I apologize for the delay, but here is the second chapter of the story :D these are giving a little more insight to the states. Say hello to Chapter 2: Meet Arkansas

Meet Arkansas. She is a tomboy through and through, no doubt about it. Most people call her a "hick" or an "inbred hillbilly", but they are wrong about her in that respect. Because that's her big brother Missouri.

Her full name is Samantha Noel Carmelita James (ok I'm lying about the Carmelita part), but if you call her anything other than 'Sam' she will hog-tie you and feed you to the pigs. Speaking of pigs, she has two. And she loves them to pieces. She has one little Wild Boar Piglet named Sooie and a flying pink one named Conway.

Out of anyone in the world, her worst enemy is her blond opposite Texas. They've hated each other even back when they were mere children with their former adoptive dads.

Sam was raised in two homes before she was taken under America's wing. And they are the reason she is completely bat shit insane. She was raised in France's house, then Spain's. The level of pure insanity from being in both of them permanently traumatized her. And the only thing keeping her from jumping off a cliff when she did live with them were her two best friends. Mississippi and Louisiana.

For some reason she is really paranoid. No one knows why. If you come up behind her and surprise her, more often than naught she will throw you thirty feet. Shrieking the whole time.

Arkansas is completely in love with football and is an amazing track runner. Her rivalry with Texas knows no bounds when it comes to sports. She is the reason Arkansas keeps trying to attack her with her 'toothpick'.

Her birthday is on June 15th, making her a Gemini. And it is ridiculously true with her being more than person.

Before there was a Las Vegas, Hotsprings Arkansas was the hotspot for gambling and alcohol! Many mobsters were there surprisingly. She was actually pretty popular in the twenties. But that only happened because, hey, it's Arkansas. No one cares about Arkansas.

Some people don't believe she is related to Missouri, and it makes her incredibly mad because they are actually very similar and pretty close. Only difference is that her brother is taller and has black hair. Plus her farmer's tan and reddish hair doesn't compare well. She's also an insane Cardinals fan.

The author of this very story lives in her state.

Her favorite quote is from Winston Churchill and it is, "I like pigs. Dogs look up to you. Cats look down on you. Pigs treat you as equals."

Even though her rough, tomboyish outward appearance makes you think she would never be the kind to fall to pieces when talking to a boy, you'd be very wrong. She has a huge crush on Colorado and he makes her tongue tied and a giggly girly girl whenever he so much as looks her way. He's oblivious to her affection though.

Whenever a disaster occurs to Oklahoma, Mississippi, Tennessee, or Louisiana she is usually the first to run off to help them. She is a fiercely loyal friend.

Many think that she is a trailer trash girl who lives off beer and whatever she hunts down (she finds that incredibly offensive), she actually lives a pretty normal life. She owns and maintains her own farm, raises pigs, and goes to the town square often. She also has a hobby of collecting fine art, and is building a museum for all to see.

Sam is a very natural, earthy person and spends the majority of her time outside. Although she is usually working when she is outside, she's still out in the sunlight.

Occasionally she feels like someone is watching her, and whenever she looks to see who it is, a shadow moves and it disappears. Her paranoia is starting to over come her, and she thinks she is either haunted or someone is stalking her. But that could also be because she occasionally finds love letters on the ground outside of her house. Strangely she isn't the only girl to find those kinds of things.

Her best female friends are actually Kansas and Georgia. Though many people screw up her name and confuse her for Kansas.

Many people don't know it, but she is actually a piano virtuoso.

Loads of people mistake her for a dude with a feminine voice over the phone.

Her house is loaded with creatures, but she has a few that actually stick around for weeks on end. One of them is an orange cat trying to take over the world that she named Bentonville.

Walmart originated in Bentonville.

And now a short story to accompany this! It's Chapter 2.5! Conway and Bentonville part 1.

The door closed behind her as she yelled a hasty goodbye to her pets. That's when a low purr erupted from Bentonville.

"Mm-Yes. Go now my host." He purred watching the barefoot girl run off. He jumped off the windowsill he was perched on and strolled from room to room muttering to himself about his master plan. He's already infiltrated many states and countries with his stores that Sam Walton started. But his snickering was cut short by the sudden crash from his 'friend' if he could even call that flying dolt a friend. Then again that idiot pig did help him quite a bit more than he'd like to admit.

"Gee Bentonville! What what do you want to do tonight!" His chipper snorts sounded from behind the cat as he groaned.

"The same thing we do every night, Conway. Try to take over the world!"

"They're Conway and the Brain. Yes, Conway and the Brain. One is a genius, the other's insane." The wild boar Sooie sang as she walked by.

"Shut it Sooie." He hissed at her as Conway giggled like an idiot.

"Make me." She sassed back at him. "It's not like you didn't think of Pinky and the Brain's theme when you said that too."

"She's right, Ben!"

"I said shut it!" Sooie shook her head and laughed as she disappeared, red ribbon and all.

"She sure is pretty." Conway said dreamily floating up.

"Ugh. Come along now Conway. We have alot of work to do." He wandered up the stairs of the house to Sam's office. "Blast it. She shut the door."

"OH! I can get it Ben!" Conway snorted flying up to the handle. He shook it a little. Nothing. He shook it harder. Nothing. "Gee, Ben, I think she locked it!"


Yes I live in Arkansas. And if you are wondering, I live in the evil orange cat. I'm not kidding most of the world is covered by Walmart and it started right down here. I only wrote this on the fly, so you won't be seeing story for a little while. But anyway, no one gives a flying f*ck about Sammy, but I love her! So until the next chapter. Sayonara Bye bye.