AN_ Before you begin, I must warn you this story will eventually be a Harry/ Draco slash. IF you don't approve don't read any further. This will also not be an immediate pairing. This story may also go up to an M rating in later chapters. Also I don't own anything you recognize

"Hagrid, I'm his godfather he is my responsibility now." Sirius Black gave the half giant a pleading look.

"Sirius, I'm under strict orders from professor Dumbledore ter get Harry to Little Whinging." Hagrid shook his head. His bushy hair swinging around wildly.

"`It would be against the law for you to take him Hagrid." Sirius finally pulled out a final plan he had hoped he wouldn't have to use. "Lily and James strictly forbid Harry be left with her sister and that is exactly where you would be taking him. Not only are you kidnapping but do you want to go against your friends final wishes?"

With a sob Hagrid handed the baby over and Sirius tucked the boy into his leather jacket hopping onto his motorcycle he took off into the night sky.

Sirius flew straight to his house putting up every form of protection he knew. He had to get out of the country as quickly as possible. Dumbledore was after Harry, Sirius didn't know why but he wasn't going to stick around to find out.

There were a few things he had to take care of first though, Sirius took Harry into the nursery that had been set up before Harry was born for when he stayed the night and changed his diaper then set up a charm that would allow Sirius to hear the child no matter what room of the house he was in.

Sirius then headed to the study and sent off the paperwork that was already filled out claiming him as Harry's guardian to Gringotts and the Ministry. He didn't want to give the bumbling old headmaster a chance to come up with a plan to take Harry away.

Along with the form to Gringott's he also sent a letter requesting a will reading as soon as possible. Sirius also wanted to review his properties so he could decide where to go. The man worked into the early hours of the morning writing letters to the people he trusted to know that he was leaving and letting them know as soon as he settled he would write to them with a location as well as making a list of things he would need.

Around six in the morning a loud crying filled Sirius' study and he immediately jumped up running for the nursery. James and Lily often told him he was paranoid because as soon as Harry even made a noise in his sleep the man would run for the babe's room like it was on fire.

Sirius arrived to the nursery to find young Harry standing in the crib holding himself up on the bars.

"Morning Pup. Are you hungry?" Sirius cooed picking him up placing the still sleepy headed child against his shoulder stroking his hair.

"Pafoot." The baby gurgled into his shoulder.

"That's right Pup. Uncle Padfoot's got ya." Sirius sighed carrying the child down to the kitchen to make a bottle. Then went into the sitting room where a warm fire was blazing in the fireplace.

"Pafoot, where mama?" The child asked as Sirius got situated on the couch.

Tears formed in Sirius' eyes at the question as he looked down into the imploring green eyes of the child. His mother's eyes.

"Momma isn't here anymore pup. Neither is papa. It's just me and you now pup." Sirius choked as Harry sucked happily on his bottle. Tears fell into the babies raven black locks as Sirius allowed himself to cry, not only for the loss of his friends but for the child that would never know his parents.

Sirius woke up a few hours later stretched out on the couch with Harry asleep on top of him sucking his thumb.

Sirius carefully sat up and took Harry for another diaper change before going to call his cousin Narcissa. He had to go into town and was afraid of taking Harry with him. Narcissa listened to the story and immediately agreed to come over and watch the youngster and within moment's she had stepped out of the fire cradling her own son to her chest.

"Thank you so much Cissy," Sirius kissed the woman on the cheek. "Harry is in his crib asleep right now but will probably be awake anytime. There are diapers by the changing table and bottles and such in the fridge. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Take your time Sirius. He'll be fine while you're gone and I'm sure Draco will enjoy having someone to play with." Narcissa smiled placing the blond haired Draco in the play pen in the sitting room. One would have thought Sirius had a child of his own full time for all of the supplies he kept for the rare weekend he kept Harry. Now it seemed it would all come in handy.

Sirius stepped into the fireplace and whizzed off to do more preparing for his and Harry's escape. His first stop was the bank for Lily and James' will reading and to get a list of his properties. Next was a trip through Diagon Alley picking up supplies, as luck would have it the last person Sirius wanted to see at that moment was walking briskly up to him.

"Sirius, I need a word with you my boy." Albus grabbed his arm tightly.

"I'm a little busy today Albus, Couldn't it wait?" Sirius asked yanking his arm from the old man's grasp.

"I'm afraid not Sirius, I need you to release Harry into my custody. He isn't safe with you. I need to take him to his aunt and uncles." Albus used his best grandfather voice and put on a sympathetic face.

"I'm sorry Albus I can't do that. Not only would it be against my moral principle but it would be against Lily and James' last wishes." Sirius shook his head.

"Sirius m'boy do you honestly believe they made you godfather expecting you to take the boy in as your own? You were James' best friend he wanted you to be a part of his son's life but I don't think he meant for you to adopt the child. You know as well as I do that you aren't father material." Albus argued.

"I may not know a lot about being a father but I will learn and at least I will love him for who he is." Sirius hissed before stomping away apparating home before Albus could try something different.

Cissy was sitting in a chair reading a book and sipping a cup of tea. Draco and Harry were gurgling and chatting at each other in words only they could understand while rolling a ball around the playpen.

"Cissy, I need your help. I need to get Harry away from here and quick. Can you help me get packed and see if Lucius can get me a International portkey? I need as few people as possible to know where we are going."

"Of course Sirius, Anything but what happened?" Cissy asked jumping up ignoring her book which hit the floor with a thump.

Sirius explained his run in with Dumbledore while they raced around the house packing up things that Sirius would need. Everything was shrunk and placed into a trunk. Narcissa sent a message to Lucius requesting the Portkey and while they waited Narcissa forced Sirius to choke down some lunch. She knew when the man was upset he wouldn't think of such trivial things but an international portkey would drain him. Harry would have to be placed inside of a warded bubble to keep him safe.

Not long after Lucius sent a letter along with a gold chain.


While I don't know what is going on I know this must be urgent. I'm sure Cissy will fill me in later. This Portkey is unable to be traced and will take you anywhere you want to go. It is one from my private stores. When you say the activation word just concentrate on where you want to go.

Whenever you have settled wherever it is you are going please keep in touch. I owe my freedom to you and my families safety as well. If you are ever in need of anything do not hesitate to ask.


Lucius Malfoy.

P.S. Glacier.

Sirius read over the letter with a bit of a smile. When Voldemort had first come into power Narcissa had approached Sirius claiming Lucius was behaving strangely. Sirius had poked around a bit and learned that Lucius was under the Imperious. It had been the eve of Lucius' marking when Sirius had broken the spell and saved the man from being marked by an evil madman. He had then seen to it that Malfoy Manor was well warded and that the family was kept safe.

Sirius grabbed the trunk everything was packed into and Narcissa did the charm to protect Harry from traveling that far.

"I'll be in touch." Sirius promised kissing his cousins cheek in farewell. He activated the portkey and vanished. Leaving London behind along with the old coot.

~4 years later~4 years later~ 4 years later~ 4 years later~ 4 years later~ 4 years later~

"Padfoot, look a Koala!" Five year old Harry Potter exclaimed pointing excitedly from his perch on Sirius' back. Even at five the youngster was picking up the Australian accent. Sirius stopped and turned to look at the small group of young teens following him.

Upon arriving at Black Manor in a magical community on the coast of Australia, Sirius had set to work finding a job. He had plenty of money as did Harry but he just didn't feel right not working. He had found employment as a Professor at the magical school. Unlike Hogwarts in Scotland this school was a day school in which the students from the community returned home each day after school.

Sirius currently had a group of his older students out for a field trip in the rainforest.

"Even though this field trip is to teach about plants and their various uses in potions, Harry has discovered a Koala in the tree there. Can everyone see it?"

The students all looked and nodded.

"Good, now who can tell me a little about the Koala?" Sirius asked.

"They eat eucalyptus leaves." One girl offered.

"Babies are called Joey's." another student piped up.

Further information was stopped as the students all looked to Harry in surprise. The boy was making a strange noise and the Koala was moving closer. After a moment the Koala was close enough for Harry to reach out a pudgy little hand and pet it.

"His name is Aiden." Harry giggled. "He wants to know why we don't have fur."

Sirius glanced back at Harry with a smile at the child's imagination. This wasn't the first time he had claimed an animal had said something.

"And what did you tell him?" Sirius asked humoring the boy.

"We are born with out and that's why we wear clothes." Harry stated matter of factly. "Can he come home with us? He says he doesn't know where him mum went."

"Sure, tell him to climb on and he can come with us." Sirius smirked knowing the Koala wouldn't come that close.

Harry made another strange little sound and to Sirius' surprise it climbed to the end of the branch and over onto his shoulder.

Sirius quickly lifted Harry down to stand on the ground in front of him and knelt down to his level being careful not to jar Aiden. "Harry, have you really been talking to animals all this time?"

"Of course," Harry smiled brightly. "Aiden gets to come home with us right?"

Sirius paled significantly. It was extremely rare for someone to be born with animal speech even a wizard. He nodded slowly lifting Harry back up onto his shoulders. They finished the field trip out with Sirius being very distracted.

Sirius discussed the new development with all of the professors at the school and none have ever heard of someone being able to speak to more than one species of animals at any rate. Sirius decided to test the boy by introducing him to several species of animals at the zoo and having Harry ask them to do things.

Each time the animal would do as requested. Sirius was amazed. Harry had always shown an above average intelligence for his age but this was miraculous. However Sirius saw them having multiple pets in the future.

~3 years later~ 3 years later~ 3 years later~ 3 years later~ 3 years later~

"Narcissa, Lucius, Draco. It is so wonderful you guys finally made it out for a visit." Sirius greeted the Malfoy family warmly. School was out for a holiday and The Malfoy's had expressed an interest in visiting. "Draco, Harry is out in the back yard with Luca. Why don't you join him and we will bring lunch out."

Draco smiled and nodded in agreement he and Harry had been pen pals since they were six and it fascinated Draco that Harry had started school at five instead of eleven like he would be doing.

Harry was always willing to share what he learned with the blond however and their parents even let them have Floo calls with each other once in a while.

Draco walked out the sliding glass doors and onto the deck. Down in the yard below Harry was skirting around in the sun apparently kick boxing with a kangaroo. Draco stopped just to watch for a moment and screamed when a furry something climbed onto his back munching a leaf in his ear.

Harry was distracted just long enough for the kangaroo to land a good kick to his stomach and Harry flew a few feet back landing on his arse with an 'oomph'.

"Easy Luca." He choked and the kangaroo hopped over sniffing his hair to make sure he was okay. "I'm fine I'm fine." Harry laughed getting to his feet and brushing the dirt off before running up onto the porch grabbing Aiden off of Draco's shoulder so he could pull the blond into a tight hug.

"G'day Mate!" He exclaimed.

"Ew you're all sweaty." Draco protested.

Harry laughed and picked up his wand off the patio table waving it to clean himself and Draco up.

"I can't believe you can do magic already!" Draco exclaimed. "It's not fair."

"Come live here." Harry laughed. "Then you could too."

Narcissa exited the house then a plate of hotdogs and hamburgers floating in front of her. "I don't think so. I won't even let him attend Durmstrang. It's just too far away." She shook her head.

"Cissy, you've got to let him grow up sometime." Sirius chuckled lighting up the grill with his wand.

"I told her that too, she refuses to let her little boy go." Lucius exited the house as well with the condiments for the food.

Draco was beginning to blush from the attention and to spare him Harry grabbed his hand. "Come on, I'll show you the greenhouse."

Draco's blush darkened at the contact. He didn't know why but he felt like there was electricity pulsing from his fingertips to his shoulder as Harry dragged him off the porch towards the large glass building.

Inside was a mass of plants of all shapes, Sizes, Colors, and Smells.

More than just plants lived in the greenhouse though there were also several species of birds and reptiles in the building and Harry introduced Draco to each one individually. Each it had appeared had heard of Harry's ability and had sought him out before opting to stay with him.

Draco was admiring one of the lizards on a branch, as he passed by and tripped over the roots of one of the trees falling face forward into Harry's chest.

"Jeez Draco, I know you like me an all but we are a little young don't you think?" Harry teased not releasing his hold on the blond.

"I. I. I tripped." Draco stuttered his breath hitching in his throat. He didn't know why the raven haired boy affected him that way. He knew his face was beet red and there was nothing he could do about it.

"I know Draco, I was just teasing." Harry replied still holding Draco against him. Draco was saved from answering the question when Sirius peaked in to let them know lunch was ready.

Harry finally released him and led the way back up to the patio.

After lunch Harry made his rounds feeding all of his pets which numbered out at about thirty.

Draco declined the invitation to go back into the greenhouse with Harry to water the plants and feed the animals.

Draco instead holed up in Harry's room which they would be sharing for the duration of the Malfoy's stay. When Harry returned from his chores he walked into the room stripping down in front of the blond with no qualms about it. Before slipping into a wet suit.

"I'm going down to the beach would you like to join me? I can teach you to surf." Harry offered. Draco hesitated for a minute or two unable to think of a way to say no without being rude.

"Yeah sure." He finally sighed.

"Ace! Here is a wet suit you can borrow. I'll wait downstairs while you get changed."

Draco emerged from the bedroom feeling ridiculous in the tight fitting suit which was slightly too big on him so he looked like an overweight seal that had suddenly lost a hundred pounds.

Harry had a grin on his face and was trying hard not to laugh but took pity and tapped the suit with his wand causing it to shrink to fit him properly.

The boys headed down the winding path to the beach and Sirius sighed watching after them. "I'm glad you guys could come. Harry needed some companionship."

"Doesn't he have school friends?" Cissy asked sipping a lemonade.

"A few, Most of them are either afraid of him or jealous of him though. I've never seen a child his age so powerful. He's normally okay as long as you don't make him mad. But when he gets mad all hell breaks loose." Sirius sighed again.

Once the two emerged on the beach Harry stuck his surf board in the sand and went to speak to one of his classmates who had just come in.

Draco opted to stay with the board squinting in the bright sun.

"What are you doing here?" A loud gruff voice questioned Draco looked up to see a teen probably around sixteen.

"I'm here with a friend." Draco replied simply not seeing what the big deal was.

"This is a private beach, and we don't accept the likes of you." The teen then snarled pushing Draco causing him to fall backwards into the sand.

"Clint! Back off he's here with me." Harry shouted approaching the teen getting in his face.

"So you're responsible for dragging the squib onto my beach are you?" Clint growled having a good six inches on Harry he was looking down his nose at the brunette.

"He's no squib Clint and he's my friend now back off." Harry looked as if a dark aura was forming around him but Draco thought it was just his imagination, no one else seemed to notice it.

"What are you going to do about it Black? Call your daddy? One of your pathetic pets?" Clint taunted using his wand he lifted Draco into the air and tossed him into the surf.

Draco lifted himself out of the wet sand and knew he wasn't imagining things. A strong wind had picked up and the clear sky had turned gray rather suddenly.

Harry's hair which was about jaw length had begun blowing wildly about his face and his eyes had taken on a sea foam green color. Clint stopped sneering looking around and apparently finally noticing the dark aura that had appeared around Harry.

The older teen took a few steps back. "Alright alright I'm sorry; He can come by anytime he wants. You can bring anyone you want here just don't kill me." As Clint and his friends took off down the beach and Harry began to calm down slightly Draco took a moment to really look at him with his hair blowing mildly in the now light breeze, his eyes slowly turning back to emerald, the gray sky began to clear and as a stray beam of light shone through the clouds hitting Harry. Draco knew he had never seen a more terrifying, a more apposing, or a more beautiful person in his short life.

"What happened little Raven?" Sirius asked as the boys trudged back up the path from the beach.

"Did it happen up here too?" Harry asked looking ashamed.

"Yes, it happened up here too!" Sirius exclaimed. "I thought a thunderstorm was rolling in."

"Sorry Padfoot." Harry scuffed his foot in the dirt sheepishly.

"Don't apologize Harry! You were defending me. You didn't do anything wrong." Draco immediately defended the raven haired boy.

"Calm down Draco, Tell us what happened." Cissy cut in giving her husband a knowing look.

Draco and Harry calmly explained the whole thing and Harry accepted a hug from Cissy for protecting her son before he excused himself to go to bed.

"It takes a lot out of him when he does things like that." Sirius explained.

All too soon the Malfoy's visit was over and Draco and Harry went back to being pen pals with a promise of another visit soon.

Draco felt torn almost. He had never clicked with anyone as well as he had Harry. The boy had taught him how to surf, taken him for hikes in the rainforest, and they had even made a trip to The Great Barrier Reef for snorkeling.

Draco returned home feeling as if he had left a part of him in Australia with Harry. He contributed it to leaving his new friend not knowing when the next visit would be and pushed it to the back of his mind but he wouldn't soon forget it.

AN= Hey everyone. Thanks for reading my newest chapter to my newest story. Don't worry I won't forget my other stories. I have a beta who won't let me now. I hope you guys like it. Let me know how you feel.

Read and Review.