Legend Has It…

Disclaimer: Don't own Inu Yasha.

Chapter 6 – Kagome Kagome...

He was dreaming. Running. Yes. He ran from those bandits and thieves the stone clutched into his chest. The scene flashed forward where he was submerged into the water. It fast forwarded again as he dragged himself out of the water. Another flash forward as he came face to face with a woman, tangled and trapped against a rocky wall by vines and leaves. The dream shifted to where his lips were pressed against the woman, his eyes closing in an almost bliss-like state...

He woke up as soon as the sun hit his eyes.

That dream wasn't a dream,but his memories.

He got out of the couch and walked towards the bathroom to make sure everything had really transpired. As he approached the mirror, he placed his hands on his small counter and leaned into his reflection. There was mistaking it. The stock-white hair, the crescent moon on his head, the yellow eyes, and magenta stripes on his cheeks, ankle, and wrist spoke volumes of what he became.

"I'm a spirit's pet..." He said to the old man.

The old man laughed, cackled at his misfortune. Myouga was an old and short man who was bald and had a white mustache above his mouth. He always wore traditional Japanese clothes, consisting of baggy hakama and baggy haori. He eyes were consistently traveling around, especially when there are girls or women around.

Myouga had been one of his childhood tutors back in Japan. He was home schooled most of his life and the old man had been a great constant to him and was one of the person who inspired him to become an archaeologist After his father found out about his dreams, he terminated the old man. After getting fired, Myouga left Japan and opened an antique shop in San Francisco because of his love for ancient artifacts. It was only after he was finally out of his father's grasps that Sesshoumaru was able to locate the old man again.

In most cases, Sesshoumaru was able to handle his own problems. Yet, this he had to admit, he needed some help with. So after a year and a half of not seeing his old tutor, he was back here in a different appearance. It's not to say that Myouga wasn't surprised. He was shell shocked, but got over it quickly after hearing about Sesshoumaru's adventures.

"Oh, is our dear prideful Sesshoumaru requesting help from his dear old teacher? I'm truly honored," Myouga replied with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Sesshoumaru let out his breathe, not realizing how dark his yellow eyes were turning until Myouga pointed out. "You do have the features and your ever darkening golden only extenuate your story. Amazing," he said with fascination as he took in Sesshoumaru's appearance, "Perhaps, you're eyes changes due to your emotion because you lack the facial muscles for them," Myouga jibed chuckling at his own joke.

"I feel like my presence here is not welcome," Sessshoumaru said through gritted teeth as he attempted to stand.

Myouga shook his head and waved his hand. "Sit down boy," he said chuckling, "I'm just teasing since I have this chance outside of your father's provisions."

Myouga put down his reading glasses and turned his stool away from his books and stared straight at Sesshoumaru. "Besides meeting this apparition in your apartment and confirming that she was the one that did this to you, do you have any idea what you've become Sesshoumaru?" Myougas inquired.

"Besides these unusually stronger senses, I feel like I've become a supernatural being of some sort. I can't say vampire and werewolf as the norm would put it because I have no craving for blood nor did I change on the full moon. I'm not a spirit, so I surmised that I've perhaps undergone change as a ...demon."

Myouga furrowed his eyebrow at this. "Demon as in youkai?" He asked, using his Japanese language. "That should not be possible."

Sesshoumaru sighed as well. "I understand, as most myths put it, you're only able to change into a youkai if your heart is full of contempt and died with hatred. Either that, or you're born a youkai."

"Hmm...And you've researched about this "Kagome" character I take it," Myouga said as he stood up from his chair. Myouga walked around Sesshoumaru and into the back of his office.

"Come over here Sesshoumaru," Myouga said.

He stood up and walked over to Myouga's office only to stop as he saw an entire library. It was books, upon books, each lined up in shelves or the wall. The wall itself was high and far.

"Is this why your shop is so small?" Sesshoumaru asked.

Myouga smirked, his pointed nose bouncing as he nodded. "Yes. You may call me an enthusiast if you will, but legends coming to life such as yourself...I can't pass up the opportunity to delve deeper into this phenomenon," He said.

He took up a ladder and fished a book from the thousands of shelves that lined up the room.

"There are numerous of stories about Kagome. You've heard of the song correct?"

"Kagome Kagome..." Sesshoumaru started, "When, oh when will it come out," Sesshoumaru paused as a mysterious chill went down his spine as he gazed up at Myouga who stared at him intently, also indicating he felt the chill.

"In the night of dawn," Myouga continued. The papers on the desk to his right began to ruffle.

"The crane and turtle slipped," Sesshouamru whispered the last part, "Who is it in front of behind..."

He felt something behind him.

"Ses..." His eyes widened.

"Shou..." His body became still as he held back a shiver that ran down his body.

"Ma..." Something tickled his ear.


He quickly turned around, with his hands outstretched, feeling his nail elongating into claws, and swiped at the offender only to meet with the entrance of the door.

"Sesshoumaru...I think you're being haunted."

Just great...

He sighed mentally.


Dude...that song just sound so creepy when I heard it outside of Inu Yasha. Got chills writing the end of this chapter. Good news! Rewatching Inu Yasha (kind of when I actually have some time) and getting inspirations again.