~-~-~-~ .P.R.E.T.T.Y. P.R.E.T.T.Y. P.L.E.A.S.E. ~-~-~-~

X x . Chapter 6 . x X

.:What A Case:.

When Elizabeth woke up again, a glance at the clock told her it was only a little after two o'clock in the morning. She got out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, flicking on the light only for it to not come on. Great. Sleeping again didn't seem to appealing, and instead she decided to go for a walk. With a sigh, she found a small flashlight in her go bag and after looking at the sleeping Dr. Reid, stepped out of the room and down the flight of stairs toward the exit.

She hadn't realized just how chilly it was until she stepped outside, the short sleeved shirt and thin pajama pants not very adequate in keeping her warm. But the chill made her feel so alive and free, and she just needed to take a little walk, she needed to think.

This case was so terrible, so horribly chilling. Elizabeth knew this would be the matter in the line of work, but she just wasn't used to it, and every person dead made her feel like she'd failed them, their families and her team.

Wrapping her arms around her, Liz walked comfortably along, taking a lap around the motel. Dr. Spencer Reid was nothing at all like what she'd expected. He was at first snappy, rude, and downright bitter towards her. It almost made her feel like she was back in high school, living alone with him, bitter remarks and harsh words cutting her through and through. He'd seemed sincere enough though in the hotel/motel/inn room.

Her breath came out in short puffs in front of her, like white clouds. She felt her feet shuffle quicker as she was rounding the corner of the place, a shiver shuddering her body. She'd give him a chance. She just had to. If she held a grudge then how was anything going to work out if she was to remain on this team?

Her fingers felt numb, and she guessed it was about time to head inside. The night air in Alaska was pretty damn cold, after all. She felt like an idiot now for coming outside in the first place.

She could hear screaming. Out of no where, in the darkness. Just past the next corner that was taking her back to her warm-ish room. It was so blood curdling, that she felt herself burst into a run, body suddenly forgetting how cold it was.

Just in front of her, less than a hundred feet away. Dark figure, no two. One raising an arm again and again, stabbing. . . Killing. "No!" Enn cried out, though she stopped herself in the next moment, dead in her tracks. The figure stopped, and in the next instant was running, sprinting as fast as they could away from here.

Enn made an attempt to run after him, but her body suddenly remembered how cold it was, and she fell beside the man on the ground, watching desperately as the figure disappeared into the night.

With shaking hands, Enn pressed agents the wounds that were pouring dark blood, shinning eerily in the moonlight. "Help!" she cried, throat constricting and she could only get out a few good yells before her voice was left hoarse, her body shaking and sobbing, tears nonexistent.

And almost as quickly as it had happened, it was all stopping, slowing to a gentle blur. She knew the man was dead even without looking at him, and she could hear the heavy footsteps running, calling out to her, as they approached. Her hands grew limp on the wounds, bloodstained and still cold.

The figures grew bigger as they came into view, three, no four, five of them? The two out front reached her first, saying things she couldn't hear. It all sounded like muffled noise. She recognized Hotch's stern face filled with worry, and Morgan as they bent beside her, checking for a pulse and screaming orders to the people following. She couldn't move her hands, wouldn't, as Hotch shook his head. Morgan turned around and said something to whoever was behind him, but she wouldn't look up. Not from the dead eyes before her and the wounds still pouring dead blood.

She felt something fall over her shoulders, warmth seeping into her skin and comforting, even only slightly. Strong hands gripping her wrists and pulling her hands away, her body up and standing as the arms wrapped around her shoulders and turned her from the scene. She was shuddering, shocked and confused. She watched Hotch, Morgan and Prentiss and JJ as they stepped around the body. JJ on the phone, someone else running toward them in the distance, flashlight in hand.

She was pressed agents someone, the someone that had pulled her up, and they were so warm she couldn't fight them, arms wrapped tightly around her shaking figure. She felt so small and helpless, and was thankful no one was paying her much attention in the present moment. She took a shaking breath, and it was then she could hear, just in a whisper, the voice in her ear.

"Relax, Liz. Take deep breaths, you're gonna be okay. It's all gonna be okay, I promise." he was shushing her, saying soothing words into her ear, and as the scene, as everything finally came back into focus, he was the first person she heard right beside her, holding her tightly. Reid never stuttered, didn't falter in his voice.

Enn heard Morgan saying something to her, but it was still all just background noise. All she was focused on was Reid with her. She heard him say just that, "Leave her alone for a minute, Morgan. She's in shock."

The policeman was here now, the man with the flashlight, and she didn't know what Hotch said to them next, but she figured it was along the lines of 'Get Enn inside, Reid." because in the next moment he was leading her, pushing her gently back toward the inn.

As the two agents stepped into the dimly lit room and bar of the inn, Enn felt instantly warmer, safer. Reid hadn't let go of her, not until he had set her down on one of the couches did she feel his arms leave her body. The sense of warmth seemed to have brought her mind back, and she looked up at him as he stepped away from her towards the bar. He was back in an instant, a warm cloth in his hands. He picked up both her hands and began to clean the already dried blood from her palms, his eyes never leaving hers. He didn't push her to speak, didn't make her do anything. He just finished washing her hands before setting them down in her lap and returning to the bar.

Enn took another shaky breath in before settling into the couch, wrapping his jacket around her tighter. It smelled wonderful, and she felt more comfortable, a bit more relaxed.

Reid returned again, pushing a steaming mug into her shaking hands and sitting down directly in front of her. She looked at the mug in his hands, an elaborate picture of a kitten wearing mittens in the snow. A warm smile filled her face, and she watched as Reid smiled back.

"What?" he asked gently. He watched her carefully, as if at any moment she would break.

"I like your mug." she replied simply, no true emotion behind the words, and Reid frowned slightly. Enn looked down into the hot chocolate that filled her own cup, unsure of what to say or do. She still felt herself shaking slightly, and couldn't stop.

Spencer Reid sighed, watching the young women with worried eyes, all previous hostility gone. "Hey. Talk to me, Elizabeth." he said gently, changing seats to sit beside her on her couch.

She took a deep breath. "It's just. I felt it, you know? I felt him leave through my hands. One second he was alive, and then next he wasn't. And the guy got away. He still got away-" her voice cracked at the last moment, and Spencer put an arm around her, rubbing her back comfortingly. He knew exactly what she meant, and even though she signed up for this job, even he had to admit it was a really tough first case she had to witness, and alone.

She didn't cry, he never saw a single tear in her eyes, but she sobbed none the less, burying her face into his chest and holding onto him tightly. And Spencer didn't let go, not until Enn had pulled away to look at him, to really see him for the first time since everything happened that night.

"I'm sorry." she whispered, ashamed of herself for being so weak. This was her work now, her life. She stood up unexpectedly, ran into the bathroom on the first floor just down the hall, and locked the door.

Spencer got up, following her. He leaned his head agents the wooden door, knocking gently. "Elizabeth. Liz, please come out. You don't have to be sorry for anything. Please come out, Lizzy." he said, but whether she heard him or not, he wouldn't know. His pleas remained unanswered, and he didn't move from his position agents the door until JJ and Prentiss found him, pushed him back toward the couches in the living area and began their own pleas.

Reid sat down on the couch, rubbing his eyes with his hand and shaking his head. Morgan had come back inside and took the seat across from him. "Hey, man, give her some time. She's probably still shaken up." he told the young agent, who was obviously distressed.

"Morgan, did I do something, you think? God, why didn't I wake up sooner. If I had heard her leave, this might not be happening right now. I'm such an idiot, Morgan." Reid rambled on, mentally beating himself up.

"No, man. There's nothing you couldn't done. She was just in the wrong place, at the wrong time. It happens, and I have no doubt she's gonna be fine. Let's all just thank the heavens she's safe." he reasoned with the doctor as Hotch and Rossi entered the room, coming towards the talking agents.

"Where is she? I can't believe she could have acted so negligently, she could have been hurt. Or worse-" Hotch was cut off by a slightly outraged Morgan.

"What do you think she planned this, Hotch? Give the kid a break, she's probably terrified more of what you're going to say to her than anything right now." he said sternly, eyes blazing. "We'll do an interview with her, see what she can remember. If anything, this might be what we need to solve the case." Morgan said, coming from a more gentle approach. Hotch knew it was out of line, but didn't make to say anything. He nodded gruffly, before everyone departed for their rooms.

Reid didn't make to move, and Morgan gave him a comforting pat on the shoulder before heading up, too. He wondered if JJ and Emily where talking with her. He wondered if they were being nice, but he was sure they were.

And as his eyes fluttered shut, he wondered if Elizabeth was okay.

X x . Author's Note . x X

Hey, my dearest readers! So, I'm really proud of this chapter. Not necessarily written well, but it got the image and point I wanted to make across. I really, really hope that you enjoy it! Next chapter will have the interview. Any requests, ideas, go ahead and give them to me. I'll give credit where it's due. ;) More on Elizabeth's past will come soon! Anyway, enjoy!

Review, takes a moment! Please and thank you!