A/N: Another one of these. I've been struggling with writing lately, so I figured why not try and force myself to write something. But honestly? I feel like I didn't do well with this one. Ah well. Again, I had a limited music library.

The Glee Cast ft. Kristin Chenoweth: Home

She could hear the church bells. Rolling over and not feeling Rachel next to her, Santana opened her eyes. Spying rumpled blankets and a light on in the bathroom, she smiled and lied back down. There was nothing to worry about.

About five minutes later, the light switched off, and Rachel walked back into the bedroom, a hand coming up to cover a yawn. Santana grinned. "Did I keep you up too late last night?"

Rachel smiled at her. Crawling onto the bed and slipping under the covers Santana held up for her, she cuddled into Santana, her skin a little cool, "Maybe. But I certainly didn't mind."

"Good." Leaning down to drop a kiss onto Rachel's forehead, Santana wrapped her arms around her, pulling her closer.

The Glee Cast: Papa Don't Preach

Rachel dragged her hand down her face. Staring at the closed door, she sighed and then rapped twice, succinctly.

"Come in."

Drawing in a deep breath, Rachel opened the door and slipped inside. Seeing her father sitting behind his desk, she managed a small smile.

Ke$ha: Cannibal

Santana tapped her fingers on the desktop. Keeping Rachel in her sights, she barely blinked.

Watching her warily back, Rachel walked up to the front of the class. Managing to look away and acknowledge Mr. Schuester, she cleared her throat and lifted up the sheaf of notes that held her assignment.

The second she started talking, Santana dropped her eyelids into a seductive, dark gaze. Scanning up and down Rachel's body, her attention made Rachel shiver and her breath catch in her chest. She coughed.

"¿Rachel? ¿Estás bien?"

"Ah, sí. No problema." Rachel barely tore her gaze away.

The Glee Cast: I Could Have Danced All Night

It was Emma and Will's wedding. Five years after her class had graduated high school, Santana sat in the pews and watched with an odd mixture of boredom and satisfaction at her old teachers tying the knot.

Looking around, she could see fellow gleeks in various states of emotion; Rachel, the closest one, starry eyed and sniffling.

The Glee Cast: Bust Your Windows

Rachel couldn't believe it. She had known, going in, that there was little doubt Santana had been playing her, but as time had passed, she'd allowed herself to naively assume the other girl's affections had started to turn into something real.

But apparently they hadn't.

Standing frozen at the end of the hall, unable to look away from where Santana had pulled Sam into a deep, searing kiss, Rachel felt the beginnings of her chin start to tremble, the weakness flowing down through her body. Pressure throbbed behind her forehead, and her grip on her schoolbooks loosened.

Puck barely managed to catch her math book before it clattered on the floor. "Whoah, Berry! It's not like you to - - oh. Damn."

Sniffing, Rachel barely nodded. A shaking hand came up to catch the material of his shirt, she only looked away when Puck moved in between her and the betrayal. "Why…?" she murmured, tears slipping down her cheeks.

The Glee Cast: Toxic

Britney Spears. Revolutionary. If you asked Kurt why he hadn't performed any numbers in that week they'd covered her songs, he'd probably go off on a rant that involved Mr. Schuester and sheer idiocy.

But Rachel didn't want to ask Kurt. She wanted to ask Santana. Sure, supposedly she and Brittany S. Pierce had done their own version of Me Against the Music, but Rachel would have loved to see them perform it again, before glee. Because thinking of Santana in Madonna's outfit was a little too tempting to contemplate…

Santana and fitted clothing was almost painful to see. Her vest and outfit for Toxic, her outfit for nearly everything, Rachel could admit to herself that she had an almost unhealthy fascination with the other girl's body.

Ohh. What would that cane have looked like?

Lady Gaga: Dance in the Dark

It was another Lady Gaga day. The boys were grumbling like they always did, but you know what? Santana could give a flying fuck. Lady Gaga was hot, she had hot songs, and the scenery she provided Santana was breathtaking.

Sitting on the short wall in front of the auditorium seats, feeling a little cold but too Santana fucking Lopez to admit it, she licked her lips as she surveyed the rest of the female members of glee trying to figure out the choreography they were going to do for the performance before the school they were practicing for. Not caring a bit what they did, Santana was very, very, very happy to play the pervy lesbian for once. 'Specially when no one noticed. She was just that good.

However, as if sensing her burning gaze, Rachel shifted and tilted her head, her eyes searching for Santana. Catching her, Rachel's eyebrows rose, and then a wide, speculative and almost knowing smirk crossed her lips.

Dropping into a glare, Santana looked away, trying to figure out why in the hell her heart had started pounding.

The Glee Cast: Sway

Tropical breezes and setting suns. Hot sun and colder drinks. Chewing on her lips, Rachel hesitantly reached to brush her fingers against Santana's upper arm. "Baby," she murmured, offering the pamphlet when her girlfriend turned, "Have you ever thought of something like this…?"

Putting back the pamphlet of Florence she'd been idly scanning, Santana accepted the pamphlet. "Hmm…." she looked up, a smile tugging at her lips, stepping forward to slide her free arm around Rachel's waist, "Have you ever thought of something like this?"

Rachel blushed, raising her hand to lace it with Santana's.

Ke$ha: C U Next Tuesday

Rachel wondered why she did this. She was already in a loving relationship, and so was Santana. Rachel with a sweet if slightly dull boy, Santana with a sweet if slightly strange girl. Supposedly, they had been happy.

But that first day, at Puck's party, boyfriend and girlfriend-less, something had sparked between them. They'd stumbled into Puck's bedroom, hands quickly sliding under clothing as mouths mapped each other's out. Surprisingly, very little alcohol had been involved with both parties.

And it kept happening. It wasn't love, but there was something between them that they both needed. Even if Rachel had a boyfriend and Santana a girlfriend. They couldn't stop. Rachel couldn't stop. And she didn't know if she really wanted to stop, to be honest…

The Glee Cast: You Can't Always Get What You Want

But you get what you need.

Santana's eyes met hers.

Searching her gaze, Rachel finally smiled, inclining her head.

What may have been relief flowed over Santana's face. Pushing off from the wall, she walked over, head held high.

Head just as high, Rachel met her in the middle of the room.

Santana gently cupped Rachel's cheeks, pulling her up while bending down. Thrilling at the warm heat of Santana's lips, Rachel closed her eyes and snaked her arms around Santana's shoulders.

"So this is it?" Santana murmured, brushing their lips together again, "You think we're ready?"

Rachel tangled her hand in Santana's hair, pulling her closer. "Yes," she breathed, opening her mouth wider, "Yes."