I didn't feel like writing, but I was really bored...yeah... This was inspired by the rather well known picture of Izaya and Shizuo kissing on an escalator, and I dedicate this to my friend, Iza-Chan, for she adores said picture. Hope you like it~!BD

WARNING: Light Shizaya/Izuo


"I still love you, Shizu-Chan."

"And I still hate you, Flea."

They were just an escalator apart, both going the same direction, but separately; they were on their own.

"Shizu-Chan, I know after this, after all this is over, we may never see each other again. So, may I ask for just one last kiss? To remember you, to remember us, goodbye?"

There was a long silence, it almost seemed as though it would never end, that it would never be broken. They were nearing the top, the end, when the blond finally answered.

"Fine. Just one last time, Izaya."

Before he even had a chance to blink, the informant had reached across the distance between them, grabbed the ex-bartender's shirt and crashed his lips onto the other man's. After a few moments of contact, the jacket clad man pulled back and whispered,

"I'll never forget, Shizuo."

Now then this would have been a very epic and inspirational moment if not for the fact that as soon as Izaya let go of the white dress shirt Shizuo lost balance and fell backwards down the UP escalator.
