Netherlands was pretty sure something was going wrong in his chest. He swung around and did put Lovina down. Her little odd curl bounced as she hit the ground. Neither of them winced, however, when the bike did hit the ground with the sound of metal hitting dirt. Lovina blinked and she hugged herself, pretending that she was cold and was distracted by that fact. Netherlands knew better. And he knew exactly what was going to happen next. All those years, he noticed Lovina. Whenever she grew frustrated in not being able to rise to the same level as her perfect cook and cleaner sister. Whenever she grew desperate for that idiot Spain's attention but made a facade in saying she didn't give a shit. In reality she did. The Italian took one look up, and the Dutchman didn't fight it at all when she hopped up, wrapping her arms around his neck in an embrace and met her lips with his. Fuck. He fucking welcomed it.

They both knew they needed this. Whether they actually felt anything for each other, or if they really did just needed a good fuck it didn't matter. It was happening. His hands pressed on the small of her back and he sort of wished they had a better spot that out in the damn wilderness. But Netherlands supposed that when pure passion and being horny hit, it didn't matter where they were. Lovina demanded his attention when she started to lick at his lips, running her small hands through his light auburn hair. He already lowered her, all while trying to get some leverage. He already grew hard and Lovina knew as well, and it seemed to egg her on all the more. Netherlands had to detach his lips from hers as he started at her neck, and she spread her legs while she moaned incoherently, lost in whatever good feelings she was feeling. Not like he was really one to talk, he was so caught up in the friction he was feeling against his dick.

"I'm not a virgin." Lovina stated. Netherlands had to look up at her, with an uncaring look. But he was a little curious.

"Spain?" A shake of the head, Netherlands also didn't stop in the pleasure train he tugged his gloves off and knelt up to take his jacket off, laid it beside them and lifted Lovina to lay her on top. Screechy little bitch was going to scream his ear off if her outfit got ruined by what they're doing.

"Gilbert. Stupid asshole. Drunk off our asses and he was on the rebound from another rejection from Hungary." She said it all so fast and so much disdain it sounded almost rehearsed. Who knows? Maybe it was. He couldn't blame her. Living in the shadow of her sister and grandfather she grew so bitter and used to being second or the reject he almost pitied her. Almost. If she ever knew that she'd kick his ass.

"I don't think you're a rebound." He murmured as his thumb ran over her clit. Lovina hummed in pleasure and her blush seemed to deepen. She breathed another moan and took off her shirt as Netherlands went ahead and took off her panties. To his surprise, it was a thong. He could only wonder how Spain would allow her to wear such a naughty thing. Especially since they prided themselves to being good Catholic people. His erection grew harder at that thought. She leaned up, seeing his seemingly careless expression but the warmth his body was giving off said differently on what he was feeling. She lifted his shirt slightly, and kissed his stomach, leading down and down and down until she reached the hem of his pants. She made no hesitation and sliding them down and pulled down his boxers as well.

"Don't think I fucking give a shit about you because of this." Lovina said grabbing a hold of his dick and before Netherlands could say anything about her dirty mouth, she showed him the true definition of a damn dirty mouth. He wasn't all that surprised. She was a skilled lover being Italian and all. After a last, sultry lick, she stopped and leaned back, opening her legs to a wet pussy, telling Netherlands physically what to do next. He didn't need any hints to know what to do.

"Fuck." He fucking knew it.

"There's a fucking stain." Lovina said, not taking the time to point it out. She threw her shirt back on and looked around, brushing her skirt clean. Her annoyed eyes were directed at him.

"You're not fucking keeping my underwear are you?" She asked. Holland shrugged.

"Maybe you shouldn't have been wearing such sexy lingerie." He said, dangling the black and red lace thong. Lovina made a slight scowl, but not a screaming fit like Holland thought she would make, she just mumbled a low "asshole" before she looked away and ran her hands through her tangled waves.

"I'm not a whore." Lovina said suddenly with some seriousness in her voice. Then … she actually did look ashamed. She only really slept with Spain and occasionally Gilbert and maybe sometimes the good-looking Spain look-alike when she was drunk. But nothing that actually turned into something. Her relationship with Spain was something that was there before she slept with him. And even that… that obviously wasn't enough seeing as he had Victoria. Whoever the hell she was. Netherlands felt a small ping of guilt. Something he could emphasize with. That sort of empty rejection they both knew was there, but neither wanted to acknowledge and much preferred to pretend it didn't exist. Him with that want for something again with his sister. And Lovina for that attention, honest, attention from Spain.

"I never said you were." Holland said, fully clothed and pulling a blunt from his pocket. The Italian eyed it, but she chose for once not to voice her disapproval. Drunkard had no business lecturing Holland about his vices anyway. She played with a strand of hair and actually looked around while Netherlands relaxed even further with his handy blunt. A breeze passed by and Lovina noticed the trees. Light colored petals fell. But they weren't those stupid cherry trees Japan raved about all the time. Those weren't even native here.

"They're called peach trees, dipshit." Lovina whipped around so fast Holland almost thought she would have gotten whiplash, but the face she made told something different. She must have not been so used to be talked back to, which Holland thought he was right in thinking. After all she lived with Spain. Lovina otherwise ignored him though, turning around without saying some sassy-ass comment back. But she glanced up, seeing some evidence to what Holland had said.

"We should go." Holland could hear Lovina said. He was so obliged and grateful that she said something… but yet… he felt something in his chest wish he could stay. And even weirder thing was he actually didn't mind being around Lovina. And it wasn't just because he got some.

"After all I wanted to go to Belgium's house not fuck around with you." Lovina said with a little too much distaste, Netherlands simply responded by blowing pot smoke in her face. It stunk. She stunk. She stunk of desperation, sex, and now the pot smoke that entered her pores. He leaned down farther, seeing how still and deep her eyes became.

"Well maybe I want to fuck around with you." The Dutchman took another drag before he stuffed the blunt into her mouth. Little Italian seemed to not know what to do with it at first, but she figured it out and as usual, first puff started off with a couple coughs. Amateurs. He could have rolled his eyes but chose not to for the sake of simply her embarrassment.

"Hold it in for a bit, stupid." He spoke calmly. Mostly because of the marijuana. Lovina eyed him for a bit, her eyes already getting a little glossy. She took a drag correctly this time and released the smoke from her lungs, she didn't seem too amused and waved the smoke away from her in a disgusted manner.

"How can you do that shit all day?" Lovina said, starting off towards the bike and gestured for the Dutchman to hurry the fuck up. Calmly, he followed, making sure to make a grab for Lovina's tight ass that made her shriek in surprise and she quickly turned to glare at the blonde.

"Asshole!" She screeched, and then he realized Lovina seemed to be back in character. And at this he couldn't help but smile. Same old
Lovina. Ever since he'd lived with Spain he always had a sort of… spot for her. When he didn't fit in conversations between his sister and the bipolar bastard he would be entertainment for the small brat. When he left though the only person he thought about missing was his sister. And oddly enough Lovina never entered his mind again for a while. A breeze went by.

"Get on the bike." Netherlands wanted to ask, but it somehow came out as a sort of demand. Lovina obeyed though this time, her dark green eyes glossed over and wandered over to the trees again. Netherlands was focused on mounting it while not knocking Lovina off. She was tiny enough to not take up space, though not in the basket this time but she balanced herself on the frame while still keeping out of Netherlands way behind him. He settled in the seat and he could feel her hands latch onto his shoulders. Somehow it sent a small shudder through out his body and he assumed he took some ecstasy without remembering. He should really sort through his drugs at some point.

"They reminded me of you." It was the tone of her voice that really stopped him in his tracks, that and the feel of her head lean against his. Her hair falling onto his shoulders as well and he turned to attempt to look at the little Italian.

"What?" He made a grimace.

"The peaches. When you lived with us… there was a peach tree too." Lovina spoke softly. Almost lyrical like how her sibling spoke.

"Are you on acid or what?" Netherlands questioned, but didn't wait for an answer. Belgium should be home, and he proceeded to bike with a for-once calm and somewhat happy Lovina pressed against his back which he didn't mind one bit.

Fuck, I'm so sorry guys. I read some reviews and I know I've been pulling a huge American over here and assuming Holland = Netherlands. I worked on this some more and somewhat fixed it but I just didn't have much time for it. I had it half way done for the longest time and I'll give y'all an update because indeed, it has been about a year. Sorry guys, I love y'all for sticking through with me for nearly a year!