Disclaimer I still don't own Ashes to Ashes or Life on Mars.


Annie stared at the sleeping baby as Sam wrapped his arms around her waist. He still couldn't quite believe Maya had offered to stay with Danny so Annie could leave the hospital. Now as he stared at the tiny baby in the incubator he couldn't help but smile. Annie rested her head back against him and closed her eyes. It had been a stressful few weeks and she was shattered.


"Yeah?" She spoke but kept her eyes closed.

"He's a little smasher as Ray would say."

"Yeah, yeah he is." Annie smiled.


"Yeah?" She fought to keep the giggle out of her voice.

"You know I love you? I've been a right idiot. But I never stopped loving you. Both of you." Sam kissed her neck as he buried her head in her shoulder. Annie nodded but didn't turn to him. Instead she hugged his arms to her as he held her around her waist.

"I know Sam. I know, we both do."


Chris waited by the car as Shaz walked towards him. The night air was colder than she had expected it to be but she was glad to be going home and even happier that Chris had offered her a lift.

"You alright?" Chris watched as she dug her hands in her jacket pockets.

"I'm ok." She nodded as her dark fringe fell into her face.

"It's changing isn't it? This place I mean. The Guv, the Boss?"

"Everything changes but I don't think Ma'am and the Guv are going anywhere. Things change all the time Chris. I mean come on. When we took over CID that squad room was stuck firmly in 1981." She shook her head as she remembered the black and white ceiling tiles.

"I know."

"Chris, stop worrying."

"Can I ask you something?" He pulled his denim jacket tighter to him as the rain began. Shaz stood staring at him. "Only there's something I'd like to see change."



"What?" Shaz stared at him. It wasn't long since they had got back together.

"Sharon Louise Grainger, will you marry me? Only if you want to like."

"Oh Chris!" Shaz laughed as she hugged him. "Yeah, go on then!"

He picked her up and swung her around as they both laughed in the rain.

"Ai! You dozy pair will catch your death!" Phylis yelled as she saw them across the car park. Shaz just smiled at Chris before kissing him senseless in the rain.


Alex stared at Ruby who was fast asleep in the cot a few feet away. The little girl was completely oblivious to the world around them. She couldn't help but smile as she heard Molly walk towards her.


"Yes Sweetheart." She hugged the young girl to her. She hated seeing the normally fiesty teenager looking so unsure of herself.

"Is Dad ok?"

"I think he will be." Alex couldn't help but smile. "You know him. Strong as an Ox. The Manc Lion."

"He's not like that really Mum. You know he isn't." Molly sighed. "He just thinks he has to look after us."

"What happened today Molls. Back home. It was awful. It's the worst thing I could ever image you or your sister seeing but..." She trailed off as she realised Gene was behind Molly.

"Yeah it was pretty gross." Molly pulled a face. "But one minute I'm getting all gobby, the next minute Dad has me in a bear hug and my face is buried in his shirt."

"You didn't see?"

"I heard Dad swear and I heard uncle Ray go for help but at one point I thought dad was going to smother me he was hugging me so tightly. That man. He was stupid and evil. I don't know why he would take money to hurt someone but I am glad he can't hurt anyone anymore. I really don't want to talk to that counseller woman they said I had to."

"We'll see about that."

"Wes' mum died and he didn't even have to!"

"But he was 8. This is a bit different." Alex watched a little of her daughter's fiestiness return.

"How long do we have to stay here?"

"Molls, it isn't that bad is it?" Gene asked as she turned to face it. "I'll get us somewhere better as soon as I can. SOCO are all over our house like a bloody rash. When they have finished I'll get the house on the market. Maybe we'll buy somewhere a bit nicer, nearer Wes eh?" He watched as she nodded. "Now try to get some sleep you soft lass."

"Ok dad."

"Good girl." He watched as Alex hugged her for a moment before she walked across to him.

"Night Dad."


Ray stared at Maya. He wasn't sure what she had just said. It didn't seem possible. Not them. Not him.

"Are you actually going to say something?" Maya bit her bottom lip. It wasn't like her to feel insecure. It wasn't a feeling she was used to.



"Sorry luv." He smiled slightly as her words began to sink in. "I'm going to be a dad?"

"Thats what I just said. I don't know how to say it any more clearly. Ray, listen. I am pregnant and you are the father. Now I know with my track record..." Suddenly she was silenced by his lips on hers as he kissed her.

"Maya." He smiled as he broke the kiss. "I'm going to be a dad."

"Glad to see you finally get it." She smiled back. "You ok with that?"

"More than. It's bloody brilliant."


Alex quite liked the little police house. It wasn't home but after what had happened there she was glad of that. She curled up on the sofa as Gene negotiated his crutches so that he could sit next to her.

"Molly is going to be fine luv." Gene rested his arm behind her on the sofa as Alex snuggled in to him. She nodded as she closed her eyes. Something about feeling Gene's heartbeat under her hand was oddly reassuring after the last few hours.

"I know."

"We'll keep an eye on 'er." Gene sighed as Alex looked up at him.

"Yes. But who keeps an eye on you? The Manc Lion?"


"No Gene. You don't have to be the strong one all the time. Someone tried to kill you. Keats paid to have someone kill you." Tears began to swim in her eyes as she thought about how horrific the situation really was.

"I know." Gene pulled her towards him and kissed her. "I know."


"I can look after meself Bolls. As long as you and our girls are ok. And that lot at the nick are behaving I'm ok."

"Gene, you can let me help you know? Being a man doesn't mean you have to hide everything. It isn't just you anymore. There's four of us in this family. I'm here too."

"I know luv. I'm sorry that you married a dinosaur." He pulled away and held his head in his hands, breathing heavily he closed his eyes as he felt her run a hand through his dirty blonde hair. She knew he had been drinking whiskey but he was far from drunk.

"No, not a dinosaur." She smiled. "Just a big cuddly bear that thinks he has to look after everyone else."


"No Gene."

"I thought he was going to shoot Molly." His voice cracked as he spoke. "I really thought. Shit if 'e were still alive I'd bloody kill him!" He kept his voice low. Alex knew he was serious.


It was then she realised his eyes were full of tears. "I just, it's just."

"I know." Alex pulled him into her arms. "I know." She kissed the side of his head as he turned to her and met her lips with his own.

"Alex." He whispered.

"It's over Gene. Nothing and no one is going to hurt us now. Ruby, Molls. Us. We're together because of you. Because you saved the both of you."

"Bolly." He pulled back and met her eye. "Remember when I said I would be chasing you up those stairs in no time?"

"Yeah" She smiled as Gene brushed her hair back from her face.

"Think you may have a head start."

"We're getting there Gene." She smiled as she stood up and walked towards the living room door. "Five minutes?"

"Blimey Bolls! Not that much of a bloody head start!" He laughed as he pulled himself up on crutches and followed her towards the bedroom.


A/N That really is it this time! One last review? please xx