Eyeshield 21 belongs to Riichiro Inagaki.

08-05-11 Revised and beta'd by Liam. ;]

And then, she appeared...

In the stadium, standing at the end of the stairs was a young woman. She wore a black leather jacket, a sky blue turtle neck with perfect-fitting pair of ebony pants and to top it of, it was paired white knee-length boots. A white artist cap covered most of her layered cropped navy hair. Her nose reddened from the cold winter weather. Her crimson eyes were lingering on the field as young men with protective gear and head gear ran and tackle one another. Her lips curved into a frown as the scoreboard changed into 0-35, in Teikoku Alexander's favor. She stood at the Teikoku side of the stadium.

A sudden whistle interrupts her thoughts, a huge upset for the score that Teikoku's Eyeshield 21 said was swatted off for the mistake the Sideline Edge's Magician, Tenma Doujirou made. Another whistle blew, this time for a timeout. She blinked, in front of her was man with shaggy brown hair and a killer smile for all Teikoku cheerleaders. Teikoku's Eyeshield 21, Yamato Takeru.

"Hey, you really did come," his chestnut eyes revealed a tad of surprise.

"You know what it means for me to be here right?" her voice shook, "It's not going in your favor..."

"I know that but stay there." He motioned, "I'm going to challenge your prediction today. Ahahaha!"

The frown on her face turned into a thin line, "My intuition never failed me before..."

"I know that," he continues to stare at her, a blank look in his eyes.

"You're-" The whistle blew once more, for last half of the game. He waved as he turned back to his team.

Both of them knew very well that the next thing she would have said was most likely true. But, neither he nor she wanted to hear it.

'You're going to lose.'

On Deimon's side, the opponent, their wits are like a persistant fire that cannot be put out. A miracle happened, the Absolute Prediction of Yamato Takeru was proven wrong with Deimon scoring a touchdown. The stands of Deimon were roaring with amazement. The stadium was in an uproar, "YA-HA!" Teikoku was clearly not expecting such a thing. A moving figure caught her attention from the opposite stand across, a blond, tan male was turned towards the top of the stairs as the people will pilling to leave, he mumbled words to them that she, from the other side could not comprehend. Half-naked, he, Mizumachi Keigo was swinging his shirt or was it a sweater in this cold weather...

The game continued on... The reign of Teikoku was injured with each and every touchdown Deimon made. Crimson orbs held a look of sorrow and regret because nothing can be done to change the actual outcome of the match. She sighed, "I should go back... He's going to be frenzy if I don't." Glancing at the scoreboard, she turned and walked out the stadium.

With the Christmas Bowl has over. Japan selected the best of their Football players for the chance to compete in America's world-wide competition to which country houses the Best Football players. Various people from different countries have entered the tournament. Reaching the stadium, one male's chestnut eyes scanned the whole place, looking for a specific person that might not even be there. Many people are walking and talking. Others are equipped with sports bags while carrying a helmet in one hand and staring at the field. 'Found her.' A smile formed on his lips. The young woman from before in the field next to the American Team.

"Madoka-chan!" Loud shots rang through the air quieting the loud chattering on the field and in the stands. Lodged into the walls of the stand were two holes with smoke fresh on them. It was right next to his head on both sides. "Ahahaha!"

"You shitty curly! Get back here!" The male yelled. A rifle at his side and in a red and black uniform of Japan, he stood tall at about 170-180 cm. He had blonde hair, green eyes and devil-like features; the Commander from Hell. Hiruma Youichi.

The 'shitty curly' aka Yamato Takeru ignores him and rushes towards the navy-haired young lady."Madoka-chan!" Stares focused on him and 'Madoka-chan'. Arms wide open, ready to engulf her into a hug, he hurried towards her when suddenly, a bullet whizzed past his head. A gun crooked at his direction and a man stood at her side.

"Don't come even one step closer if you want to live..." Two angry stares locked onto Yamato. 'Madoka-chan' lifts her left hand and waves it about, an expression of amusement on her face.

An equally pale hand reaches out and grabs her hand. She blinks and stares at the male beside her. "Clifford..."

Silver eyes stared at her, "Stay here... Stay here, Madoka." His hand tightens its hold on hers.

Hiruma froze, Yamato blanches and the rest of the peers stare in shock; the players are even shivering or frozen in place.

Madoka watches him, gently her other hand touches his face, "I'm not going anywhere... I'm right here okay, Clifford?" She squeezes his hand back reassuringly. The tightness of his grip lessened and almost ever so gently, as if he didn't want to crinkle a paper, he clasped their hands together.

"Oh my God! It's- It's! It's her!" A group of cheerleaders squealed. "Camera! Camera! Oh! The Prince is there too!"

"Clifford! Don't just suddenly wander off! Jeez, what am I gonna say to the Paparazzi?" The ever-so famous Hollywood Movie Star, Bud Walker grumbled. "What am I going to say to Morgan?"

A series of flashes and 'Look this way, please!' came around the Invincible Gambler and the navy haired young woman. The paparazzi has made their appearance and it's not a pretty site.

Review or Constructive Criticism is appreciated!