Couldn't Be Better

Graduation day

Clare P.O.V

I left the room where the blue suits were, I smiled to myself as I held my diploma. I saw Alli and Jenna walking towards me; Alli threw her arms around my shoulders.

"Clare! I am going to so totally miss you." She said, I laughed along with Jenna

"I'm going to miss you both heaps too." I said, she pulled back and smiled

"Good luck with the future." She said, I smiled

"You too and good luck to you too Jenna." I said, Jenna and I hugged before they went off to go say goodbye to some other people. I sighed happily, if only my dad was here, he had to go away to Paris for a business trip, Sherry went with him because of all the shopping there was going to be. I decided to walk around the hallways for what would probably be the last time for a while. I spotted my old locker. I looked around getting all nostalgic. I leaned against a locker, I folded my hands over my chest and sighed, I have to admit I kind of miss Levi. I remember the day giving birth to him and holding him my arms, I sighed, he's with Charlese and Ryan now and they are going to love him forever. I thought of Oliver, I wonder where he is. Does he think of me? Probably not, the way he looked at me when he threw me down the staircase I'm guessing he wasn't feeling too fond of me. I thought back to the day I first met him, he seemed so charming, and he was. He really was, I sighed,

"Come on one last time before we say goodbye forever." I watched as Mercedes led Fitz down the hallway, but they didn't notice me because I was leaning in the shadows. I sighed; since Fitz and I broke up we've never been able to become friends again.

"Getting nostalgic?" I turned and saw Eli standing there smirking, I smiled

"As a matter of fact I am." I said, he nodded and stepped closer to me, I unfolded my arms.

"I'm actually going to miss this hell hole." He said looking around, I laughed

"Yeah me too, I had a lot of good times." I said back, Eli looked at me

"I'm glad we're friends again." He said, I smiled

"Me too." I said, he held my hand, I looked at my hand as he held it, he stepped closer to me. He leaned forward and I closed the gap.

Fitz P.O.V

I cannot believe I have just graduated from high school. I've decided to go to Toronto University to study business. I watched as they called out the names of everyone. Bianca had just received hers, I clapped for her, she looked so happy. I watched as some other people got theirs.

"Clare Edwards." I heard Mr Simpson say, I watched her go to receive her diploma. God she's beautiful, she had the baby two months ago, and she looked good, happier. I have to admit that I miss her. I clapped for her; she was smiling her beautiful smile I love. I mean loved. Maybe if things had been different then we might have been able to work things out.

2 months later

I left my house and walked towards my car, I heard Clare laughing, I looked up and saw her leaning against her car making out with Eli Goldsworthy, I thought they were over for good.

"I love you." I heard her say,

"I love you too." I heard him say back.

Review please, this is the last chapter for this story and I will be writing a sequel.