Thanks to all who reviewed my one shot Pizza Delivery. I will probably only be able to post one chapter a week.

It was a warm Sunday evening in mid March. The team's two Suburbans were parked side by side in the parking garage of a Los Angeles hotel. The team had arrived at their hotel about 10 minutes earlier following the five and a half hour flight from Quantico and the 45 minute drive from LAX. Unlike most trips which were rushed and stressful, this was to be a relatively relaxing trip. They had been planning it for several weeks. Detective Kim had organized a training session. Unlike most of their training sessions, they would not be working with just one or two precincts of policemen. The whole team including Garcia would be participating in a citywide weeklong series of training sessions.

Everyone was excited about this trip, everyone that was but Reid. Since the trip was first announced, the rest of the team had been discussing what they were most looking forward to about the trip. Garcia wanted to see at least one famous actor. Rossi thought that would happen if they spent an evening on Rodeo Dr where there was an upscale leather store he wanted to check out. Morgan wanted to visit a Chicago themed restaurant in Burbank. Prentiss said she would be happy just spending five days in the LA sun. Seaver, who vastly preferred chlorinated pool water to the beach and salty ocean water, was slightly disappointed their hotel didn't have an outdoor swimming pool. The team had been contacting every friend of a friend on Facebook in an attempt to wrangle an invitation to someone's backyard to no avail. Seaver had eventually said that a relaxing swim in the hotel's indoor pool and the opportunity to get to know her teammates better would be more than satisfactory. Hotch just wanted the training sessions to go smoothly. Although he did admit a souvenir for Jack might be nice too.

Reid was disinterested and noncommittal. When occasionally pressed he would make a vague statement such as "let's wait until we get there" or "we'll see what happens." Everyone hoped that his attitude would change when they got on the plane. It didn't; he was withdrawn for most of the flight. Everyone feared he was having another headache. He had asked to be dropped off at the hotel. Hotch had gone in with him to check the team in. The other members of the team waited in the parking garage. Garcia and Morgan were in one Suburban while Seaver, Prentiss, and Rossi were in the other.

They were sitting with the windows between them rolled down discussing Reid's strange behavior when they saw Hotch exit from the elevator. He quickly walked over to the team and got into the driver's seat of the Suburban Rossi, Prentiss, and Seaver were in.

"Morgan, how do we get to this restaurant you've been talking about" Hotch asked as he put on his seatbelt.

"It's in Burbank. If we go back to the freeway and head north" Morgan began

"Freeway, how far away is this place?" Garcia interrupted in a raised voice

"Hopefully about half an hour, baby girl maybe forty-five minutes if there's traffic." Morgan replied wondering what Garcia's problem was.

"Half an hour! Forty-five minutes! I need to go to the ladies' room." Garcia shrieked as she undid her seatbelt.

"Baby girl, you went 4 times on the plane." Morgan said exasperated as she opened the car door and grabbed an oversized purse which looked more like a small suitcase than a purse.

"Exactly it's been one hour and forty-six minutes. If I don't get to a bathroom in the next fourteen minutes, well I can't be responsible." She informed him incredulously.

"How much coffee did you drink this morning?" Morgan asked as she got out of the car and put the straps to her oversized purse on her shoulder.

"My bladder is not the problem." She sneered through her clenched jaw as her face turned pink before closing the car door and walking toward the elevator. Prentiss who had been struggled not to laugh began to giggle.

Morgan turned to her and asked "What is so funny? If it's not her bladder then she and Reid could be getting stomach flu. Laugh all you want but I don't want to spend a nice warm spring week in LA flat on my back with stomach flu." Seaver, Hotch, and Rossi all chuckled.

"Morgan, believe me what Garcia's got is not contagious and I can guarantee you and Reid will never have." Prentiss deadpanned having composed herself.

"Morgan, you do have a mother and two sisters, right?" Rossi asked still smirking

Morgan sat for several seconds before he finally realized what the team was trying to tell him, then quietly said with a grimace on his face "Oh, that." The teammates all laughed.

Several minutes later as the five sat quietly waiting for Garcia, Morgan suddenly whispered. "Hotch, look over there heading for the elevator is that Lila Archer?"

"It's a little hard to tell from this angle but the height, weight, and hair are all certainly similar." Hotch replied in a tone that sounded far more like a mother trying to placate a teenage daughter than a fully focused crime fighter.

"I'm calling Mama." He said his previous embarrassment quickly forgotten as he frantically speed dialed Garcia.

"What do you want? I'm just leaving the ladies room. I'll be back in two shakes. Not that you deserve to know that." Garcia said having paused just outside the bathroom door to answer her cell phone.

"Stay away from the elevators. Lila Archer is on her way up. I'm sorry if I was insensitive. Don't let Reid see you." Morgan said quickly his voice rising.

Garcia nervously stood still just inside the alcove where the doorways to the men's and ladies' rooms were located relieved that she would be able to see all the elevators from her vantage point. "Oh my god, it's Reid. At least, I think it is Reid." She whispered

"You don't know if it's Reid?" Morgan asked with an extremely confused expression on his face as he whipped his head around and looked at his colleagues in the other car"

"Oh my God. It's her. Oh my God. It's them. Oh my God. OH MY GOD." She whispered

"What?" Morgan asked

"Derek shut up! I don't want them to hear me. I'm not good at this covert stuff like you are. Give me a minute." Garcia whispered. After what seemed like an eternity but was really less than a minute. Garcia said with a shake in her voice. "Forget Italian beef and Chicago deep dish pizza. We must stay here. This is huge. I mean meltdown, code red, defcon1, HUGE in a very good giggles and puppies way. I'm coming down to get you. I can't do this alone. I need to process.

Morgan, Hotch, Rossi, Prentiss, and Seaver, their curiosity more than peaked exited their vehicles and headed toward the garage elevator. They arrived at the elevator just as the door opened to reveal a trembling Garcia.

"Baby girl, I've never seen you like this. This is going to be so good. I can tell. Just take deep breathes. Try to calm down and start at the beginning." Morgan said as he entered the elevator followed by the others.

"Lobby?" Seaver questioned. Garcia nodded in reply and Seaver pushed the button marked L.

"Yea there's a cute Key West themed restaurant in the lobby. They went in there." Garcia offered

"Detective Kim mentioned it was quite good and has become something of a hot spot for the downtown working crowd. They have a jukebox with lots of music from the 1970's and 1980's plus karaoke twice a week." Hotch interjected.

"Start at the beginning." Morgan repeated glaring at Hotch as the elevator stopped and opened at the Lobby.

"Ok this is good. I can visualize. I was around the corner here." Garcia said stepping away briefly around a tall potted palm tree to show them where she had been standing earlier.

"Ok then you saw Reid?" Morgan asked so quickly the words almost ran together.

"Don't rush her." Rossi ordered

"Yes he came down that elevator." She said as she pointed several feet across the hallway to an elevator opposite the one they had just been on.

"But you weren't certain it was Reid?" Prentiss asked receiving a glare from Morgan

"Well I knew it was Reid. But he looked so different." Garcia explained

"Different how?" Seaver asked.

"People please." Morgan begged

"No no my hot molten chocolate, the questions and prompting are helping me collect my thoughts." She said giving him a reassuring pat on his lower arm. "Ok so he came out of the elevator. No sweater, no tie and he had changed shirts. He was wearing a navy shirt. The shirt tails were out. I couldn't tell if he still had his gun or not. Um the sleeves were rolled up almost to his elbows and um be still my heart he had the thing unbuttoned to here." She said resting her fingers over Morgan's breast bone.

"So wonder boy thinks he's getting lucky tonight?" Morgan said with a proud smile on his face.

"He doesn't think let me tell you he knows. So he was standing here maybe five seconds when the elevator door from the garage opened up and out she walks. I knew she was a pretty girl but my God she looked stunning. Talk about dressed to kill. Her clothes hugged all her curves just right, her make-up was perfect, eyes and cheeks were very subtle, her lips were bright red, her nails were freshly manicured and painted a darker red than her lips almost a burgundy but not quite, her hair was curled and when they saw each other they both beamed." Garcia said dreamily

"Time out for the new kid, please. Are we sure the gal is Lila Archer? How do you know they know each other?" Seaver asked confused

"We had a case about five years ago. Lila was being stalked." Hotch explained

"There was a spark between her and Reid. I saw some of it. It was very cute, sweet but I never thought there would be anything more to it." Morgan said

"So then what happened?" Rossi asked

"They kissed. It was the most beautiful kiss. I want someone to kiss me like that. It wasn't tentative. Those two have obviously been kissing each other a lot in the last five years. It wasn't sloppy or rough. It was, it was like home. He put his hands on her hips." Garcia explained

"He put his hands on her hips. Well, well, our boy is quite the confident man with Lila Archer." Prentiss said blushing slightly

"They started there but then they slide across to her lower back although they were very low on her back so his fingertips were more resting on the upper part of her bottom. It all happened so fast and then he sort of squeezed her against him." Garcia said

"Squeezed her against him, you don't mean like grinding?" Morgan asked certain that he had misheard, misunderstood or both.

"Morgan if it was anyone other than Reid, you would understand what Garcia was saying." Hotch said

"Morgan when the adult male becomes aroused." Prentiss began before Morgan winced and held up his hand to stop her.

"So what did she do when he did that?" Morgan asked nervously.

"Well they were still kissing. I mean we are talking about a few seconds here. But when the kiss ended she giggled a little as she took her left hand and oh my God." Garcia said before pausing.

"What baby girl?" Morgan asked.

"Ok you have to understand. This all happened very quickly so I didn't really register everything at first. She took her left hand and wiped her lipstick off his lips. When I saw her do that, I quickly looked back at his left hand which was back on her hip. I thought I had seen something but it was so much and so fast that at first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. But then I realized." Garcia explained her brow furrowing.

"Garcia?" Morgan said

"They're married." Garcia said she eyes widening.