Bare teeth- prologue- part 1

A/N- Came up to mind randomly. Gonna write some Supernatural fics that I've had in composition notes for awhile now. Angst angst angst makes the world go round for some people- here's some, and more. :D

Now the first, and beginning part of this chapter is kinda like a prologue if anything. Kinda takes place and merges from this weeks recent episode, but there's a change of date and time and what not.

Then it progresses to it's own deal.

Bleck it was a mess for me to sketch out.

Hope you enjoy!

(update- confused Rebecca's name with Rachael- dunno, it rolled better)- fixed.

Summary (again)- Josh turns towards thoughts of suicide as his road turns rocky with not only his relationships but his family. Aiden has to deal with his 'family', while Sally seeks revenge which could ultimately keep her from moving on. Friendship, fluff, M for language and contents.

The mug shook lightly over the counter top, the coffee inside splashing against the rim as it spilled freely onto the surface, his worried eyes fixated on it rather then Sally who sat on top of the same counter, her body leaning into the fridge, face contorted in anger and pain.

"Sally," He breathed out, watching as his coffee spilled. Emily was home, so he needed to take care of this, and fast, before she woke up to an earthquake that happened to only take place on their foundation.

She glanced to him, rolling her eyes lightly as her brows pressed. "I know," She moaned, complaining and feeling helpless all the same. "I can't stop. Aiden's already tried." She looked to him, nodding once. "You know, you saw." Again, all stricken emotion left her and her attitude failed her as she looked away again and towards the wall across from where she sat. "And you've tried." Referring to the whole 'stop' scenario when Emily first 'moved in'.

Breathing out from his nose, Josh turned, one hand gripping at his hip as he turned his body to face her. "Stop thinking about it then-""Really?" Suddenly the house shook more as Sally shot daggers at him with her eyes alone, the temperature in the room dropping almost immediately. "Really Josh? Am I supposed to, " Her head shook quickly, lightly, as her hand swept the air. "Just wipe away the fact that my bastard of an ex-fiancé decided to kill me rather then resolve the issue?" Slowly she cooled and turned to look away. "I mean maybe that wasn't his intention but he certainly didn't seem to give a damn when he saw my corpse at the foot of the stairs."

Instantly Josh understood what she was getting at, trying to stab the atmosphere within the room as he proved to be that asshole who didn't realize his limitations of being an asshole. And in a sense, he could relate. Turning away from her, back to the counter, his tailbone rested against the edge, as he crossed his arms against his chest. He truly, truly, without a question, could relate.

Being turned into a monster without consent, and wow, hey, every resident in that house save for Emily could relate. Sally the ghost, who was killed, Aiden the vampire, who was revived into a immortal monster, and Josh the werewolf who was the lucky survivor of an attack that tore his friends face off, literally.

"Sorry." He said lightly above a whisper as his usual expression clouded his face.

Sally shook her head lightly, hearing the footsteps of, as she could know was not Aiden's, headed towards the stairs. "No don't worry." She scooted and pushed herself from the counter she sat over. "Not your fault, not anyone's.. I guess."

And with that, before Josh could even say something 'helpful', she withered to hovering particles and vanished, Emily walking through, her hair a mess.

Instantly, as anyone would, his eyes caught the full image of his sisters disheveled appearance; a long T-shirt that covered at least down to her thighs with ankle socks, her face just yelling hangover.

"Em," Josh sighed instantly looking away. "Would it kill to get decent pajamas?" He referred to her growing accustomed sleepwear, something he detested since he was a kid, watching his young sister run in nothing but lingerie and an over grown shirt that belonged to him or his dad.

She just stopped and stared at her brother for a good minute before taking a glance over herself, then back to him. "Well I thought you'd be at work by now." She shrugged, headed for the fridge, snatching the bowl that was not far to pour herself some milk with her cereal.

He rose his brows lightly as he looked to her, eyes hitting the ceiling as he tried to count the times that she was probably sober during her stay. "You mean not be, because today is Saturday." He sighed, eyes roaming the kitchen for the trash bin, that might have only been a large collection of vodka bottles.

He, more then she could know, knew how it felt to be left by your lover, him having had a fiancé whom he thought was 'the one', but never did he think it would be hard for his sister to get over some ex. Maybe despite the whole lesbian scene and tomboy attitude, Emily really was just a woman at heart, as sexist as that may sound.

She shrugged again. "Don't murses," She intentionally used the alternative to perhaps make her brother feel better about being a male nurse. "Usually have shift everyday? Hospitals don't usually close before midnight and weekends." She snapped lightly, the hangover getting to her.

Josh wanted to just grab her by the shoulders and shake her till her brain finally sat straight within her skull and demand she get over it, but no doubt would that end badly, because not only would Emily bring back his ex, but she would also talk about how much of an asshole he was, and, no doubt, Sally the vengeful ghost would pick up a sense of anger and sadness that she would pop in and start screaming her head off about how much of a dumbass the werewolf was.

"Where's Aiden..?" She asked softly, glancing up to her taller older sibling as she poured the milk into the bowl.

Looking down quickly, Josh's brows furrowed lightly, confused, but he knew that she had no attraction to him, no matter how many women Aiden managed to unintentionally wrap around his pale finger, Emily was never gonna fall for him. Shrugging he looked away and towards the table. He really didn't know, not that it mattered, unless, of course, he suddenly relapsed and started drinking humans dry- then he'd have to find a way to put a 200 plus year old vampire down to cool off and start an intervention, which wasn't all that ideal, yet a promise he would have to fulfill if the time were to come.

"Why do you ask?" He replied, trying to steer a conversation as the tension thickened, and it felt even more awkward.

She shrugged and nearly spun as she got from the counter to the table to place her breakfast, taking a seat. "Just wondering since, you know, you guys are good friends and all." She answered.

But Josh felt it was something more of a dependency. She didn't know, but Aiden was old, very old, and usually the saying 'wise with age' is a myth, and sometimes with the old vampire that was along the lines, but, sometimes, the guy could think of some good tricks to make someone feel better, which probably came with more of the whole immortality thing and repeated experiences along with mistakes rather then just talk.

However, it was also Aiden's idiocy that was assisting Emily into getting drunk near hourly.

Josh wouldn't be so reluctant, but Aiden, well, it was his whole protective side. Either let a drunk pissed Emily roam the streets and probably get killed or raped, or- he could go buy the alcohol she wanted to drink away all her sorrow, which he has been doing non stop with continuous bottles, as if to avoid talking to her about relationships- cause he had bigger things to worry about.

"I'm back!" A voice called from the living room as the door closed behind him, and, next thing Josh could hear but Emily couldn't was Sally's pleads for the vampire male to go talk to her since Josh was busy being the older sibling who couldn't talk to 'thin air' for the moment.

Josh hunched over lightly to look into the living room, the sound of crinkling plastic bags catching his attention, eyes immediately catching the crystal shine of a rather large and familiar bottle with smaller ones. And with a sigh, he looked away.

As thought, a requested item for Emily being shipped over, no less, after she finished a bottle not more then 6 hours ago.

Aiden at first was reluctant, glimpsing towards the siblings in the kitchen, then to the bag, then to the ghost who was basically gawking at him with impatience.

Deciding at last, he nodded off towards Sally, silently asking for her to wait as he approached Emily, bag in hand.

"The store was reluctant to give it at such early hours despite it being a Saturday," He mused as he circled the table to look at her as she munched at her food with displeasure. "But luckily we live in Boston where that doesn't matter." Not that it should, that rule applying to Sunday's only.

She looked up with a small smile, silently thanking him, her body nudging lightly away from Josh as the tenseness in the room became shallow. She could feel her brothers protectiveness kicking in, the alcohol to drain away the pain clearly not being his method- if only she knew him like Aiden did when his life turned upside down.

But she could see it in Aiden's eyes as he looked to where Josh would be standing, giving that grimacing apologetic look before he went back to look to Emily. "Now don't try to finish this by today. I don't think they'll let me buy from that store any more, they do have limits." He clarified, and it was true. Even credit cards and Id's kept track at the number of booze you bought in a single week now a days, and they had limits to prevent violence or suicides or poisoning.

"Thanks." She said nearly bellow a whisper, attempting a greater smile but couldn't as she could sense her brothers body language become more angry.

He only nodded, and with a light smile, set the drink's to a stable stand, and turned to go back into the living room. "I'm gonna go upstairs and wash-up." He notified, Emily requesting he not use all the hot water- not that he was since he couldn't really register temperatures. With a short reply he head for the stairs and towards Sally who was nearly breaking the railing with her hands.

But all the while she held an apologetic soft gaze towards the cheap wooden floors.

And Aiden understood. She was desperate, lost, hopeless, and could do nothing like Josh and Aiden could to exact revenge, since, well, they weren't dead, and invisible existences that could only achieve the breaking of objects- rather then humans; which, in a way was good, because then Sally would have snapped Danny's neck without a second thought.

Giving her a warning yet sympathetic expression, she shrugged, as he walked up the stairs, and head towards his room.

Both siblings remained silent at the table, Emily messing with her food as she swirled the spoon in circles, eyeing the cereal as if now it were displeasing with the sight of alcohol in tow.

For a few minutes Josh attempted to just stand with his arms crossed against his chest and wait, to calm himself down, because, older sibling or not, it didn't usually work as it should have.

As the authoritive figure he should have the winning say; but Emily was tough, and words could hardly get to her.

But after awhile, it became too much, as the cereal became soggy and the milk became colder, and, cupping his hand over his mouth and pulling it down, fingers lacing against the edges of his lips, he sighed, hand slapping against his thigh as it went limp.

Without thinking much to it, he circled the table and sat into the chair that faced the bottles, his forearms resting over the top, waiting for Emily to look up and away from her food, which she reluctantly did, aware of the situation at hand.

When their eyes locked, Josh scooted the glass bottles away, hands clasping into interlaced fingers as he silently stared at her, as she did, waiting for him to start, which took awhile.

"Emily," He tried with a older sibling type tone, lecturing a child. But he was still quirky when he spoke, so it lost most of the feel he intended to display. "You can't just drink yourself to forget."

And just as predicted from earlier, Emily nearly burst into flames with sudden rage. "As if you should talk!" She snapped, letting the spoon go, it's handle smacking against the rim of the bowl ,hard, audibly. "I know very well that when you're fiancé dumped you, and when you ran away, you drank yourself to near pitiful states plenty of times!" She scoffed.

Nervously his eyes hit the table, and there they stared as she barked at him.

"I mean, come on Josh!" She laughed lightly. "Let me guess, you were gonna say something along the lines of, this is life, it's normal, it happens, to deal with it. You can't even deal with your own problems so don't come up to me with puppy dog eyes and the older brother figure speech cause you lost that respect when you ditched our family!"

Like a slap to the face, Josh flinched. "Come on Emily, that isn't fair." He said lightly, but not faintly, not weakly.

"Not fair?" She scoffed. "Since when is anything fair? Especially with you. You're selfish, and you wanna talk about fair?" She nodded lightly, biting her bottom lip with a small smile. "You know," She looked around, slouching in her seat. "I appreciate this, what you're doing, I really do." She looked to him, who still stared at the table. "Taking me in, taking care of me, like I asked, like I nearly begged. But don't think of this as an advantage, or that it clears you of anything you did." She neared the table, nearly leaning over as she neared Josh. "So let me just stay, drink, and get back on my feet the way I know will help me."

Licking his lips and raising his head in the same motion as his eyes looked to the ceiling, Josh sighed. "I know, but listen, I've been there, and, well, and," He began to lightly stutter and shake. "It doesn't work… Emily." He managed to say in a straight voice, eyes to hers. "Drinking makes it worse, makes you dumb, completely dependant of it. This was just one break up, Emily. You're still young, still in college. You don't know what life is-"

"Oh and you do, cause you're soooo much older then me." She huffed out a laugh, pressing her heels into the ground as she scooted her chair back. "Thanks big bro, but I'm pretty sure I've got it handled for now." She rolled her eyes lightly as she shook her head, completely ridiculed by the words exchanged, standing from the chair and walking towards the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Josh asked, loudly as she reached the stairs, hoping it wasn't along the lines of changing and going out, because she was in no condition.

"To bed!" She replied, obviously pissed. "Gonna sleep some more…" She muttered, but Josh's ears could easily pick up her words.

It was later, when Josh decided to go to the hospital for the hell of it- to put in extra hours, to get his mind off things, that Emily woke up again for another bowl of cereal to replace the last she had tossed.

She had, while drinking a cup of warm coffee when Aiden walked up, picking up an apple and biting into it for his displeasure but in a sense to seem 'normal', while he eyed Sally when the only human in the house complained about the freezing temperatures, Sally all the while apologizing out loud, and Emily announcing that she would go up for a sweater.

Once she'd returned, her drinking binge started again, so much so that it dragged until the late hours, Aiden and Sally watching over her as they sat at the table, listening to a nervous Josh pace around with a bouquet of cheap flowers, lecturing them, especially Emily, asking that they leave- find something to do, which they all lightly replied to, knowing that the werewolf was wanting to get laid.

The door bell rung, Emily bounced, already eyeing the blond doctor and offering a drink as she nearly jumped and squealed while she led the stranger towards the kitchen for a, at first, single shot of vodka.

It was then that Aiden had decided it was best they leave, dragging an intoxicated girl and a pissed off ghost out the door and to the night life.

They would hang out at a cheap club, somewhere Emily could flirt with the willing and attractive ladies who were perhaps not even bisexual, and where Sally could further complain only to find another dead woman who died with style 15 years ago.

Aiden had remembered his near to last words as Emily ventured for red heads that night, saying it was her 'taste' for the day, and he couldn't help but think of Rachael, how she could be following him, and warned her, to be careful, but in a gentle, parent like way- rather then a 'be careful, if you happen to meet a red head by the name of Rebecca, I suggest you play nice and come to me immediately'- not that he would say that.

The night had dragged out, Emily kept drinking to the point that she had to take a seat, Aiden looking over her as he sat on another bench, eyeing the crowd but not feeling the need to do what they wanted to do as a way of relief.

"Woah," Emily almost slurred. "That one looks like she forgot her panties." She insulted.

And that, well, Aiden wasn't sure if it was an insult with a hint of arousal, but, he was curious, and there she was, walking to him like it was the most normal thing on this earth, as if she had not done the things she had done, proven the things she had proven with that near pornographic tape she had filmed of her biting a guys head off, Rebecca.

But never did it click that he was the bait to lure away from the meal.

He didn't see Emily walk out, neither did Sally, as the youngest went for a smoke, even though Sally had stopped socializing with a bitchy ghost who lived her life as a spirit torturing her ex.

Emily had snapped at a rather rugged older male who was dressed nicely, saying something about chasing skirts not pants, yet thanking him when he offered her a light to flame the tip of her cigarette.

She could barely feel his presence, as he circled her, not noticing the eyes that peered from a distance within a car.

Next thing she knew, she was pushed and grabbed all at the same time with incredible force, so much so that her head collided with solid, the impact making her bleed.

She gasped, the cigarette falling to the ground with a comical bounce of filter to cherry before rolling on it's side to a stop, the grip of the man feeling stronger as he grabbed her again and tossed her like a rag doll, all the while managing to cover her mouth from emitting loud screams.

Emily could hardly remember the rest, as her body met concrete, nails, and sensation of being bit, though drunk could still feel the pain, the doubtful sharp canines that ran across her wrist and stabbed, the eyes that became a coat of onyx as they looked to her, aroused as he tossed her more, abused her.

She was expecting the worst, rape, murder, kidnap, but, eventually, the man was called by the male who was in the car, and with silent demands, the man knew, and let the girl go, walking to the car where an older man with light blond hair sat, peering at her as she managed to get on all fours, hand swabbing at wounds to get a good idea of how badly she was hurt.

Fortunately the club was close to the house, within walking distance, so Emily didn't think twice as she limped, phased by a concussion, not so much affected by the light drops of blood that fell from her body and onto the ground, all the while unaware of Sally following her, watching over her- thinking 'maybe I can't do much, grab a man and kill him, but I can probably shatter a window and send daggers of glass into his skull'.

She had watched Emily go to the backdoor of the house, which was closest, stumble up the stairs and into the kitchen, nearly about to turn away as she reached the frame of the door that led to the living room, her foot hitting the ground too loudly that it caught Josh's and his dates attention, that, cautiously, they peered towards the kitchen expecting the worse.

But by worse, along the lines of a burglar, or in Josh's case, maybe a drunk pissed Ray. But instead there stood Emily, weak, dirty, the gash in her head speaking for itself.

Instantly his medical and brotherly protectiveness kicked in, with some animal primal thing also, as he nearly slammed into her with speed while she apologized and took a seat on the windows frame, about not wanting to interrupt, all the while the two medically experienced mid aged adults telling her to not think about that, to not worry, that she needed a hospital as she lightly protested.

"Emily," Josh interrupted, cupping her face with his hands as he forced her eyes to his. "We're going to the hospital." He stated, end of story, and she nodded.

While there, in the nice car of the female doctor, Josh couldn't help but think, -as he sat in the back seat, weary of his sisters lightly fading vitals which he could hear clearly-, about Aiden.

Where had he been? What was he doing? The only chick that could distract the vamp was Sally, if not that insane bitch Rachael.

So where in his right mind did he decide that drunk, little, human Emily was ok enough to waltz out of a bar, or club or whatever, to their house in Boston, at night, alone?

His teeth clenched, his jaw flexing.

He remembered seeing Sally whisk past her as she ran upstairs, trying to keep her presence from disturbing the temperature or houses foundation as the two downstairs had frantically attended to the girl, all the while knowing that Sally was wanting to give him an answer as to what happened, something he would seek because Aiden was obviously not there- if he were this wouldn't have happened, plain and simple.

The car swerved into the Emergency entry, the car parking before the doctor got out of her car and ran to the back seats, opening Emily's side as Josh ran out to help her out of the car, taking her arm and swinging it around his shoulder, telling his date to run and get a wheelchair and some medical assistance- something a woman of her ranking would chew his head off for, but now wasn't the time.

Quickly she returned with a wheelchair, calling out for help as the workers recognized her, since she often worked at the ER, and ran towards her. Quickly she got to Emily and slowly they helped her sit, as they whisked her into the hospital, some nurses bringing out a stretcher to put her on because they noted blood freely dropping from her arms, head and leg.

All the while she gripped on her older brothers forearm as the pain began to worsen, as the alcohol slowly left her system through sweat and blood, her expression clearly that of burning pain, brows pressed, labored breathing and narrowed eyes.

There was nothing he could do other then give her soft whispers of assurance as they carried her out.

Since day one, not that it had been more then a single day, he had known that bringing Emily into the house was a mistake.

He was at first concerned about them doing something inhuman around her, that she wouldn't be able to distinguish or haven an answer for. But never did he truly think about those around them, Ray who still hung in the presence, in the air, whenever Josh walked to work, or transformed, or ate out. And that smell, he recognized it, because he had pummeled the face of one out of pure unrelated rage with his 'maker' one night in an alley.

The smell of vampire blood. That had stained his clothes, his knuckles.

And that very same, disgusting rotted smell of perhaps more then one person that ran through their dead body was on Emily.

Aiden jogged lightly up the stairs, his fingers lacing the inner loop of the key's holding silver, reminiscing about the night, how well it had turned out despite Rachael seeking out help and attention, all the while false but still arousing.

He remembered wanting to sleep with that vamp right there and then, in the alley while they made out, but, decided against it, deciding it was best he go home when he realized, while inside the bar, he couldn't see Sally or Emily.

While he was slightly annoyed that Rebeccas's presence had distracted him from his only task that night, he wasn't too worried, thinking that maybe Sally had followed her, and now the spirit wasn't just a helpless invincible existence, but lethal if need be.

He remembered catching the words of the vampire who was being edgy, dramatic, and circled to return to her, to give her a heart felt kiss, and apologizing as he turned away and left.

Aiden opened the door and stepped in, ready to call out the names of those he expected to be there, but his sensitive hearing couldn't pick up the noise of any of them, much less the smell.

But something did slap his nose as he stepped in, so strong, a human could only relate if someone were to describe the strength like walking into a room after someone managed to burn a bag of popcorn to hell.

With a whiff he turned to Sally, who sat at the stairs, depressed, eyes to the vampire as she looked heartbroken, worried.

He looked away an inhaled once more, turning, eyeing the room, then catching the sight of blood.

"Where are they?" He asked, more over demanded, worried, as he looked back to Sally.

Her voice came out soft, hesitant, barely above a whisper. "The hospital…" But before she could ask that he not go for his sake, the only thing she could manage was calling his name as he stormed out of the house, and ran towards the hospital with in human speed.

Aiden wasn't asked questions or stopped by anyone that worked there since, despite being a nurse- murse, he was highly recognized by both sexes, especially the females.

They eyed him like eye candy and swooned as they called his name, trying to perhaps catch his attention, while he, all the while irritated, couldn't understand as to why they couldn't see the frantic expression that coated his face as he sped down towards the ER's ICU rooms, hoping that Emily didn't have to be there.

He was just about to turn the corner to the Intensive Care Units when he caught the smell of Josh, and that overwhelming sensation of emotions only the young man alone could emit. "Josh?" Aiden breathed, relieved to find him, but the nervous wreck of a man who leaned onto the wall, back arched lightly as he crossed his arm over his stomach, his teeth biting at his thumbs nail, turned to only glare at Aiden.

And instantly, the vampire felt intimidated, as the werewolf spared him no kindness.

Josh let his arms fall to his sides as he approached the man, eyes sparing any mercy as he got close. "Let's go outside." He demanded barely above a whisper as those around them watched the murses in an unusual character.

Aiden only nodded once before he turned towards the hallway he came from, and down towards the ER entrance, reaching the outsides, and Josh almost instantly grabbed at the collar of Aiden's black leather jacket and rammed him into the wall, not that he exactly could without some sort of inhuman strength that he would have to further squeeze out.

"What the fuck, Aiden?" He breathed through clenched teeth, the growl of the wolf itching at the back of his neck, teeth bare. "Emily,-" He paused, looking away at first, and then back towards him. "She could have died, and it would've been your fault." He hissed again, ramming the body into the wall once more. "I smelled it on her. Vampire blood. You," He breathed through his nose, pursing his lips as he bit into the bottom, shaking his head lightly. "You were supposed to watch her-"

"Josh, I know, and I'm sorry, but Rebecca-"

"You mean the bitch who sent you the sex tape of her eating some mans face off?" Josh stated in a humorous manner but had no comical intention in his tone. "That was obviously set up by your maker!" He slammed again, this time his fist into the brick wall, so hard he was bleeding. "I was being followed, since that time with Roy, and the alley way. I felt it, but didn't think too much into it. Then one day, across from our front steps-"

"Wait," Aiden's brows knotted, being able to read every emotion that smacked into Josh's features with him being so close, the unappealing smell of werewolf blood lingering the air. "You were being followed by one of my kind, and you didn't even tell me?" Because in a sense, if Josh had, then none of this wouldn't have happened, because he would surely have not allowed Rebecca to approach him.

Because now it all clicked, now it was so clear.

Josh looked away, guilt smacking his features, along with nerve wrecking brows, looking as if he was about to cry. "I couldn't, I-" His voice shook along with his body, remembering what they had done, so cruel to a pair of assholes who were munching on humans, like rebellious dumbasses with nothing better to do that night but beat up vampires.

Aiden rolled his eyes, not caring much for it. "Listen I know. Bishop told me." He nearly spat, impatiently, the anger rising within him, wanting to blame the guy but not being able to completely, realizing that it wasn't all Josh's fault for not telling him about something that was so important.

Josh's dewy eyes looked up, fear etched in them as he looked into Aiden's unaffected expression. "You know?…" He whispered, as if being caught at a murder scene with a bloody knife. And for some unclear reason, suddenly, he felt enraged, smacking his fist into the wall again, teeth clenched, more blood escaping, so much so that Aiden had to pull at the younger monsters arm to get it away from the wall so that the next thing that collided with brick wasn't exposed bone.

But suddenly, Josh's expression calmed, and he took a step back, gripping his wrist as his blood pooled lightly- not that he was worried- he knew Aiden wouldn't drink it like some vicious starving animal, and that it would heal in no time. "Then it was both of our faults…" He whispered, but then shook his head, his voice going lower then a whisper. "No… It was mine…" He wide eyed the ground, dazed.

"Josh-" Aiden quickly reached out, but his arm was smacked away.

"I need to go," Josh's voice shook, glancing up towards Aiden. "You tell Emily that she needs to go to our parents house, whether she wants to or not, she's not safe-" He rambled quickly, Aiden managing to shut him up as he grabbed at his shoulder.

"Josh," He said softly, trying to calm the man who was in a fit of panic. "Josh this isn't your fault." In truth, he couldn't figure who's fault it was exactly. His for falling for the slut trap that is Rebecca, or Josh not mentioning the watchful eye of a vengeful vampire. "But Josh," He shook lightly, forcing the shorter mans eyes to meet with his. "Not only Emily, but you need to leave also, you need to get out of town-" He suggested, but more like demanded, as the werewolf's attention wavered.

The shorter, younger, shook his head, eyes to Aiden's chest, just to avoid eye contact. "No," He mouthed at first. "No no no," He whispered. "I can't…" His voice slowly rose. "I can't leave I can't-… Live like a normal person.. There's no where… I can't live by myself-, not again." He trembled, stuttered, Aiden not making any sense of what he was trying to say other then him being a monster and not being able to live with those who couldn't understand him, the most of it though vague.

Aiden's jaw flexed as he shook Josh once more. "Listen, you don't know what you're dealing with. That night at the alley they were intoxicated, vulnerable. But you were only against younger vampires, weak ones. You do. Not.. Want to go against Bishop…" He said lowly, cautiously, watching Josh's face turn into a horrifying discomfort, feeling as the mans shoulders stopped shaking and the muscles go near limp, as if the grip was the only thing that kept him standing.

But still, Josh protested, looking around, eyes darting, brows pressed, face contorted in fear and desperation of escape. He looked like he was looking down the barrel of a shotgun with pleading eyes, almost as if her were going to beg. "I can't-" He whispered, his tone low, and Aiden could note the emotions from words alone- Josh was fighting the urge to cry, to remember.

There was so much you could learn from someone in a single year. In the first months it's rocky, not knowing who the other is, what the other is, what they like, what they detest; their true nature. But over time, you get to slowly exchange light jokes that would only be understood between each other.

Then secrets are learned, and so is the bad as the shyness fades and the person becomes more confident, more comfortable around the other.

Josh was like this.

At first he was a nervous wreck, like a starving lost child wandering the streets, rejected by everyone. Then eventually, he calmed, became more social, but only around Aiden who accepted his quirky behavior, because, as a two hundred- plus year old existence, you meet certain people along the way.

Over time the shyness was replaced by casual odd behavior, something that took longer then Aiden thought, seeing as to how he met Josh in a rather unpredictable manner despite him seeming weak and defenseless.

Now Josh was just a bundle of secrets and pain. And rarely did he ever present that as he was now. But the vampire couldn't make heads or tails as to why.

"I've… Gotta go… "Josh's voice was soft, shaking, as he shrugged Aiden's hands off, turning immediately, and pacing away, at first slow, then progressively quicker, to the point that he was running down the street and away from where they lived.

As if it were a full moon, but in truth, that wasn't until another month.

At that very moment, Aiden felt like chasing after him, but knew well enough that Josh was fully capable of taking care of himself if something were to happen, and knowing Bishop, he wouldn't send a small group to rip the werewolf to shreds unless Aiden was there to watch.

But what he didn't even think twice about, was who Josh needed to be protected from- himself.


(If there were Rachael's here and there, know that I couldn't find them, but should have been Rebecca- the emo dramatic horny red head vampire chick)

A/N- Yes that was a cliffhanger. Maybe didn't get the feel of it, but I'm an expert at them, so brace yourself for some hellish cliffhangers in the future lol.

That finish there, will progress to some great angst that I've already written out lol, pretty gruesome.

Anyways, hope you liked it. Leave reviews/comments cause I always love to hear what you think so that I continue.