New story whoo. So this is the first story i've written for Criminal Minds so any tips I would be very greatful for. Enjoy and please review.

"When you go
Would you have the guts to say
I don't love you
Like I loved you
I don't love you
Like I loved you
I don't love you
Like I loved you

The song finished and the crowd erupted in cheers as they always did, she smiled at the audience before walking down from the stage, her throat was hurting slightly she'd been straining her voice a bit too much. Oh well good thing she had a couple days off. She walked over to the bar and leaned against it before getting the bartenders attention,

"Can I have a coke please,"

"Coming up," the bartender gave her a flirty smile but she just rolled her eyes at him as she usually did. Then she noticed the man next to her he was young and very tall with brownish shoulder length wavy hair. He was geeky looking but in a cute way, still pumping with adrenaline from being on stage she felt unusually confident,

"Smile cutie it might not ever happen," She grinned at him, he looked up at her confusion clear across his face,

"Me?" he squeaked,

"Yeah who else would I be talking too,"

"I, I you're, you're the singer right?" he asked her,

"Wow observant. Yeah I'm the singer,"

"You're good,"

She gave him a genuine smile, "Thanks. I'm Hunter by the way Hunter Brooks,"

"Oh I'm Spencer, Doctor Spencer. I mean I'm Doctor Spencer Reid, it's nice to meet you,"

I giggled a little at him, "It's nice to meet you too Doctor Spencer Reid,"

He smiled at her, "So do you sing here a lot?"

"Yeah I do and other places of course got to go where the work is you know,"

He nodded but before he could say anything a barman put a tray of drinks in front of him. He picked it up,

"Got to go my friends will be wanting their drinks,"

"Alright well I'll see you around maybe,"

"Yeah I hope so." He gave her another smile before walking over to the table and putting the tray of drinks down on the table where, Emily Prentiss, Derek Morgan, Penelope Garcia and David Rossi where sitting and chatting about who knows what, once he'd settle down into his chair and taken a big gulp of his drink the flow of questions began,

"So who was that girl," Garcia teased,

He shook his head, "I have no idea what your talking about,"

"Oh come on kid we all saw you talking to the smoking hot singer," Morgan laughed,

Reid looked over his shoulder to where Hunter was sipping her coke, her Cleopatra like hair shimmering in the lights her short fingernails tapping against the bar, he turned back to look at them and sighed,

"Her names Hunter, she called me cutie,"

Morgan rolled his eyes at his friend awkwardness, "Did you get her number?"

"No I didn't know what to say to her,"

Emily gave him an exasperated look, "Just go back up there and ask for her number,"

He nodded, "Okay just ask for her number it's easy,"

"Exactly go get her kid."

He got up and turned to the bar only to see that the beautiful singer was gone, he looked around the crowds of people then to the stage. She was gone, his heart sunk a little before he sat back down at the table slightly deflated,

"Well maybe it just wasn't meant to be," Rossi unhelpfully chimed in,

"Yeah kid don't worry there will be other girls," Morgan smiled. Spencer nodded and went back to his drink disappointed that he'd missed that opportunity he wasn't exactly Romeo when it came to girls although there had been a couple that had shown an interest nothing much had ever come from it. He was about to announce that he was going home early when the barman came over to him and tapped him on the shoulder,

"Excuse me, are you Doctor Spencer Reid?"

He looked up at the barman confused, "Yeah that's me,"

The barman handed him a napkin, "Hunter asked me to give this to you." the barman walked off before Spencer could say anything. He looked at the napkin before smiling and showing it to his friends/team.

Hunter Brooks 555-0129

Call me anytime.

Hunter had walked home that night singing to herself as she skipped down the familiar streets thoughts of the gorgeous yet slightly awkward babbling Spencer Reid dancing through her mind. She jammed the key into the lock of her ground floor apartment which had a cute little garden attached to it. She closed the door behind her pushing the deadbolt into place at the top and bottom of her door. You can never be too careful, was her motto, she threw her keys into a basket followed by her bag and leather jacket,

"Wolf come here you daft cow," she picked up the spade that was sitting on her kitchen counter and shoveled some dog food into a dog bowl before picking up the other one and refilling the water,

"Wolf where the hell are you stupid dog!"

She set down the bowl on the floor and walked over to the back door with the doggie door in it and unlocked it and stepped outside. She got down to the bottom of the little garden where her grey Siberian husky was digging, she grabbed the dog by the collar dragging her away from the hole,

"Come on you daft mutt." She followed the dog into the house, she took a long look around the garden before going into the apartment and locking the door behind her.

The next day Hunter got a shovel from the closet determined to fill in the hole that Wolf had dug last night normally she would be miserable about having to do garden work but delicious Doctor Reid was still playing on her mind. She was hoping he'd work up the nerve to call her soon he didn't seem like the confident type and to be honest neither was she. She was about to go outside when the phone rang, she put down the shovel and picked up the phone,


"Hello is this Hunter, Hunter Brooks?"

"This is she,"

"Oh, Hi this is Spencer Reid I don't know if you remember me-"

"Yeah I remember. From the bar,"

"Yeah I was wondering I was wondering if you might want to go out with me sometime,"

"Sure I would love to,"

"Cool so how about a coffee Saturday morning?"

"Yeah that would be brilliant. The Starbucks on 4th street?"

"I'll be there 11 o'clock?"

"Brill I'll be there. Bye."

"Yeah, bye."

She put down the phone and went to go fill the hole in with a goofy smile on her face she shoveled the first lot of dirt when she noticed something was in the hole,

"What the hell?" she muttered kneeling down next to the hole and peering down into it she pushed some of the dirt away to reveal what was in the hole her breath came out all at once,

"Oh my god, oh my god," she got up and ran into the house before ripping the phone out of its cradle and jamming the numbers,

"911 what's your emergency?" the voice asked,

"There's a body in my garden."