20 things that Harry Potter has taught me ...

1 Bellatrix Lestrange taught me that there is a reason behind madness.

2 Argus Filtch taught me that even the most bitter people are capable of love.

3 Rodolphus Lestrange taught me that there are just some really horrible people in the world.

4 Pansy Parkinson taught me that it is alright to need someone to pick up the pieces when things fall apart.

5 Petunia Dursley taught me that everyone needs to be encouraged and complemented from time to time.

6 Dolores Umbridge taught me that sometimes it is better to live in innocence.

7 Lucius Malfoy taught me that even if people are dead, you should still do good to their memory.

8 Arabella Figg taught me that running away from problems never solves anything.

9 Percy Weasley taught me that blood is thicker than pride.

10 Narcissa Malfoy taught me that people will do anything for the person they love.

11 Minerva McGonagall taught me that even the cleverest of people make the stupidest mistakes.

12 Rita Skeeter taught me that humiliation hurts, but that revenge is just as bad.

13 Regulus Black taught me that you shouldn't always listen to everything you parents say.

14 Mundungus Fletcher taught me that some people will never be credited for their brilliant deeds of love.

15 Fenrir Greyback taught me that some people shouldn't be pitied.

16 Lavender Brown taught me that some people are more fragile than they appear.

17 Andromeda Tonks taught me that it is alright to wallow when things go wrong. But that you have to build your strength from your experiences.

18 Poppy Pomfrey taught me that it is always the quiet ones.

19 Gilderoy Lockhart taught me that being famous isn't everything.

20 Harry Potter taught me to never judge a book by its cover.

So, that's it folks. This is officially finished.

I am sooo grateful for all your support and reviews :)

I love you all + i love Harry Potter

Lots of love

Jeffie x