A random Chad drabble I found in an old note book and I thought I type up. Chads writing a letter to Sonny after the break up

Disclaimer: I Don't Own Sonny With A Chanceā€¦ if I did god knows what would happen

Enjoy :)


Who am I without you?

The greatest actor of our generation, I think not

The one and only C.D.C, nope

The proud owner of 6 Tween Choice Awards, only proud of 5

Empty, Yep definitely empty

I may have once been all those things

Then you can

Slowly I became just a great actor of our generation

Slowly I became Chad

Then Slowly I lost you, slowly I became empty

Maybe I am still a star, every girl still wants me and every guy wants to be me

But I don't care about that any more, not since you left

Maybe one day I will be full again

But not now

Now I am empty

I don't mind

When I see you I fell full, alive, happy

But that doesn't last

You nod and swiftly walk past; taking the full feeling I have away

I'm empty once again

When I see you I'm Chad

When I see you I smile

Only briefly, but a smile is a smile

It's better than a frown

That's what you always said

For what is worth I am sorry

For what is worth I always cared, probably always will

For what is worth I would give anything to change what I did

For what is worth I love you

But I guess that not worth anything now, its it?

Maybe is was worth something

But to you there just broken promises

Its not

I maybe a self cantered jerk but I don't break promises

Well not with you any way

I can't be with you

But I can move one

I can't forget you

But I can try

I'll leave the past, start again

So that's what I'm doing

Leaving, moving on, literally

Not sure where I'm going

But for now it's the best

For now it's good bye

You will be big

Bigger than tawni

Bigger than Selena

Dare I say it, Bigger than me

So please Sonny don't throw that away, not for me, not for anyone

I love you Sonny, Sonshine

Forever sorry


Ok how was that for a random one shot

As always reviews much appreciated

From Ali :)