"If a bullet should pass through my brain, let that bullet destroy every closet door." –Harvey Milk

"The snow's clear enough for us to go in for a landing," Hotch announced. "The captain's gonna bring us down in about ten minutes."

"To the hotel?" Morgan asked with a smirk.

"No," Rossi uncrossed his legs and leaned forward. "We have to head straight to the nightclub—for all we know, another abduction's taken place."

"Highly unlikely," Reid chimed in, flipping the sheets in his manila folder. "The disappearances all occurred when the club was at a high-traffic business hour."

"When there was plenty of victims to choose from," Morgan finished.

"Exactly," Reid continued, not raising his gaze from the papers. "The first and second abductions were roughly twenty-four hours apart, on a Friday and Saturday night, respectively. This last one didn't occur until at least the following Thursday."

"I don't get why the owner didn't tell anyone about the first abduction when it happened," Prentiss engaged.

"Bad for business," Hotch offered.

"It's unlikely the owner knew about it," Reid continued, "the victims were taken from a crowded club; bodies didn't show up until a few days later. Chances are the first two weren't found until last night, when they called."

"Taken in their own cars?" JJ confirmed.

"So the UnSub walked," Morgan noted.

"Or we're looking for a duo," Rossi offered. "Victimology?"

"Preston Mitchell, aged 27, found in the dumpster, blunt-force trauma to the head," Prentiss opened her own manila folder. "Clerk at Eastman-Kodak."

"That place is still around?" Morgan scoffed.

"More than still around," Reid flipped another sheet, "the company made some huge cuts but still made 7.6 billion dollars in 2009." He looked up. "They still employ around twenty-thousand people."

Morgan stared at Reid. "How…exactly…do you do that?"

"Edward Owen, 29, also found in the dumpster, autopsy puts him at being dead approximately 32 hours after Mitchell…also blunt-force trauma," Prentiss continued, "also a clerk that managed to stay at Kodak."

"Sounds personal. Beef with someone who didn't make the cut?" Morgan offered.

"Not exactly," Prentiss stepped over to Reid and dropped her folder on the table in front of him. "Thomas Defoe, 24, graduate student at the Rochester Institute of Technology."

"So the target is white male, mid to late twenties," JJ summarized.

"Doesn't exactly narrow it down," Rossi said.

"I think I can," Reid offered. The team looked over expectantly.

"None of these men had marital records or children—and the abductions all occurred at Rumors Nightclub—assuming the victims were all patrons at the club—"

"Bachelors?" Morgan confirmed. "Doesn't exactly shorten the list, Kid."

Reid shook his head. "Rumors Nightclub's been voted three times as the best gay bar in Rochester."

"That's short enough," Hotch concluded. "We're going down."