AN: I own nothing but OC's. Glee is not mine, the songs are not mine. How I wish Glee was mine but sadly it is not.

This is an AU story. There is no Beth. There are gonna be loops. Some characters are OOC.

And on one last note. I HATE FINN HUDSON! (Sorry to those who like him.)


Enjoy the story. =D



That was the only coherent thought she had. Every other part of her body was responding to it. She had to get away. She felt her pursuers gaining. She needed to find somewhere safe. Somewhere to stay hidden. She hated the feeling of being vulnerable it sucked.


She stopped and began to look around frantically. What was that? She heard it and smelled it. It was a sweet scent of vanilla and jasmine. She chased it and found her pursuers had found a new target. In the form of a little girl. She charged with a new found courage and sank her canines into one of the legs of her pursuers and clawed into it. She turned to the girl and whined motioning to her back with her snout. The girl seemed to understand as she hurried over. She kneeled and the little blonde girl climbed onto her back and as soon as her small arms were around her neck she pushed off with her hind legs and ran.

Something about the girl on her back empowered her. The girl brought out a protectiveness in her she had never felt before. Her pursuers were far behind her now. She chanced a look behind her only to panic when she faced forward. She knew there was no time to stop so she leaped hoping for the best.

She landed and stumbled nearly knocking the girl from her back. If it wasn't for the powerful muscles and durability of here bones she would have broken a few. She looked behind her quickly and saw that she had jumped from a ledge that was about ten feet high and a stream that had to be seven feet wide. She faced forward and continued running. The scent of the girl grew and she found the scent belonged to a numerous amount of people. Then their voices rang out.

"Quinn!" It was a man.

"Quinnie!" A woman.

They were worried. Looking for their little girl.

She knew the little girl in question was the one on her back.

The shouting continued and she took the chance and ran towards them. She came through the bushes and they rustled as she passed.

The man and woman as well as the three others; an older girl about thirteen, another man and woman, turned toward the bush guns raised. She smelt the gun powder but continued on. The men were ready to pull the trigger but one of the women stopped them.

"Wait!" They looked closely. "Quinn!" the woman rushed over.

"Judy wait!" her husband cried.

She lowered her head and lowered herself on to her stomach. The little girl lifted her head and smiled tearfully.


"Oh Quinnie!" Judy cried pulling the little girl to her from the wolf's back. "We were so worried."

The men kept their guns trained on her but she stayed down. No matter how protective she knew that these people were her family.

"Daddy, put that down!" the little girl; Quinn; cried. "She saved me from the other wolves." Quinn wriggled from her mother's grasp and walked over patting the wolf's head. "Thank you." She placed a kiss on her head.

She doesn't know why but the sensation that flowed through her made her body warmer than it already was. She felt a happiness she hadn't felt in a long time.

"Other wolves?"

"Russell, put that down." Judy said.

"Yep, they were gonna eat me when she came and saved me." Quinn hugged the dark furred wolf and sighed into her warmth. "Can we keep her?" Quinn asked.

"I'm sorry Quinnie, but wolves are wild animals, they can't be kept as pets." Judy said sadly. She saw the hope in her youngest daughter's eyes.

"How about this…" Russell unhooked the star necklace around Quinn's neck and hooked it around the wolf's neck. It hung to Quinn's stomach so it was big for the nine year old but it fit around the wolf's neck perfectly. "Now every time we come out here, we know who our friends are." Quinn beamed and hugged her father's legs.

"Thank you daddy." She hugged the wolf again. "And thank you for saving me."

The wolf barked happily and licked her cheek.

"We have to go now Quinn." Judy said softly.

"Ok." Quinn frowned as her father picked her up. "Bye!" She waved as she and her family walked back toward the family cabin.

That was her routine for the next five years. She would go to the cabin when she knew the girl and her family would be there. Then one day it just stopped. Neither showed up.

She was padding along one day in the woods of a small town. She was tired and beat. Literally beat. She ran into trouble and they got the best of her but she managed to defeat them but now she was sore and had four gashes in her back that only stopped bleeding when the blood dried and scabbed over. The gold star necklace hung around her neck. She finally lost her balance and collapsed. She felt her body going numb and then someone above her. A blonde. But not her blonde. She kneeled down in front of her with a smile and extended her hand.

"Hi I'm Brittany. You must be new in town."

Then nothing.

So I seem to be on a roll with my muse. She seems to be loving these supernatural fics.

Review if I should continue.