Breakfast and an Exchange student

It was a whole ten minutes into breakfast before Minerva McGonagall arrived to the Griffindor table. Seeing the straight-A girl even a few minutes late for Herbology and Dark Arts, or just the smallest breath late for Transfiguration, was a rarity. Minerva kept her head down walking past the Slytherens and hurried to sit down next to the space Albus kept for her. He did a little twinkly wave at her.

"You're late." Albus stated, reaching across the table for toast. He placed a slice in his mouth and one on Minerva's plate.

"Yeah, and?" Minerva mumbled, taking a bite out of her toast. Albus shrugged.

"It's weird. You're never late." he said and began eating a bacon sandwich. Minerva rolled her eyes and tucked a strand of chestnut hair behind her hair.

Albus looked up from his breakfast and narrowed his eyes on Minerva. Her hair was released from the usual tight ponytail she always sported. Her skin more luminous and she wore a little make up. Not too overdone, just enough to bring out the tawny depth in her eyes and high cheekbones.

"Someone looks pretty today." Albus smiled. His blue eyes made a half-crescent shape. It was sincere and genuine smile. His face was chisseled and handsome, but softened by his smile and messy auburn hair that framed his face. His appearance suited his easy going, patient personality that so contrasted with Minerva's tough shell and soft centre.

That's what drew them to be best friends perhaps. They shared the same intellect, and fair open minds. The same intense temper.
Albus on rare occasions flew off the handle. Smashed plates, trashed dorms. Of course, a very sweet, witty letter to the head made up for the amount of money he'd destroyed.
Minerva when angry was not so fiery. In fact she's incredibly cold. Her anger simmered away excruciatingly slowly. Albus had up until now experienced a total of seven silent treatments from her in the past year.

"Thanks Albus." she said almost shyly. Since their first year in Hogwarts, he's never seen the straightforward and highly sought-after Minerva so bashful and cute before.

"Come on. What's the occasion." he asked, returning to his sandwich. Minerva blushed a little more, then nudged Albus's shoulder.
She pointed shyly to the cluster of students at the Ravenclaw table. "Eh?" Albus said, straining his neck to see who was at the centre of the attention. He looked for a while in silence.

"Oh wow! Hello there!" he blurted out, he turned to Minerva with an amazed face.

"I know right!" Minerva squealed.

"How come I've never seen him before."

"Exchange student. Durmstang boys are so..." Minerva trailed off, "...dreamy, right?" she sighed.

"Hmm." Albus smirked, "...interesting. Name?"

"Gellert Grindelwald." Minerva said in a trance like voice.

Albus looked over again for a second helping. He turned his head back to Minerva. "Gay." he stated, snapping Minerva out of her trance. Her mouth dropped open and her shoulders sagged.

"What!" she exclaimed, "No!" she crossed her arms in denial. Albus looked over again at the Ravenclaw table, then back at Minerva.

"Gay." he said, this time with a nod to fully convince his best friend.

"Get closer to the Ravenclaws." she said, trying to push Albus off the table, "maybe your gaydar doesn't work properly this far away."

"I'm sorry the truth hurts Minnie." Albus said sympathetically, patting Minerva on her shoulder whilst his face wore a brighter smile.

"Fuck you." Minerva said simply, "It's always the good looking ones." she sighed. Albus nodded with enthusiasm.
"Oh well." She scraped her long, flowing hair back up into a neat ponytail, seeing no point in letting it get in her way just to impress a guy. She took a long, sorrowful bite out of a chocolaty, full-fat croissant.

"Go on then." Minerva looked resentfully up at Albus, "Get on top of him."

"Don't you worry young one." Albus patted his friend on the head, "I'll finish breakfast first. You know, get my stamina up."

She rolled her eyes at her friend and took another bite of her croissant.

"You do look really beautiful today Minnie!" Albus smiled that sweet smile of his again.

"Really?" she sighed doubtingly. Albus tutted at his friends stupidity.

"Really really! Don't believe me..." He nodded at something behind Minerva, "...Ask them." Minerva raised her brows at him and turned around.

About fifty guys and six girls abruptly turned back to their plates and hurriedly shovelled porridge and pastries into their mouths and start conversations with neighbours.

She turned back around and blushed. She cleared her throat, "Well, I've got a herbology practical today." she said in a stern tone. Her long slender legs slid out of under the table and her feet touched the floor again. Now aware of her admirers, she stood up and undid her ponytail, letting her lustrous hair skim her waist.

"See you in Dark Arts?" she said, throwing her bag over her shoulder,

"Yes yes." Albus replied through a gulp of orange juice.

"Bye bye dear." Minerva swooped down and the two exchanged glamourous air kisses. From over her shoulder, Ablus saw Grindelwald strolling up to Griffindor table.

"Bugger off now darling." Albus smiled into Minerva's ear. She looked over her shoulder, turned back and pouted enviously at Albus.

"Lucky twat." she said, bringing up her thick scottish accent. She gave him a thumbs up and mouthed 'Good luck' to Albus, then sauntered off to Herbology. Fifty six other students broke off conversations to watch Minerva make her exit.

Albus turned back to the table drained the last of his orange juice.

"Excuse me." came a voice from behind him. It was deep and had a slight European accent. Albus smirked by himself before turning around.

"Yes." Albus replied, his eyes wandering slowly over the exchange student. He looked a few inches taller than Albus, his body looked strong but not intimidatingly. Golden blond hair that ended a little past the top of his ears. His eyes were a bright shade of blue, maybe a shade more teal than Albus'.

"Is this seat taken?" Gellert asked expectantly, pointing at the space next to Albus.

Albus tilted his head to the side and looked up at Gellert.

"It's free." he smiled.


Hello there reader! Thank you so so much for reading this!

This is my first time writing a Harry Potter fanfic so please excuse me for any inaccuracies. I wanted to write something refreshing about Dumbledore and Minerva's relationship, so I really do hope I achieved that.

Please do feel free to review, I would love to get feedback.

Til next chapter
