12 Jan 14

Well here is Chapter 14 of Winter Mission. This fanfiction is 20 chapters long so I hope I get them up on time on a weekly basis. Hope you all enjoy! Don't worry about all the loopholes and unanswered questions I do plan on revisiting them and clarifying them all. A criminal mastermind knows better than to reveal all their cards until the very end…

Also would like to say that I do not know much of anything about weapons again like guns and such. I mean during boot camp I did shoot off quite a few rounds from a 9 mm handgun but I don't know its make or anything. I also shot a 12 gauge shotgun which I couldn't even hold properly in my hands because I'm so freaking small. The instructor took most of the weight of the weapon and I just pulled the trigger. I now though have a liking for the 9mm just cause it's the only gun I've shot and think I have a feel for since I almost got expert in shooting it. Few points shy of that got me sharpshooter.

Also rereading my past posts I cringe at all the grammar, repeated words, and spelling mistakes. I've commissioned a friend for a beta so let's hope she replies back soon.

Also went back to read a bit of Russian Roulette and am now using info I got from there to add to the plot for this story. So I think they are spoilers for that book but eh *shugs* I'll put the warning up all the same.

Whatever though. Please enjoy.


o ~ O ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ O ~ o

"Toys?", His eyes immediately went dark and I brought up my hands defensively, smiling all the while.

"Calm down there Mr. Green Monster, it's from Mr. Smithers down at MI6. He was able to send me a few parting gifts it seems. Slowly, carefully, mindful of what fun things Smithers could have put in the box, I undid the tape and opened the package. On the top was a DVD and just underneath it was a portable DVD player.

Picking that up and handing them to Yassen as he came to stand beside me I thought about going through the rest of the box but on a second thought decided to watch the DVD first. Didn't want to accidently set anything off in there.

"So these are more of the spy toys that you use? Amusing. Hurry up and see what else he packed for you. I'm curious to see these things for myself."

"Yassen have you finished doing what you're supposed to be doing young man?," I asked taking the DVD player from him and moving the package away from his wandering hands.

Eyes narrowing he replied with, "For your information Mom, yes, yes I did."

Rolling my eyes, I opened the DVD player and warily set the disc inside and waited for it to play. I hoped it played and didn't explode or anything. Kept my fingers crossed.

As soon as the screen lit up the corners of my mouth pulled up slightly, Smithers was in his usual place at his work table, it was odd seeing him without the usual fat everywhere. He looked tired though. Not the usual bubbly man I was used to seeing.

"Alex. Let me start off by saying how sorry I am about all that's happened recently. It shouldn't have happened if I'd equipped you properly, if Blunt had any other operative as good as you to send in, if we could only leave you alone," He was fiddling with a handful of wires not looking at the camera and I felt a knot in my stomach. He was blaming himself.

"I'm going against Jones in sending you all this Alex but I want you to understand why. This is my way of apologizing to you. If you look inside the package you'll find a few things that I hope will help you out on this last go around," as he said this a little of the animation he once held came back and he pulled something out from out of the cameras view. It was a pair of glasses.

"These are glasses that have a variety of uses. These were created for surveillance and I do hope you put them to good use," Yassen reached into the package and pulled them out.

"There are small black button along the frames that are for, night vision, thermal imaging, capable of zooming in and I added a camera as well. They are also polarized and photo chromatic so need to worry about glare or sunlight in bright areas. Don't even worry bout breaking them. Made them so someone would have to run them over with a semi to even make a crack in them."

Looking at the frames it took me awhile to feel along on the frames to find two sets of button on each side. The left had the night vision and thermal imaging while the left held the button for the camera and zoom.

Finished playing with the camera setting I took them off and handed them to Yassen who tried them on and I could see the mischievous glint in his eyes as he tapped his finger gently on the camera button.

"To view the photos the right frame screws off and there's an auxiliary cable inside to plug into a computer. While in night vision mode and thermal imaging you can take pictures too. Next is a nifty watch that works as a video camera, capable of night vision as well as zoom. Never know when you might be able to covertly gather evidence against someone." It looked like a plain, black leather strap with an analogue clock but playing with the dials I was able to figure out the rest of the settings that had nothing to do with a watch.

"Personally I like the belt," I pulled it out surprised by how hefty it was and a little stiff, "If you push in the pin that normally goes into the straps the entire belt rolls in to create a baton. Along the hilt of the belt where the buckle is you'll notice the grooves in it, these are the buttons for the electrical current that the baton has, goes up to nine million volts. It also has a flashlight at the tip with three settings, full power, half for battery saving, and strobe to blind your enemies."

That one I think would be my favorite.

"Also sending you a data recovery stick that looks like a car key, top comes off to reveal the USB inside. Holds up to one tera-byte. Here are a variety of pens for a variety of occasions. The red pen is for locating bugs, the green pen is a laser cutter that can cut as deep as a six inch blade, and there are about six different blue pens to plant and use as listening devices. Here's a keychain that has a mini Nintendo controller on it. Using different combos will receive the feed from the different pens. You have to set the combo for each pen you plant and there's a built in speaker inside. I was trying to make it as a speaker for an MP3 or iPod too but didn't have enough time, sorry."

Setting aside the data recovery stick, pens and keychain, I watched out of the corner of my eye as Yassen picked up each item to play with it. Immediately he picked up the laser pen knife and set it against the post of the bed. A frown covered my face as he began cutting random designs into the post making a mess of shavings on the covers. Smither's continued and I chose to ignore Yassen for the moment.

"There should be a small drawstrings bag full of American currency coins as well as a bottle of hand sanitizer. The coins each have different properties and will react different to the hand sanitizer that we've put a little, extra ingredients in. It's still safe to use but just not when you are going to handle the coins. The quarters are smoke bombs, the dimes release a knock out gas, nickels are for small explosions that create a loud bang, and the pennies are flash bombs that will blind the enemy for a few minutes."

Yassen was having fun playing with the gadgets and had a bemused smile as he cocked a brow like, "Really?" Dumping the coins from the drawstring I had Yassen count them out, didn't give him the hand sanitizer though. Knowing him he'd want to set off one of the coins. So far so good, these were really going to come in handy.

"I've also included several necklaces that act as voice changers or could be set to use as communication devices should you need to. There are matching pair of earrings for a set of the necklaces for ear pieces. Going down to the more dangerous items Alex I want you to know that I'm leaving behind all reason and putting my trust into you with the next items I'm giving you. At the bottom of the package there should be a leather shoulder bag. Pull it out."

It was heavy and it looked well worn. The dark brown leather on it was firmer than I thought considered its worn look. It was leather lain over some hard plastic material, looked like a small personal travel size case. It had three straps along its front; the two on the side were buckles the one in the center had a keyhole.

What's in it?

Don't ask me….Yassen was back to the laser pen knife.

"I'm putting my trust in you Alex, just don't do anything stupid that I'm going to regret giving this to you. There is no key, if you touch the outline of the key hole you'll see it rotates and comes out. Slide it open and you'll see a key pad. The combo is 007…" the Smither's on the player paused as if allowing me time to open the bag, which I did. It was empty.

Shuffling around in it I couldn't find anything. What was odd was the thickness of the back of the back. It was a little odd. Not too noticeable unless you were really looking for abnormalities with it.

"Unclasp the gold plaited corner caps and the bag rolls open…" I did and it did unrolled like a roll up tool-kit. There was a layer of leather on top of the backing and I pulled it back to reveal a weapons kit instead of tools. By weapons I mean an actual gun.

"It's a 9 mm semi-automatic handgun….", there was the gun lain out, with a silencer, two spare clips and twelve bullets in a row in a holder on the back lining.

"The bullets I provided are for putting people in a deep sleep. The bullets, once inside the body, will release a drug that within a minute will put the enemy out into a deep sleep. However the clips can be used for real bullets as well. I didn't provide you with those. The decision is yours to make if you actually plan on using it with real bullets. At the bottom of the package is a bullet proof under armor shirt. Take care Alex…this player will self-destruct in ten seconds" With that the screen went blank and sure enough after Yassen chucked it out the window it went into a tiny ball of flame and was incinerated before it got within two feet of the ground.

I took the gun out and felt the weight of it in my hands. This was definitely my favorite. He actually gave me a gun. A gun! They were always so adamant about not giving me one.

"Cool case. You think it'll make it through airport security?"

"Yeah, he once gave me a book with a gun in the spine that shot tranquilizers. This is sort of like that I guess."

"These are quite interesting gadgets Alex. They'll make things more convenient…", he still had on the glasses and I had to admit to myself that he looked gorgeous in them. He looked like a young college student or possibly a teacher…my thoughts started getting away with me.

A hint of curiosity was coming from Yassen which reminded me, "Hey Yassen how are the super powers going? I hadn't been able to read people or your mind since I last saw you. Have you been able to do anything still? Or did they go away?"

Adjusting the glasses with a look of superiority in his face he said, "As a matter of fact I have been able to use them. I have not however tried to push the limits if what I can do physically. I can hear and see things from afar, further than a normal person can do with the naked eye. They haven't lessened or grown in strength since this past winter. How about you?"

Shook my head slightly, "I wasn't able to use them after I left you. Maybe I can only when we're together. With the people in the house I'm just barely able to gain a reading of intent or emotion but I can hear you clearly if I try. It's a lot easier to block you out if I want to now. Before I couldn't figure out how to. Now I can, it was like finding the light switch in a dark room you're unfamiliar with. Since I know where it is I can flip it on and off much easier."

"That's a good way of phrasing it. I figured out how to do that much quicker than you did. Other than that has there been anything else that's changed with you? Perhaps it's because I didn't spend more than a few days' time with you but I thought you'd be more greatly affected by the serum."

"Nothing that I've noticed. I'm getting my face chiseled out again and getting rid of the baby fat that came back. That particular side effect was only temporary. Other than that I'm unchanged."

We were both still playing with the gadgets when there was yet another knock at the door. About ready to blow a gasket if it was Wolf coming back for more I was going to find a use for my new belt.

It was a phone call from the Pleasures.

"Edward? Yes I'm doing fine….No, thank you for being so considerate…Dinner? Tonight? Sure…Can?...He can? Thanks so much. I'll see you tonight then…I can get my way there. I know where it is."

"How do you feel about meeting my so called adoptive parents and sister?" Were my words as I came back to the room.

His face scrunched up, "Do I have to?"

Shrugging my shoulders I went back to the bed where he was still playing with the damn laser. I rerolled the gun case and put away the gadgets that Smithers gave me inside it. Well, all but the laser pen knife. Pulling over the bag that held all my positions I'd brought from and pulled out the photo I had of my parents.

"No, you don't. But I think I'd like to have you there so I have a good reason to ignore Sabina. She used to be a real nice girl and I'll admit I used to have…I mean we kissed a…I don't like her anymore…" I'd began talking about her openly but when I looked over at Yassen he plainly didn't like what I was saying as he stopped with the pen to look at me.

"You what? Would you care to repeat that Alex? Was she your first kiss?" He put down the pen and crawled over to me on the bed and the way he did it, with those glasses on, that seductive yet angry gleam in his eye, I completely froze.

"Yassen, we just had sex less than an hour ago," I backed up onto the bed and he followed me, "we just showered too."

"So what, I want to test out theses glasses."

And the real reason comes to light.

Shut up and let me eat you.

"Are you really going to take pictures?

"Do you not want me to?"

I paused. "You know all we seem to do is have sex. Isn't there supposed to be more to the whole dating thing? We are dating right?"

Still stalking forward he spread my legs and turned so he was laying on my inner thigh looking up at me. He adjusted himself as did I until we were both comfortable and I knew he wasn't going to attack. Looking at me through the glasses he took my hand and placed my palm against his cheek. Blushing my hand fell to rest on his chest, fingering one of the buttons on his shirt.

"Way to avoid the question Alex. I haven't seen you in a while and forgive me if I finally try to sate the desire to be close to you intimately. Yes we are dating I would say. We are going to have sex again soon but if you don't want to right now what do you suggest we do before you drag me to dinner with your ex?"

"I wasn't avoiding the question and in answer to it, I wouldn't mind the pictures, as long as you promise that no one else sees them…"

"Oh, yes Alex. I'm going to show illegal pornographic material to all my friends and before you know it everyone is going to know your face."

"Shut up. Okay, whatever, take the damn pictures but I do think it would be nice to do something other than go at it with each other. Sabina isn't my ex either. We never dated. I don't even know what a boob feels like. Strangely I don't really want to anymore either. Women don't seem all that attractive with you standing next me. So how about I show you off and we go out? See a bit of what California has to offer two young, gay, lovers, out for a little adventure. It's still early and we have plenty of time before dinner."

He smiled, "So I look better than women? In a feminine or masculine way? What attracts you to me Alex?"

Pursing my lips in mock perusal I said, "Most definitely and masculine. Your hair is a really pretty golden shade that shines in the sun; your icy eyes hold an ocean of emotions though you rarely show it. With the body of a tuned man in the prime of youth and muscles making the skin taught with their desire to flaunt themselves I can't help feel jealous. When you touch me you leave a small fire that spreads straight to my heart where it kindles feelings that I never knew could be felt for another person."

Taking his face in both my hands I held him as I gazed into his eyes, "I feel safe with you. You're able to provide me with a sense of peace in calm that I haven't been able to have since before Ian died. There was no one I could talk with so openly not even to Jack. You make everything in my life better than it has ever been."

Turning onto his front again he brought his lips to mine softly for a few moments before he laid his chin on my chest. Taking off the glasses he tossed them aside. "That was poetic. Thank you."

"What about you? What could you possibly like about me?"

"Everything? You've been through so much and haven't been tainted so far like I have. There are morals that you still strive to uphold while doing what you believe is right. In situations where most people wouldn't be able to find a way out you're miraculously able to figure an escape route. Despite being in the face of death there's a part of you that just has to get the last laugh and taunt your enemies, a trait some might call foolish but one I would describe as brave. You aren't as jaded as I was when I was your age and I absolutely love that about you. You for me are someone I can confide with openly as well, before and even after John I've never had a friend. There was no one. Now I have so much more. You make me feel like I'm more than just a murderer for hire. I'm human again. I'm the luckiest man alive to be able to in these arms here."

My arms wrapped around him as a few tears escaped my eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." He wrapped his arms around my neck and I held him for several long minutes. Looking up at the ceiling my fingers brushed through the locks in his hair and I felt content feeling his even breathing on my chest.

He broke the silence when things were inching from love to lusty, "How about we head out soon before I change my mind and decide to take you against your will."

"Can't rape the willing but I agree."

Placing the gun case among my other bags I sighed at the pitiful pile. There were only five duffel bags that held all of my life possessions and that including the leather shoulder bag. Never was one for clothes shopping, I did used to play video games once in a blue moon, though I did have a small collection of books. I needed a hobby. Perhaps it's time I get one.

"Ready to go Alex?," Yassen was already heading out the door.

"Yeah, I'm coming." Falling in step beside I noticed he had a pair of keys in his hand, "You have a car now?"

Chuckling he answered, "Alex I've always owned several cars, motorcycles, houses, as well as a few businesses to keep myself afloat all these years. I wasn't planning on retiring with nothing to show for it. Everything is under different alias names but I've always been able to get access to them. Question is what occupation am I going to undertake now with my new identity? I now have to have a social life it seems. It would be nice for a change. What do you think I should do?"

"Yeah, we both need to get a life, hobby, and an idea of what we want from the future."

He paused for a moment, "I read often and practice my marksmanship but that was usually for work. Now that I think about it I don't have a hobby do I? It's dangerous to have a hobby because you develop habits, developing habits you developed routines, and if you have a routine it makes it all the easier to-"

"Okay, okay I get the picture but if we are going to do the whole 'normal' thing it would be in our best interest to do it. Besides we have nothing left to fear right? There's nothing left to make us have to watch our backs right?"

As we headed out the door I took his hand, "Now is the time to make complete idiots of ourselves and not worry about people finding who we are."

"I suppose but should I claim a new name or keep this one? Undoubtedly I should perhaps. I honestly came up with the one from last night at the last minute. Zack I got from my codename Cossack and Hunter from your father. I think…I think that since I'm starting all over I'll go with my real name, my birth name. There is no one left who knows me by it…"

"Wait, your name isn't Yassen? What is your name then?" Making a face I looked at him trying to imagine him with a different name then what I've come used to.

"Yes that is not my name. Back when I was younger I fell in with a bad crowd you could say. One thing led to another and I just so happened to have my mouth seriously jacked up when they asked my name and it came out as Yassen. Never thought to correct them, in fact in my mind I thought it best if they didn't know my real name. Those were hard times," we walked up to his car, a Tesla Model S, which looked new, luxurious, and as I slipped into the passenger seat I noticed it was roomy just enough too…

"So what is your name then?" Or so was the question I chose to ask before my dirty thoughts got over my curiosity.

"Yasha. My real name is Yasha." Getting the key into the ignition he looked at me from the corner of his eye but I was looking down turning the name around in my mouth.

Well what do you think?

I…I like it. Sounds promising. Does it mean anything?

"In Persian I do believe it means 'to live'," he looked wistfully out the window.

"Yasha." The way I said it was in affirmation. It fit him perfectly. Looking at his shocked expression as he looked quickly at me then away I leaned forward to get a better look at his face.

"Are you blushing?!"

He was silent for a moment before he suddenly pulled the car over. Confused I looked around but we were on the side of a semi-busy street. Did he not like how I called him Yasha?

"What's wrong? Do not like it after all? You could-"

"No! It's just that," his palm covered half his face before he looked at me again and let it drop, "I like it. No one has called me that in such a long time, no one but my parents. Hearing you call me that…" He leaned over and kissed me. Passionately at first then again with more force that made my lower regions boil.

Hands flew up to hold myself up and subconsciously without thinking I moaned out, "Yasha", against his lips. Abruptly he stopped to gaze in my eyes before smiling against my lips as he teased my mouth open with his tongue to gain entry. Things started to get a little too heated in the enclosed space and I tugged on his arm to signal for him that we should probably stop.

Laughing he pulled away but left me his hand which I took in-between mine. Continuing on with our drive we went to downtown to take a look around. There were pawn shops, shopping malls, restraunts, more shopping malls, oh, the beach, and Disneyland.

"Hey Alex, what do you say to going to Disneyland?" There was amusement in his voice but I scrunched up my nose at that.

"How about we go to Universal Studios instead? Maybe next time we can go to Disneyland. I always thought of that place as a family park. We'll come back with my parents. It'll make the experience all the more worth it with them there. For now I want to go and see what they have at Universal Studios. At the airport I saw that they have a new Transformers 4D ride that sounds like it could be fun."

"Adrenaline junkie huh? Alright then Universal it is, but first…" his hand in my lap turned and cupped me at the crotch. Surprised I clenched my legs closed and fell forward on a gasp.

"Now what exactly do you think you are doing while you are driving Yasha?!" The stern use of his real name did nothing but to turn him on further as his hand clutched me.

"That wasn't a cue for you to grab my dick harder! If you're really going to do this then at least pull over or something!" Exasperated with his attitude I tried my best to pry his hand from in between my legs but my efforts didn't deter him.

"Really? Okay, let me find a park or something," All too eager he quickly withdrew his hand and planted it firmly on the wheel as he scanned left and right. Sighing but with anticipation building up in my belly I looked out the window too, not that I would tell I was looking with him of course.

Pulling into a scenic rest area, overlooking a small stretch of the beach that was all but deserted save for a few like-minded Californians, I undid my seat belt.

Sex in the car? Really?

You're the one who said to find a spot. We already had one just needed a different location.

You. Are. Incorrigible.

Why thank you. Now get over here.

Needless to say that my face was practically on fire as I climbed my way over into his lap as he set back the recliner on the seat. Straddling him my lips found his and for the moment I was able to forget that it was mid-afternoon, we were in full public view, we were in a car and that I knew he'd pulled over for more than a quick make out session.

"You're so lucky that these windows are tinted so dark they are almost black." Kissing his lips I was able to growl that out.

Opening my mouth I received his tongue which battled against mine then he changed his mouth moments to drag my muscle into his mouth. Shivers when my tongue slipped past his teeth had me digging my pelvis into his. Bringing my hands to each side of his face I held him, pressed him, and more or less tongue fucked his mouth.

You're getting good at this.

Opening up my eyes I glared at him to see he'd been watching me. Well if someone could keep their self to their self then I wouldn't be building up such experience.

With talking to me he'd distracted me and I hadn't noticed when his hand had snuck back to the front of my trousers and now he was already past the zipper, reaching into my clothes. Moaning into his mouth my hips rocked against his hand as he got ahold of the arousal growing in my trousers.

"Yasha hurry," breaking away from me he removed his hands from within my pants and helped me remove them in the awkwardly limited amount of car space we had. Sitting back down on his thighs I undid his zipper as he nipped and bit at my neck. Releasing his cock I spit down on it as I tried to lubricate it as fast and best as possible. Too excited to wait I placed myself over his flesh after a few quick jerks.

"Wait," He reached over into the glove department where he pulled out a condom, "Don't want me to leave another mess inside you do you? You put one on too."

Blushing I rolled the thing on him with a few guided touches and he did mine. Easing him inside me was more painful than the last time but with how sinfully aroused I was with doing it in the car, I barely noticed. None to gently I rose and fell back onto him with a strangled cry clawing out my throat.

Call my name Alex, my real name. Please. "I need you to say it right now." Gripping his hair I tried to keep my eyes open as I bounced in his lap. His were half lidded and there was ferocious amount of passion in them

"Yasha…Yasha…Yasha," Rotating my hips with him inside me I saw him throw his head back as well as the Adams apple in his throat bob as he swallowed. Drawing my brows together I tried my best to watch him as he lost himself inside me. Gripping onto his shirt to use as leverage I saw that he had the glasses on his shirt. Grinning deviously I grabbed them with one hand and put them on.

Leaning back, holding onto him with one hand with the other I kept it placed on the camera button. I took a few picture of him like he was then I snapped my hips hard and his eyes sprang open, so I took another. Once he saw I had the glasses on he licked his lips and that's when I looked down at my own body with my erect cock dancing to the harsh rhythm I set against Yasha's body, my finger pressed the button a few times.

"My turn," He took the glasses and had me leaning back almost on the steering when as he snapped a few photos then seat the recliner back to get more aimed at where our bodies were joined.

With no warning he held my hips as he forcefully bucked his hips up driving himself deeper into my ass. With nowhere else to grip I had my hands on my knees as I tried to meet his speed and I rolled my pelvis. Nearing the edge I reached out a hand to him and he caught it and spread my fingers to twin with his.

Using my free hand I jerked myself off and I came, "Yasha!"

Another thrust and he buried himself as deep as he could before I felt him release.

Laying my head on his shoulder I licked his neck affectionately, "That was hot."

"Real hot. I got a good fapping picture of you, so going to make that the wallpaper on my phone," he said pulling out. Wincing I got off him and back into my seat.

"How do you take it off without it all coming out?" I asked motioning to the condom. Rolling his eyes he reached over and with a quick motion he pinched then slipped it off and I jolted.

"Like that I guess." Once he got his business put away and his zipper up he started the car but he waited until I had replaced my boxers and trousers before he took off back onto the route we'd been on.

"Now are we going to Universal Studios?"

"Yes. I just needed to charge up on my Alex intake for the day if I'm going to have to go longer than a few hours without ravishing you."

"Oh, man what have I gotten myself into?"

"A relationship with a forty year old, ex-assassin, turned eighteen, who's in desperate need of human interaction on the emotional level, who is steadily turning into a nymphomaniac."

"Thank you for summing that all up."

With the coming hours of the day Yassen, or Yasha as he preferred being called now was completely care free and if I didn't know him before all the changes I would have sworn it was another man all together. Walking throughout the park with him I was having the time of my life. We went on the Revenge of the Mummy Ride, the Transformers ride, even the Jurassic Park one. The Mummy was my favorite and we bought a commemorative photo of us on it. It had been taking in the first burst of speed into the pitch black Egyptian tomb. You felt the drop of the roller coaster and that's when your "Oh shit" senses hit the fan.

We ate at the Jurassic Café, which in my opinion was horribly overpriced but Yasha didn't care. When we finished there we went to Revenge of the Mummy gift shop. Taking the glasses from Yasha I took a picture with him wearing a hat that looked like the one Pharaohs would wear. Like a child he picked up a toy themed from Jurassic Park, it was the head of a T-rex on a stick that had a handle at the end to make the head of the dinosaur open and close its mouth. He ended up buying the annoying thing to walk behind me and peck at my hair with it.

We did a lot more and as we took another break in front of one of the fans blowing mist I looked up at the sky. Jack would talk about taking a vacation sometimes. If only…angry with myself I wiped a stray tear. This didn't go unnoticed by Yasha.

What's wrong?

Sorry. It's just that I was remembering Jack. She would have liked it here.

Slipping his hand into mine kissed the back of it, holding me to his lips for a brief second before we went off to look around some more. We met The Simpsons and he took a few with them as did I trading off the glasses. The people around us must have thought we were weird posing for pictures with no camera but we laughed.

"We're really misusing the gadgets that Smithers sent."

"In all actuality I think he would have preferred if you were to use them like this instead of life endangering situations."

"Hmm, if you say so, we should start heading back soon. We're going to have to dress the part for dinner tonight. Do believe it's going to be a suit and tie event. It's going to be at this new ritzy restraunt. Currently, I heard from him, it's the new hot spot for celebrity dining."

"Hoping to meet someone in particular?"

"Already met my celebrity crush, it's this famous contract killer, maybe you've heard of him? Cold as ice stare, dancers body, and from what I hear he's a-mazing in bed."

"Sounds familiar, I myself am looking for this upcoming porn star, I have these orgasmic pictures that-"

"Gah! Okay, okay. If you're well behaved and ask nicely tonight he just might come over to say hello to your Johnny in the men's room."

"Are you sure? How do you know he's not just a tease?" quirking a brow he pursed his lips.

"Oh, I know how this guy thinks," leaving the park and heading back out to the car I lounged against my door as he unlocked it for me, "and I'm pretty sure he's going to think you look irresistible in formal wear."

"Hmm…?" before closing my door as I sat inside the car he ducked down and put his lips to my ear, "I sure do hope so because I think he'd look completely great wearing absolutely nothing at all."

o ~ O ~ o ~ O ~ o ~ O ~ o

I think I've made them have sex too many times. What do you guys think? Please review! And no I won't be changing his name back cause I really like Yasha and how it fits with what I want for him and Alex to have together. On a side note apparently Alex means something like "defender of men" or something in Greek. *shrugs* Not going to play with that though.