A/N Again many thanks for sticking with me especially to those of you who have reviewed. I hope to start posting the sequel in 2-3 weeks.

This chapter features John from 3x16 Elephant's Memory. I couldn't find a last name or title for him so I'm calling him John Connors and he is Assistant Director of the FBI based at Quantico.

"Section Chief Strauss, meet me and Agent Hotchner's team in the conference room in ten minutes." John Connors the Assistant Director of the FBI ordered into the phone the following Monday morning. Connors had just spent a delightful hour with the lovely Lila Reid. Connors and Lila's husband Spencer Reid both belonged to Beltway Clean Cops. Although they were always discreet at work, Connors was quite fond of the brilliant young man. He was thrilled when Lila Reid had called him the previous week explaining that she was Spencer's wife and would like to star pro bono in an advertising campaign for the Bureau. Although many in the building thought the quirky genius was all brains and only brains, Connors always found the young man's heart to be just as special as his mind. By the glow on the young starlet's face, Connors knew his favorite agent was just as adept a husband as he was a profiler.

Section Chief Strauss quickly made her way to the conference room. Agent Hotchner's team was already inside looking much too relaxed and tanned for her liking. She wondered what sort of embarrassing situation had occurred in Los Angeles which would warrant a meeting with only ten minutes notice. Strauss's hands, of course, were clean. She had a full dossier on the haphazard behavior of Hotchner's team. She wondered who had done what and what the consequences would be. She was going to enjoy this. She took her seat quietly after giving them all a curt greeting. She purposely chose the seat next to Agent Hotchner. She would enjoy seeing him sweat. There were then two empty seats left at the table both between her and Dr. Reid. While she knew everyone considered Dr Reid to be a brilliant young man, she found him to be a tedious, disrespectful troublemaker whose lack of life experience in her mind greatly overshadowed his intelligence.

Shortly thereafter, Connors and Lila entered the room. Strauss recognized Lila and stood up to give her a warm greeting as Connors began to introduce her "Erin, this is Lila R.." he began before Strauss interrupted while shaking Lila's hand.

"Miss Archer, Section Chief Erin Strauss. It's a pleasure to meet you. My son loved your show. He is so disappointed that it's been cancelled. He will be thrilled to hear that I met you. Please sit." She said gesturing at the chair next to Reid without pausing to take a breath. "Of course you know the team. I know they successfully solved that awful stalking you were the victim of several years ago. What can I do for you?" she said glaring at the members of the team while trying to calculate the intentions of the beautiful young visitor as she, Lila and Assistant Director Connors took their seats.

Irritated that Strauss had interrupted him and that she was clearly trying to take control of the meeting, Connors decided to dispense momentarily with the social pleasantries of finishing his introduction since he knew Strauss was the only one in the room unaware of Lila's primary connection to the team. "As you know the FBI has wanted to do a series of recruitment commercials. Lila has graciously offered to donate her time and talent. Th.." Connors explained before Strauss again interrupted.

"Well I'll be more than happy to help in any way I can. Clearly you'll need some direction about your wardrobe. You're a beautiful woman but we don't want people sexualizing the FBI. However I don't understand how Agent Hotchner's team could possibly be any help to you. I'm sure even after several years you still feel you owe them a debt of gratitude. They are very effective but they are also very unconventional and certainly not what we want people thinking of when they envision today's FBI" Strauss replied condescendingly her face souring as she looking at Lila's clingy red sweater, short black pencil skirt, and 4" stiletto black heels as Morgan and Rossi tried unsuccessfully to stifle smiles realizing that Strauss was only embarrassing herself.

"Erin, I'm so glad you're enthusiastic about Lila helping us. But I need you to hear me out. I know you think Agent Hotchner's team is a bit unconventional and I am certainly aware that they occasionally ruffle a few feathers which you then are required to smooth over. However they are our alpha team, the team that is given the most difficult and/or highest profile cases, for a reason. As you just said they are very effective. One of the conditions of Lila's offer is that Agent Hotchner's team be featured in one of the ads. She has a wonderful real-life connection with the team. Lila is M.." Connors explained before Strauss again interrupted as the entire team smiled at Strauss' lack of understanding while Reid gently rubbed Lila's thigh under the table.

"I'm sorry sir but I need to jump in here. Lila, dear, I'm sure if you met some of our other agents, you would find a group that was a bit more conventional. You didn't put her up to this did you Agent Hotchner?" Strauss asked.

"No ma'am. The first I heard of Lila's generous offer was shortly before we landed at Quantico on Friday night." Hotch offered.

"You flew in from California with the team? That's highly irregular and against the rules." Strauss interjected clearly miffed as Connors nodded his head at Reid.

"Actually ma'am on page 123 paragraph 3 section d the third bullet point reads 'At the discretion of the unit chief local law enforcement personnel or immediate family of a team member may fly on the team jet.'" Reid said.

"Immediate family?" Strauss asked as the color drained from her face.

"Yes Erin that's what I've been trying to explain to you. Lila is Mrs. Spencer Reid so obviously she would like to do an ad featuring her husband and his team. Because you are section chief, the Director asked me to inform you as a courtesy." Connors said.

"While this is a very generous offer, we don't want to appear deceitful having a former crime victim who is now part of the FBI family recruiting agents without being forthcoming about her connections to the team." Strauss asked trying to regain the upper hand.

"Oh no Erin, Lila plans to be very forthcoming. The Director is thrilled with the way Lila conducted herself at the training session on Friday. I believe the words he used were style, poise and optimism. I spoke to him twice over the weekend and the three of us had a most enjoyable conference call this morning. He wants Lila to be the face of the FBI." Connors enthused.

"Training session on Friday?" Strauss asked.

"Oh she was magnificent. You can bring it up online after we finish here. We'll give Lila JJ's old office. Penelope, she'll need an email account right away. The attorney general was very impressed and has already sent me an email for Lila. Lila will report directly to me and of course we will pay her for the work she does with revamping the training sessions. Spencer, I know we may be moving a little fast here but Lila assured me that we would have your support. She is going to be like a breath of fresh air around here. I assured her that she can set her own hours and work from home. Let's quickly discuss the BAU commercial." Connors enthused.

"Oh thank you, sir. I think a successful series of commercials should target various audiences. But respectfully ma'am since our audience is primarily young men and women just graduating from college, I think we do need to sexualize the FBI a little bit. Sex is part of life. There is nothing wrong with depicting agents as brave, intelligent and virile in at least one commercial. My vision is that they work hard and they play hard sort of like real life James Bond. May I demonstrate?" Lila explained

"Please do?" Connors replied enthusiastically as Lila stood.

"Wonderful. Spence, honey, would you please come here and help me?" Lila asked as she stood up and walked around the table so she was standing in front of Connors and Strauss. As Reid stood up and walked to her side, she continued. "I envision the rest of the team standing side by side in a line if you will with us. But since our space is limited, I'll demonstrate with just Spence. Please keep in mind that there would be three additional members of the team on my left and three on Spence's right. I would start out behind the team with the camera on a close up of me so the team wouldn't initially be seen. At first, I was thinking to have them all in their Kevlar, but that's so J. Edgar Hoover cookie cutter. Now I'm thinking they should have their guns but no Kevlar. I think highlighting their unique and individual fashion styles will send the message that there is a place for everyone in the FBI. At a certain point the camera would pan out as I walked forward and stood beside Spence. The dialogue may need some tweaking" Lila offered

"Oh please share your thoughts on the dialogue. We understand this is all preliminary. We certainly don't expect perfection." Connors replied.

"Obviously we would need to decide if we were doing a 30 second spot or a 60 second spot but this is what I've come up with 'I'm here in Quantico, VA home to the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. They are an elite group of men and women who solve crimes with more than just muscles, guns and Kevlar vests. They use knowledge of everything from medieval literature to mathematics, music to medicine. Intrigued the FBI may have a career waiting for you.' At this point I would walk forward and the camera would pan out to show the team. Spence put your arm around my waist." Lila ordered as she put her arm around his shoulder and her hand in his hair tousling it slightly after she continued. 'I'm Lila Archer Reid. This is my husband Spencer and his teammates. They are the Behavior Analysis Unit. If you think you have what it takes to be the bravest of the brave, the smartest of the smart and in my opinion the sexiest of the sex, then the FBI wants you.'"

"Oh Lila that's fabulous, I wouldn't change a thing." Connors enthused as Lila and Reid returned to their seats.

Suddenly the assistant director's secretary appeared in the doorway out of breath and barely able to talk, she muttered "CNN, sir."

Strauss grabbed the remote control for the television and quickly turned in on.

Everyone in the conference room watched in stunned silence as the announcer said "If you are just joining us, we have breaking news out of Dallas, Texas. A mass murder has occurred at the main post office. No weapons have been found. Details are sketchy at the moment but Dallas police believe a killer is on the loose. They have ordered all schools in the metropolitan region to go into lockdown. They are advising all residents of Dallas to use extreme caution. If anyone has any information that may be helpful they are asked to call the number listed on the screen."

"Hotch" The assistant director said soberly.

"Yes sir we are on our way. Garcia, send everything to our phones. We'll brief on the plane. Let's grab our go bags and get moving." Hotch ordered before he quickly left the conference room followed by Section Chief Strauss.

"Did you get an invite?" Lila asked confused.

"Post office, Babe. It's federal. We don't need an invite on this one." Reid said as he took his wife in his arms. Rossi, Morgan, Prentiss, Seaver and Garcia all chuckled as the couple leaned in for the passionate kiss. Assistant Director Connors blushed as Reid drew Lila closer to him causing her to let out a soft whimper.

"That's his signature move." Morgan offered looking at Connors.

"Reid." Hotch said sternly in a raised voice as he quickly descended the steps to the bullpen carrying his go bag without looking toward the conference room.

"Aaron let the man kiss his wife good-bye." Connors replied flatly while still watching the couple.

The kiss ended and Lila still in her husband's arms whispered "Stay safe, my big Honey."

"We'll take good care of him." Rossi said reassuringly as Reid stepped away from his wife while giving her a reassuring smile.

Reid then turned and headed to the doorway. Rossi followed behind Reid and gave him a warm pat on his shoulder. While Morgan put his arm on Lila's shoulder and drew her close for a quick sideways hug. Morgan then turned in the doorway and said simply "Mama" as Garcia blew him a kiss.

"Stay safe my lovelies." Garcia said nervously as Prentiss and lastly Seaver exited the conference room leaving Lila, Garcia, and Connors.