Disclaimer: All characters belong to Takei Hiroyuki. The dialogue is taken straight from the English dub of the anime - Anime produced by Xebec and dubbed by 4kids Entertainment. This takes place during Episode 63 of the anime.

Title: Friends

Summary: Yoh's soul has found its way back out of Zeke and now he's attacking with his friends. When Zeke loses spirit control for the first time in this life, he also loses his temper and turns on the faithful Opacho. Before running away, Opacho says one word that tears straight through Zeke's heart. Anime-verse, so that's why it's the anime name (DON'T ask me why they called him Zeke, I have no idea) and Opacho's a guy.


Maybe he should have expected it. After all, there's a first time for everything. Still, it comes as a shock when he feels his link with Spirit of Fire fade abruptly. At first he almost doesn't realize what it meant – and then he does. He's lost spirit control.

He's lost spirit control.

How can it be possible? How could Yoh – his lackeys – he's made a mistake. He's let Yoh grow far too strong, thinking letting him reach his full potential would ultimately make him, Zeke, stronger. Yoh's furyoku is still insignificant compared to his, and yet – somehow – he –

"Master Zeke!"

"What is it Opacho? What do you want?" His tone comes out harsher than he intends it to. What is wrong with him? He never loses his temper. Control is power; and besides, there are so much more useful ways to put his anger to use.

"I've never seen anyone break your spirit control before," Opacho says, his eyes wide with worry. "How can they be beating you?"

Opacho has a way of being honest that Zeke has always appreciated. Now this same blunt honesty stings, because for once, it was a truth he doesn't want to hear.

Also because Opacho is worried. And if Opacho doesn't trust in his omnipotence, who will?

"You think they're beating me?" he asks, his voice low and shaking – not with fear, not with doubt, he tells himself. With anger. "Do you doubt my power? Do you doubt my strength?"

The aggressivity in his voice makes Opacho falter and hesitate before giving the answer. "Uh... Never."

"Good! Because you must know I can vaporize you with a mere thought."

A whimper.

"What's the matter? Why do you cower?" And his next words... He regrets them before they even leave his mouth. "Maybe it's because you're weak! Maybe it's because you're unworthy of being in my shaman kingdom!" No. Take it back, Zeke. Take it back. "Do I need to eliminate you as well?"

Opacho's eyes are filled with tears. He isn't confused. He isn't even sad. He looks... betrayed. "Master..." He whispers. Then, louder: "Why are you turning on me like this? I thought we were..." His voice shakes. "I thought we were friends." The sob is audible in his voice as he turns and runs.