of the car…

He and Reid got into the car, and Reid looked at him and smiled. Hotch stared at him for a while, then smiled back and took his hand, kissing it. Reid's smile widened and he flushed. Hotch released Reid's hand and gently stroked his cheek.

He could wait… Spencer was worth it…

Hotch ended up driving them to a park. He and Reid got out of the car, and Reid stared around. The park was filled with trees, all of them aflame with the colors of autumn. Hotch took his lover's hand, and they just walked. Soon, he was no longer holding Reid's hand, but had his arm around the boy's waist, and Reid had his head resting on the elder's shoulder.

They ended up at the pond, watching a small flock of ducks and a couple of geese paddling about.

"… I love you." Reid whispered. Hotch smiled and gave his lover an affectionate squeeze.

"Love you too, baby." Hotch murmured, turning his head and kissing brown curls.



"… Thank you."

"For the books?"

"No." Reid said, smiling and turning to face the man. "For standing by me. Through everything. This past year has been… harrowing. I've gone through more than I ever could have imagined in my worst nightmares. And yet… I've never been happier. And it's because of you."

"I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from Coronado… from Harvey…"

"Hotch." Reid said, shaking his head. "You have been there for me for years. With Harvey, it was MY turn to protect YOU. And I'd do it again. In a heartbeat." He curled his arms around Hotch's neck, kissing away the upset look on the man's face. "You're worth it. ALL of it." Reid smiled when arms enveloped him and held him close. "… I love you, Aaron." Hotch smiled, but then he heard a sniffle, and Reid shook in his arms. He stepped back and stared at the tears in the doctor's eyes.

"Spencer? What's wrong?" He asked, worried. Reid just smiled through his tears and shook his head.

"You have to understand… A year ago I was resigned to accepting that I… was destined to be alone." Reid said softly, staring down at his pale fingers on Hotch's sweater. "I had believed that for… a long time. Years. I didn't think there would ever be anyone for me. It just… wasn't…" He trailed off and sighed, shuffling closer and resting his head on the Unit Chief's chest. Hotch closed his eyes, holding Reid tightly against him with one arm, and stroking his hair with the other hand.

"You and I were meant to be." Hotch told him, gently turning his head and resting his cheek on his lover's hair. "You're not alone. Not now, not ever again."

"Thank you."

"I love you. Now come on. It's almost three."

"Alright." Reid smiled, and they returned to the car. Reid just relaxed and enjoyed the ride, savoring the joy he took in being by his lover's side.

They ended up in a beautiful neighborhood filled with trees and old houses that had been renovated and refurbished. In one yard, a father was playing with his two sons. At another house, a cat was slinking across the lawn, stalking a squirrel that was digging a hole in the ground. A woman jogged down the street with a Great Dane trotting by her side.

Finally, Hotch pulled into the driveway of a lovely Old English Cottage style house with an overgrown garden and ivy creeping up it's stone façade. A woman stepped out.

"Come on." Hotch told Reid, and got out of the car. Reid blinked, and followed.

"Aaron!" The woman greeted, and Hotch smiled at her.

"Barbara." He nodded to her. Reid stared as the pair embraced. He frowned slightly. Then, he froze when they both turned on him. "This is Spencer." The woman was ALL smiles when she walked over and seized his hand.

"It is SO wonderful to finally meet you!" She gushed.

"Um… thank you… who are you?" Reid asked, and she blinked. Then she looked at Hotch.

"He doesn't know?" She gasped. Hotch chuckled.

"Spencer. This is Barbara Newkirk. My Real Estate Agent."

"… Real Estate?" Reid asked, now looking thoroughly confused. Hotch smiled and put his hand on Reid's shoulders, turning the youth to face the house. Then he leaned over and put his lips next to Reid's ear.

"… Happy Anniversary, Spencer." He murmured. "… Welcome home."

Reid froze.

Time stopped.

He couldn't breathe…

His knees were weak and his heart nearly struggled to keep beating. His mind had blown a fuse, and any effort to conjure a cognitive thought only resulted in smoke and sparks thrown back at him.

Hotch chuckled to himself, knowing EXACTLY what had happened. He glanced at Ms. Newkirk who was looking worried.

"Don't worry. Give him a minute to reboot." He muttered to her, grinning. "… Spencer?" Reid still didn't respond. Amused, Hotch reached down and took Reid's hand lifting it up and laying a key in his palm. Slowly, Reid looked down at the key, then closed his fingers around it and turned to face the man.

"… Aaron?" He gasped, still looking completely stunned. Hotch just smiled down at him and nodded. "… You…" He nodded again. "Why?"

"Because you deserve it." Hotch told him. Barbara Newkirk winked at Hotch and gave him a little wave, slipping away. Hotch guided Reid up the winding stone path to the front door. "Go ahead." Hotch encouraged. "Open your gift." Reid looked up to Hotch, who gave him a smile and nod. And then, with a shaking hand, Reid slid the key into the lock and turned it. The door swung open, and the alarm beeped at them.

Hotch and Reid stepped in, their shoes resonating on the hard wood floor. Hotch reached out, and turned on the lights. The hall was hard wood on the floor and the walls with a wrought iron chandelier lighting it up… it was tasteful and sophisticated, yet distinctly rugged and masculine. There was a side table with a small lamp and a little plant on it.

"Left or right?" Hotch asked.

"… Left." Reid gasped. Hotch steered him to the left and through a doorway into the kitchen. Reid looked around, eyes wide in amazement. The wood floor continued into the kitchen, but here the walls were a creamy stucco. The stove, oven, sink, fridge and dishwasher were brand new modern stainless steel models, the counters were dark hardwood with creamy marble tops. The table shoved up against the wall under the curtain-covered window was a dark stained wood with matching chairs.

And there on the countertop next to the microwave, was a brand new Keurig Coffee Maker. Reid was delighted with THAT new toy!

Hotch turned and guided Reid out of the kitchen, across the foyer and into the study. Reid's eyes widened. He stared. Before them was a red leather love seat before a fireplace. The wall to their left was one large bookcase filled to the brim, and to their left were two corner desks, one with a computer at each and a couple of wall shelves overhead. And against the blank space on the wall that the door was in, was Reid's 100 gallon fish tank, filled with fish.

Within moments of stepping into the room, Reid's face was overcome by a large smile. He moved over to the bookshelf and ran his hand over the spines of the books in a loving manner. Then he walked across the room, running his fingers along the back of the sofa and over to the desks. He noticed immediately that his desk was the one arranged so that he could see the fish tank; he knew it was his desk because of the little framed photo of his mother. He picked it up and smiled down at the photo, then looked up at Hotch. The man stood in the doorway, watching his young lover with a small smile.

"I can't believe you brought all of my books here from storage…" Reid told him. Hotch grinned.

"Come on." He told the boy. "More to see." And he took Reid's hand and guided him out of the room. At the end of the hall was the stairs. Reid peered up the dark staircase curiously, but Hotch guided him past it.

"Here's the door to the back yard… we'll see that later…" Hotch said, and they stepped around the stairs and into a large open room. There was another fireplace, and over it was a large, flat screen plasma TV. The curtains were drawn over the windows, again hiding the back yard. Reid ran his hand over the dark forest green leather sofa, and admired the shelves containing a large DVD collection of combined DVD's belonging to him, Hotch and Jack. In the corner was a dark wooden liquor cabinet and bar, and Reid had a feeling Rossi may have had something to do with its presence… Beside it was a dark hall.

"Garage and laundry room are down there." Hotch said, then turned and led Reid to a door in the same wall as the fireplace and opposite the wall that had the bar, dark hall and stairs. He opened it and Reid peered in at the fun little room. The walls and floor and bedspread were a navy blue, speckled with pale yellow stars. The bed, dresser, nightstand, desk and toy chest were that same pale yellow, with navy blue stars. "Here's Jack's room…" Hotch said, then opened the door on the wall opposite the foyer. "And here is the guest room." Reid peered in at the sea green room with cream colored accents.

"Now come on…" Hotch breathed, and Reid could sense the man's excitement. Smiling, Reid allowed the man to pull him across the living room and up the stairs. They arrived on a landing with a large window and double doors. Hotch grinned at Reid, then turned and flung the doors open. Smiling at the elder's excitement, Reid stepped through. Across from him were double doors leading onto a balcony. To his right was a fireplace. The carpet was a cream color, and there was a teal area rug with a chocolate and cream loveseat before the fireplace. In the opposite corner from where he was standing were two matching armchairs by a bookcase. And to the left was an archway in the wall with two steps up into another room.

"And this is our room." Hotch said softly, and guided Reid up into the room with an arm around him.

The floor was hardwood with two cream colored rugs on either side of it so there would be no cold feet on cold mornings… The sheets were cream and the comforter was a dark teal. Across from the bed was a pair of double doors that led onto a narrow balcony walkway that wrapped around the sitting room to reach the main balcony. Hotch guided Reid to the left and into the bathroom, showing him the large double headed shower and the Garden Style Tub. The toilet was in a little nook opposite the shower. To the left was a counter with two sinks, and to the right was a generously large walk in closet. To Reid's surprise, all of their clothes were already there.

"… this is our home now, Spencer." Hotch said, guiding Reid back out into the bedroom.


"Happy Anniversary." Hotch said, his voice full and warm. He pulled a familiar golden chain out of his pocket and hung it around Reid's neck. Reid blinked down at the little golden ring that the chain was strung through, its ruby gleaming. Reid turned and stared up at Hotch, his eyes shining with tears. Then he threw his arms around the man's neck and kissed him. Hotch closed his eyes and responded passionately. To his delight, Reid moaned softly and pressed his body against that of the elder, and then circled his leg around Hotch's knees.

"Hey now…" Hotch chuckled. "Easy. You think I'm finished with the surprises?" Reid shook his head.

"Aaron… You… But… but..."

"Come see the backyard." Hotch said, and guided Reid over to the double doors. He flung them open and Reid was immediately taken by the brilliant fiery colors of the leaves on the large, mature trees that filled their backyard. Smiling, he walked out onto the balcony.

"WELCOME HOME!" Came a sudden thundering chorus, and Reid jumped, startled. At cheering, he looked down. The area of the backyard closes to the house was a flagstone patio with a little pond complete with waterfall, and even a fire pit. There was a fire in said fire pit, and the patio was filled with people. Reid stared down at them, stunned.

He saw Morgan, Prentiss, JJ, Will and Henry, Garcia and Kevin, Jack and Sean Hotchner, Drs. Blair and Tsai, and standing next to Rossi…


The man grinned at the ecstatic shout from his protégé, and then Reid darted back into the house. The people on the patio waited, grinning, and a moment later Reid burst out of the back door and tackled Gideon. The man grunted and stumbled, but his smile never wavered as he embraced the boy. Then he pushed Reid back and held him out at arms length, looking him over.

"You look fantastic." Gideon complimented. "I am SO sorry I wasn't here for you when you were… locked up…"

"It's okay." Reid assured him with a smile, as Hotch finally walked out of the back door. "It wouldn't have made a difference. I was so out of it, I probably wouldn't have acknowledge your presence as actually being… REAL. I'm fine, now."

Gideon smiled and hugged Reid again. "I'm glad." He told the boy, and finally stepped aside so that Garcia could tackle Reid.

"Let's get some burgers grilling!" Morgan crowed, and went to start throwing meat patties on the grating that covered the fire pit where Sean was helping Jack roast a hot dog. And within half an hour the group of people were enjoying burgers, hot dogs, a few steaks and even some Frito Pie.

Reid had never eaten that before so Garcia fixed him some.

"Trust me." She said as Reid watched her pour chili over some Fritos, smother it with shredded cheddar, and then sprinkle on some diced Green Onions and finish it off with a large dollop of soup cream.

Within an hour, Reid was stuffed, having finished the entire bowl of Frito Pie, a burger a la Morgan, potato salad from JJ, and then a couple of S'Mores, courtesy of the three Hotchner Boys. Jack, Sean and Aaron were having a little too much fun roasting marshmallow and catching them on fire.

Drs. Tsai and Blair both made sure to take Reid aside and tell him how proud they were of his strength, and how well he had recovered. And Reid expressed his gratefulness to them for helping him with his recovery, both physical and mental. They had been his doctors ever since he had moved to Virginia and he had no intention of ever seeing anyone else. Especially considering how close he had gotten to them over the past month.

When the sun began to set, the sky was alight with colors just as brilliant as those in the changing leaves. Jack and Henry were laughing and swinging in the hammock tied between two trees in the backyard while the adults sat around the fire, talking.

After a while, there was a lull in conversation.

"… Thank you for coming." Hotch said from where he stood beside Reid, his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Everyone. It means a lot to me and Spencer both." Reid smiled and leaned against the man. "Your support got us through the past four months of… Hell." Reid just nodded in his agreement with Hotch's words. "And while I know Spencer is already… overwhelmed by today… I have one more surprise."

"Oh God no, I can't take anymore!" Reid whined, and the group laughed. Chuckling, Hotch pulled Reid up and hugged him, kissing his cheek. He didn't let go of Reid. He held him close.

"You're my heart, Spencer. You make me feel whole. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

The group went silent, eyes wide. Reid just blushed.

"Because of our job, we can't do anything… official in a legal capacity… But that doesn't mean I won't make it official with those who count." Hotch continued. He released Reid and stepped back, then, holding Reid's hands, he knelt. Now Reid froze, and his own eyes went wide. "Spencer… I'm asking you to take me as yours for the rest of our lives, and be mine in turn. Marry me?" Reid just stood there, completely stunned.

"… Say yes!"

"SHH!" Morgan scolded, covering Garcia's mouth.

Jack and Henry could be heard laughing in the distance, over the crackling of the fire.

A long time passed.

Then, Spencer's legs finally gave out and he dropped to his knees before his lover. He swallowed thickly and pulled his hands from Hotch's gentle hold. The man was looking nervous now. But the young doctor lifted his hands and ran his long fingers over the elder's face. His fingers slid into his Unit Chief's hair, curling around the back of his head. His palms rested on Hotch's neck and his thumbs on the man's jaw and cheeks.

Reid never said a word; he closed his eyes and leaned in, pressing a kiss to Aaron Hotchner's lips. Hotch slid his arms around the boy's lean body, holding him close.

"Ohhh…" Garcia swooned.

Gideon winced and looked away, still finding the sight of the pair kissing awkward… Rossi chuckled and handed Gideon his half finished Scotch. Gideon gave the man a look, but then took it and knocked it back. Prentiss was grinning and JJ had a sentimental smile on her face. Dr. Blair and Dr. Tsai exchanged smiles. Kevin Lynch and Sean Hotchner just sat and stared, eyes wide and mouths hanging open, NOT used to THIS. Especially when the kiss suddenly intensified. The pair only broke apart when the need to breathe took over. And then they just sat there on their knees, foreheads pressed together.

"Is that a…?" Hotch gasped, and Reid let out a breathless laugh.

"Yes…" He whispered, and tears sparkled in his eyes before falling down his flushed cheeks.

"Good… Then I can give you this." Hotch said, and pulled a small box out of his pocket. Reid's eyes widened.

"Aaron." He gasped, and Hotch opened the box. Inside was a ring. A gleaming gold band was set with a ruby, flanked by Celtic Trinity knots with miniscule diamonds set in the center of each knot. Reid just sat frozen as the man slid the ring onto his finger, and then kissed him again.

Reid just clung to the man, not even hearing the cheering of their friends and family. The only thing that mattered was him, and Aaron.

The pair were not apart for a single moment the rest of the evening. Drs. Tsai and Blair were the first to leave, offering their congratulations and Dr. Blair confirming Reid's appointment with her later that week.

Then Reid and Hotch ended up in the hammock, Hotch lying in it properly and Reid sitting perpendicular to him in his lap. JJ and Will decided it was time to leave when Henry dozed off with a flaming marshmallow on a stick in his hand, and the marshmallow fell off and landed in Will's lap. Garcia, just trying to help, dumped her ice water on the blazing goo… and all over Will's crotch. The man let out a very… unmanly yelp.

When JJ said, laughing, that it was time to leave, Sean said it was time for him to leave too; he was taking Jack for a week. But Jack didn't wanna go. He ran over to Hotch and Reid saying "I wanna push them in the hammock!" And he seized the edge.

Hotch, forseeing the disaster, shouted "Jack! NO!" But it was too late. Jack gave an almighty HEAVE and the team watched, eyes wide as Reid's feet flew up into the air with a "EEEYAAAAH!". He ended up doing a back flip and landing flat on his face, and a fraction of a second later, Hotch had been completely dumped out of the hammock to land on top of Reid. "OOHNPH!" Was the interesting noise that came from Reid, accompanied by an "NNGH!" from Hotch.

"… Ahnnn… Owwwww…" Reid whined.

Slowly, Hotch raised his head and GLARED at his son, who was standing there laughing.

"… AARON JACKSON HOTCHNER!" Hotch roared. Jack's laughing stopped and his eyes widened.

"… Bye Daddy, love you!" He blurted, and ran. "Uncle Sean! Let's go!" The team lost all composure and burst into laughter.

"JACK!" Hotch howled, while little Henry tugged on his Godfather's hand, trying to "help" Reid out from under Hotch. Hotch stumbled to his feet. "SEAN!"

"Come on, kid. We're running late!" Sean gasped, trying to contain his laughter.

"Sean, don't you even—"

"Bye Aaron!" Sean called, scooping Jack up and RUNNING.


But Sean and Jack were LONG gone and the team was still laughing; Garcia and JJ both had tears of mirth streaming down their faces.

"… I… Can't… BREATHE, man!" Morgan gasped out.

Even Gideon and Rossi were wiping away tears before they fell, and both were red. Henry "helped" Reid to his feet and they made their way over to the group, Reid holding his stomach.

"… I WILL fire you." Hotch growled at his team, but to no avail. It was a long time before the laughter stopped, and when it finally did, JJ gathered her husband and son, and they left to the put Henry to bed.

Things finally calmed after that. Garcia, Kevin, Prentiss and Rossi all left at the same time after cleaning up the mess that the little party had made, and then it was just Hotch, Reid and Gideon. They all stood in the doorway, and Gideon hugged Reid tightly.

"Congratulations, Spencer."

"I'm glad you were here." Reid told the man.

"Hotch told me this would be a big day for you. I wanted to be here to see it. I'm happy for you. BOTH of you."

"Thanks, Jason." Hotch said with a smile, wrapping an arm around Reid and running his hand up and down the boy's arm.

"Let me know when you're going to Tie the Knot. I want to be there."

"Wouldn't do it without you." Reid grinned.

"Goodnight, Jason. Drive safe." Hotch said, and the pair stood on their stoop watching Gideon depart.

Later that evening, Hotch emerged from the bathroom fresh from the shower, and stared at his lover who was standing out on the balcony looking out at their dark back yard. Hotch smiled and walked out of the open doors and wrapped his arms around the boy. Reid sighed and leaned into him, and the pair kissed.

"Come on… you're sleepy." Hotch chuckled and guided Reid back inside, closing the doors. He then reached out and set the alarm. Once it was armed, he turned and stared down at his lover who was lying in bed, staring at the ring on his finger. Hotch smiled and dropped his robe, sliding between the sheets and pulling Reid in close. Reid sighed and cuddled close, savoring the feeling of their nude bodies quickly becoming entwined. Hotch rolled over to hover above Reid, who smiled up at him before closing his eyes lightly. Hotch slid down, wedging his hips between Reid's legs, and then just lay down, making himself comfortable.

"What are you doing?" Reid giggled. "Come lie next to me…"

"Hmmm…" Hotch hummed, perfectly content to stay right where he was, with his waist between Reid's legs. He curled his arms under the small of Reid's back and rested his head down on the boy's flat belly. After a moment, he grinned and chuckled.

"What?" Reid asked.

"Your stomach is gurgling..." Hotch said, lifting his head and looking up at his lover, resting his chin on the boy's stomach. Reid smiled down at him and closed his eyes, running his fingers through the man's hair. His face radiated serenity, tranquility and contentment. Hotch let out a soft breath as he stared at that beautiful face.

"… I love you." He murmured, softly. Reid opened his eyes and blinked down at him, then smiled.

"I love you too." The youth replied, his fingers sliding over the elder's cheek. Hotch turned his head and gently kissed the palm of Reid's hand. Reid smiled and closed his eyes again. Hotch just mirrored the smile and rested his cheek on his lover's belly again, closing his eyes and relishing the feeling of the boy's fingers running over his scalp. And that's how they spent their very first night in the new house that they planned to live the rest of their lives in together…


If you go to my profile and click on the link to my homepage, which is my DeviantArt Page, you will be able to see a floor plan of the house I designed for our boys. Just scroll down the page to where it says "Newest Deviations" and you will see the two images. Let me know what you think!

I have a few little one shots in progress coming up along with a couple of case-fics... which I find challenging... we'll see!

And hopefully, you will see 'Alas, Babylon' and 'Knights of the Old Republic' very soon! I'm still working on them and they are getting long! I'm anticipating at least 15-20 chapters each!

PLEASE REVIEW! It encourages me to write more and faster! ^_~