A love that took so long to find.

Claires pov.


3 days earlier

"THATS IT SHANE IVE HAD ENOUGH!" i screamed while running down the stairs. "what?" he inquired innocently,"i haven't done anything" i snorted "its not what youve done. Its what you imply all the time! Ooh you and Michael stayed up late the other night... oohh oliver wouldn't stop staring at you today." My volume and pitch got louder as i neared the door to the glass house "you spend alot of time in the lab with myrnin... SHANE. I AM NOT HAVING A FUCKING AFFAIR BUT I AM SICK AND TIRED OF YOU KEEPING TABS ON ME! WE ARE FINISHED!" with that i slammed out the door and stormed off not entirely sure of my destination. It hit me as i was walking past common grounds, i knew exactly where i was going.. to the lab. Shane was right i had spent a lot of time there recently as me and shane drifted apart and sometimes i just couldn't help the thoughts that told me how nice myrnin looked today or how deep and rich his eyes were. I shook my head relieving the thoughts passing it off as distress. I got to the lab and found no sign of myrnin so i curled up on the couch and cryed for so long i lost all track of time and gradually felt myself succumb to sleep.