Friends Forever


Opening the door of his room a seven year old Raph peaked his head out to see if the coast was clear, he couldn't afford to be caught sneaking out of the lair. Going top side was forbidden and he really didn't want to get into more trouble again. The mission was known, all he had to do was get past Leo and Splinter's room, then into the hall way, and to the door.

"ok, I can can do it...I hope."

Taking a deep breathe Raph squeezed through his door not wanting to open it to wide, closed it and tiptoed past Leo's door, then stopped. There was silence in the lair, along with Mikey snoring, and light rustling coming from the door he just past.

"uh oh"

Pressing himself flat against the wall Raph held his breath and listened. Nothing. The rustling had stopped and there was silence again. Raph trekked down the hall, slowing when he came to his Master's door, this was the hard part,Master Splinter had that strange sense of always knowing, always hearing even the smallest of sounds.

It was creepy.

Calming himself, Raph used all of his training he had learned and past Splinter's room, and nothing happened.

He was home free, now he just had to past through the living room and open the lair door...crud, that darn door still had that squeak.

He'd have to open it slowly, carefully... and be really lucky.

Standing in front of the door, giving one more look around, Raph opened the door, stepped out side the lair, closed the door and ran as fast as he could, while trying to make as little amount of sound that he could.

Grinning to himself Raph took his root up to the surface knowing exactly where he was going.

Even at seven years of age Raph knew his way around the sewers. He preferred to be on his own more often then his other brothers did so more often then once Raph found himself in the tunnels then soon enough sneaking to the surface.

The sewer was wet and cold, the tunnels smelt horrible and there was a strange scratching sound that could only mean bugs.. and rats. Ick. Turning down a smaller tunnel Raph reached out and felt the wall, there was a small pipe that he could use for leverage. As soon as the tunnel ended Raph looked up, grabbed the ladder and started heading up to the streets of New York.

Peaking up into the streets, he could see that it was a quieter night then it usually is, which was good for a young ninja in training.

Climbing completely out of the sewer, Raph placed the lid back on the sewer entrance and then ran strait for the shadows. The alley stunk, there was a pile of garbage taller then himself,trash all over the place and stale water that was strangely colored.

Reaching for the fire escape Raph pulled himself up onto the first ring. The ladder was creaked with each step he took.

"stupid ladder..." Raph grumbled, he had to hurry or he would be late.

Reaching the top of the ladder, Raph swung himself onto the roof.

The flat cement surface was dark, dirty and quiet, but it wasn't the roof he was going to be late for.

Running across the roof top, and going ot the far side Raph looked around.

No one.


"Hey where are you?" Raph yelled out.

Hearing rustling behind one of the walls on the roof, Raph smirked. Bingo.

Creeping his way towards where the sound was coming, Raph dived in only to stand back up wearing a confused expression, there was no one there.

"what's a matter Raphie? not find what ya were looking for? hehe " The young girl giggled.

Turning around quickly Raph was face to face with a young girl about his age.

"That wasn't funny!..get ova here!" Raph said charging towards the girl.

She screamed and ran away laughing "come on Raphie! can't ya catch a girl?" Her dark eyes alight with mischief.

They ran across the roof playing their little game. Raph would grab on to her only for her to wiggle away laughing.

Finally settling down and laying on the small blanket that they left there for their nightly visits, they looked to the stars.

Raph with his hands behind his head, and the girl in the same position beside him they talked back and forth about what had been happening in their lives.

"hey Raph?"The girl asked rolling over to be on her stomach looking down at Raphael.

" ya?" Raph said back, looking at her.

" were like best friends right? I mean..well I dunno we hang lots and we like each other so...what does that make us?" She asked eagerly.

" that's easy...were friends foreva that's what we are..." Raph answered.

Her eyes lit up, a glimmer and twinkle seen in her dark eyes.

"ya..okay friend forever"


Hey guys! well what did you think so far? R&R plz!

For those reading my other stories- Thanx for being patient, I'm trying to get back into writing a chapter every two nights or so, but thanx for still sticking with me even tho it's taking me a bit to get the chapters up.

Luv ya! Ruth.