N: Please keep an open mind and wait until the end of the story before you guys hate me, ok!

Special thanks to my beta, Zoraya Windwalker for doing an amazing job with this!


"Stefan, look, Jonathan Gilbert studied The Originals too."

As Stefan sat down beside me, I showed him the page I had been reading just now.

"It says here that there was only one type of wood that would kill an original. When the tree burned, they though there was no hope left, but someone forged a special dagger and had it spelled by a powerful witch – you have to dip the dagger into the ash of the wood and stab them with it. As long as the dagger stays in, the Original stays dead."

"So, John was right…"

"What are you talking about?" I asked with a hint of suspicion in my voice.

"Well, John gave Damon the dagger you're talking about. And a small bottle full of the ash of this tree."

"You mean this dagger?" I asked, showing him a drawing of said dagger.


"You're saying that Damon is trying to kill Elijah? Now?"

"As we speak…"

"No, Stefan, you have to stop him…you…he can't…" I got up from the couch and started walking towards the door, taking the car keys with me. "…Stefan, we have to…call him, tell him to stop!" Stefan took his phone and immediately called Damon – he would have asked why, but her voice was so desperate that he didn't.

"He's not answering."

"No, no, no…"

Stefan came in front of me, put his hands on each of my shoulders and shook me to stop me from panicking.

"Elena, what's wrong?"

"We have to get there…now, Stefan, now!"

"Ok, but I'll drive, you're trembling. You'll have to explain to me what's wrong once we get in the car."

I got in the passenger seat, put my hand-bag between my legs and started playing with the zipper.

"We need to get there fast Stefan, can't you drive faster?" I asked, yelling at him, for not understanding the gravity of the situation I haven't even explained to him.

"Elena, you're scaring me, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down; your brother's going to die if we don't get to him in time."

"I think you're overreacting. Elijah has no idea that we know about this weapon, much less that Damon is going to use it to kill him – or that we even have it - so short after he has threatened him. By the time he's going to figure this out, he'll be already dead…"

He stopped talking once he saw me shaking my head to contradict him.

"By the time Elijah's dead, Damon will be too…" I said.

"Why would Damon be dead?"

"If a vampire uses that weapon to kill another vampire, they both die…" I whispered.

"So if Damon stakes Elijah, he'll die too?"

"Took you long enough! Yes Stefan, that's what this means. Now that you understand what I'm saying, can you please drive faster? Or better yet, let me drive!" I said, at this point seriously believing that I could drive faster than he. I didn't even notice that he was going over 150 km/h already.

"Elena, I'm going as fast as I can. Now, are you going to calm down or do I have to compel you?"

"Don't you dare Stefan! I don't understand how you can be so calm, he's your brother!"

"Do you really think that both of us freaking out like that will help Damon?"

"I'm not freaking out" I denied.

He tried to grab me hand, but I pulled it back. He wanted to hold my hand, but I wanted to do something, anything. I couldn't stay still.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"At the Boarding House, John and Alaric are there too. Alaric's phone is going straight to voicemail and John isn't answering his." he answered.

"Of course he doesn't answer, that was his plan all along, to kill Damon. He knew what would happen as he gave that to him. If he succeeds, I swear I'm going to kill that man. I told you he's nothing but trouble." I was shaking even harder than before, growing angrier and angrier. Stefan put his hand on my knee. For the first time since I've known Stefan, his touch didn't help me with calming down…


When we finally arrived, I practically jumped from the car while it was still moving. I started running towards the house but before I had the time to realize what was happening, Stefan was standing in the doorway, blocking my way.

"Stefan, what the…move!" I yelled.

"Elena, I don't think you…"

"Stefan, get out of my way, now!" I interrupted him.

I pushed him and yelled at him for a few more seconds before he finally moved aside, realizing that there was no reasoning with me at the moment. I passed him and ran inside. Alaric was standing in the middle of the living room, with a shocked expression on his face and John was just a few steps behind him, having a satisfied expression on his face. In that moment, I realized what happened, but I refused to believe it until I saw Elijah's and Damon's bodies…

"No, Damon…" I screamed and walked over, kneeling besides him. I took his head and placed it in my lap. I didn't even realize I was crying until I saw my tears on Damon still face.

"Damon, wake up, it's me, Elena, please wake up!" I said to him, words barely recognizable because of my sobs.

"Elena…" John started.

"Stefan!" I yelled, even though I didn't have to, he was right beside me. "Get him out; I want him out, now!" I said, moving my head in John's direction. Satisfied that Stefan was taking John away, I turned my attention back to Damon. Everything was looking blurry, because of the tears in my eyes. It was like a nightmare.

"Damon…" I whispered his name sounding like a prayer. But he wasn't responding. He wasn't smirking at me, or rolling his beautiful eyes at me…he wasn't making some inappropriate joke or trying to threaten someone…he wasn't even moving, he was just lying there… I took a glass from the small table besides me; I broke it and used the shards to cut my wrist. I moaned and pushed it to his mouth. I was hearing voices, from what seemed like miles away. It was Caroline, I think…or Bonnie…or both.

"How long?" Caroline asked.

"Almost half an hour. She doesn't let anyone approach or talk to her" Stefan answered.

"Bonnie, are you bleeding again?"

"No, I'm not."

"Then why do I smell blood?"

The answer came from Alaric: "It's Elena, she cut her wrist…to feed Damon…" he said in a sad voice.

Caroline started walking forward, but Stefan stopped her and lead her towards the door.

"Go and try talking to her, Bonnie!" Stefan shouted over his shoulder.

"Damon, drink it and wake up, damn it!"

I felt a hand on my back and I pushed it away. "Leave me alone, Stefan, I want to be alone!"

"Elena, it's me, Bonnie. Stefan's not here." She said softly, approaching me with slow, careful steps, placing her hand on my back again.

I threw my arms around her and started crying uncontrollable.

"Bonnie, you have to do something…you have to…bring him back, please, please!" I cried.

"Shh, shh, we're going to find a way to bring him back…you'll see, we're going to find a way." She said, moving her hand up and down my back. "Let me put something on your wrist, you cut yourself pretty deep. Stefan and Caroline couldn't handle the blood; I should take care of that before they come back."

"No, what if he wakes up, he's going to need it" I said determined.

"Elena, he's not waking up…please, let me take a look at that!"

"No, no, he has to wake up, he can't just…he can't just be gone…forever…" I let Bonnie go and got Damon back in my arms again, pressing his head against my chest, moving back and forward, begging him to wake up.

Suddenly I started feeling a twinkling sensation all over my body, the objects around started to lose their forms, growing blurry around the edges and then it all went black.

"Alaric!" Bonnie yelled. "She passed out from the blood loss. Put her on the couch, I'll go find some towels and water to clean that wound."

They had to detach her fingers from Damon shirt, because she wouldn't let go…

N: Hope you guys like it; review and tell me! The next chapter is going to take a while, so I apologize in advance for that, school exams…

Love you all!