By no standards was he having a good day... at least he thought this was one of his worst... considering his memory stretched back a whole 30 minutes, it was kind of hard to tell.

Then again, even if he spent his days waking up in fields with no idea where he was, who he was, or where he came from, this couldn't be a good day.

It all started when he woke up in the middle of a field with a girl pointing a sword at his neck. Sure, she was pretty... but a SWORD? What had he ever done to her! And that's when he realized he had no idea who she was, where they were, or who he was! All he could remember was that his name was Percy and some fuzzy memories... many of a beautiful girl with striking grey eyes...

He snapped out of it when the girl demanded- not asked, demanded- "What are you doing here?"

By the fierce look on her face, Percy decided to simply tell the truth, you know- less deadly, "I don't have any idea..." and when she gave him a look that clearly said, 'I'm not amused', he continued hastily, "Honestly! I don't have a clue where I am, where I should be... heck, I don't even know who I am!"

The girl just tossed her short dark hair over her shoulder in disdain and said, "Why, on Olympus, would we believe you." The girl spat the 'you' just to emphasize her point, "For all we know, you could be a spy, or a traitor, or a monster."

Percy just sat there glaring up at her, but, for some strange reason, a few words had stood out... The question was, why would 'Olympus', 'spy', and 'monster' stand out the most and seem to connect to his past?Unless there was some restaurant called 'Olympus' where his favorite dish was the 'monster spy and casserole', it couldn't be good...

"The least you could do is tell me your name so you're not 'random dark-haired chick who hates me and doesn't think I can be trusted'" he muttered, just loud enough for her to hear, "... maybe I'll nickname you something..." Then, he shot up. "I got it!" he suddenly cried, "You're name from now on shall be... crazy chick! No... you gotta give me something to work with here other than the fact that you think I'm dangerous... it's not exactly helping with the nicknaming process..."

The girl just stood there in shock, wondering, What in Pluto is up with this kid?. She decided that her best answer would be reached if she voiced her opinions. "What in Pluto is up with you? I hold a gladius at your throat and you start talking about what to call me? You must be mad!"

The boy just looked at her funny and said, "Not Pluto, Hades. Are you sure that I'm the mad one? Who, in the name of Poseidon, calls the gods by their Roman names?"

It was her turn to look at him funny, then she turned and talked to the bush... literally. "Come on out! I don't think he'll hurt us unless insanity is contagious!"

"Yeah, you're talking to a bush and I'm the insane one..." he muttered again, but this time added something that struck her as odd, "Dryads don't even like familiar people in their territory too much... why would they come out and confront me? Even though I'm not the one with the freaky looking sword..."

Then, he got his answer as to why she was talking to the local foliage... There were even more random people who hated him and didn't think he could be trusted! What was this? Hate Percy day?

A/N:Here you go AthenaKidd. Sorry about the mistakes... I'm kinda new at this but I appreciated the constructive criticism(sorta). I changed what I knew was pretty weak and I hope you continue to review! I don't think I'm the best judge of whether or not this is any good(I'm just a little bit biased. lol :P) Thanks (gotta love the name!) for the review! It meant a lot (Yay! I got two reviews! It's a miracle! Better some than none, though...)