*Disclaimer* I do not, nor will I ever own Transformers, any characters or anything. I only own my OC's and the made up places and e.c.t. I apologise if any of this material offends anyone in any way. I assure you it didn't mean to offend anyone in any way, shape or form. This story may contain coarse language. Based off the 2009 sequel.

Chapter 1 - An explosive way to start the day.

Earth, birthplace of the human race, a species much like our own, capable of great passion, and great violence. For in our quest to protect the humans, a deeper revelation dawns. Our worlds have met before.

"Here Sam, one of your last boxes," I sighed as I dumped the heavy box on the kitchen table and looked at my brother. "Wow, college. Big, huh?" I smiled at Sam and he smiled back.

"Not as big as everything that's happened," he replied. I nodded. Dad's voice cut our conversation.

"Come on, let's go! All hands on deck! Frankie, Mojo, out!" Dad marched into the house from the outside. "Come on, kiddo, we're on a schedule." I rolled my eyes and walked past him.

"Schedule shmedule." I replied. Dad pointed a finger at me.

"Hey, when you get older and have kids of your own you'll realise just how important it is to keep everything to schedule." I stuck my tongue out at him as he and Sam walked out the house with a box. I walked after them but stopped at the door, and leant casually against the frame. "Slow down, Dad. Why are you in such a hurry to get rid of me? Huh? Did you rent the room out?" I grinned widely. "I wouldn't put it past him, Sam," I shouted across the yard. Dad shook his head and chuckled.

"No, I got other ideas for your room and it rhymes with 'home theatre'." I grinned and turned around as Mom came staggering down the stairs.

"Hey, Mom." I smiled at her but she looked at me with tear filled eyes. My smile dropped as she help up a pair of baby shoes. "Are they Sam's?" At that moment Sam walked in and Mom sniffled again. "Look what I found. It's your little baby booties." She moved towards Sam and enveloped him in a tight hug.

"Oh, Ma." Sam's voice was muffled by Mom's arms. Mom held on tighter, not wanting to let go. I only stood and smiled at Sam's squashed face. "My little baby-bootie boy. You can't go." Mom cried. Dad also walked in and looked at the two. I smiled and spoke to Dad. "See this, Dad?" I motioned to Mom. "This is how you're supposed to react when the fruit of your loins goes out into the cruel world to fend for himself." Dad rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, my heart bleeds for Sam. College, bummer!" I grinned and looked back at Mom and Sam. Mom pulled Sam from her grip and held his head up to hers. "You have to come home every holiday, not just big ones. You have to come home for Halloween." She sniffled, wiping her eyes. I smiled softly at our Mom. Bless her heart. Sam sighed. "Well, I can't come home for Halloween, Mom."

"Yeah, college rules." I added.

"Well, then we'll come to you." Mom begged.

"You're not coming." Sam said, a little more firmly.

"No, we're not going anywhere." Dad added, picking up a load of golf clubs.

"We'll dress up. We'll be in costumes. You'll never know it's us." I sighed at Mom's begging and walked forwards, gently laying a hand on her shoulder. "You can't do that, Mom. The college won't allow it. Plus, you've still got me, right?" Mom sniffled and nodded slightly. Dad marched over and sighed. "Would you let the kid breathe, for crying out loud? Come on. Go pack. There's no way you're packed for a month-long trip." He ordered, pointing up the stairs. "Come on, chop, chop! Let's go." He clapped his hands and Mom walked slowly forward, still clutching the baby booties. "March, young lady." Dad smirked and slapped Mom on the butt. Sam and I gaped. Oh, god no. Please! "Oh, oh, Dad." Sam sighed.

I flinched and muttered under my breath, "You two are way too old to be doing this." Mom giggled and turned to face Dad on the stairs. "I love it when you call me 'young lady', you dirty old man." She smirked flirtingly at Dad. Dad smirked back. "You ain't seen nothing yet." I scrunched my face up as I got un-wanted images. "Eww, eww, eww! My pure mind is being infested with hideous images!" I cried, scrunching my eyes shut and thrashing my head around. Sam also voiced his displeasure. "Dad, Dad, Dad, whoa!" Dad turned to us smiling as Mom walked up the stairs. He shrugged.

"What?" I rolled my eyes and smacked my forehead trying to get rid of the haunting images.

"I'm watching what you're doing, Dad. It's not a rap video." Sam said. Dad shrugged and chuckled.

"It's just like a coach thing."

Sam scoffed, "That was a really creepy move just now, Dad. That was worse than watching Tiff flirt with 'Bee." My eyes snapped open.

"Hey! Don't bring me down to Dad's level! Besides, we don't flirt!" I snapped, defending myself and Bumblebee (our alien robot car). I then added quietly to myself. "That much." Dad frowned and moved to the couch. "Look. You know, your mother and me are really proud of you. You're the first Witwicky ever to go to college. And Tiff." I looked at Dad, trying to act innocent. "We need to talk about you and the car later." He said, pointing a finger at me. I sighed.

"There's nothing to talk about. It's not like we're dating." I said, shrugging. Sam scoffed.

"Yeah, you might as well be. The way you two act around each other. It's not natural." Just then, Mom cried from upstairs.

"Now I'm crying again! This sucks!" We all sighed.

"You're gonna be okay, Ma." I shouted at her. Dad frowned at me again.

"Yeah, well, it's not natural. He's a giant alien robot and you're a... you know... you're a human." He muttered and turned back to Sam. I 'humph'ed and crossed my arms across my chest. "You know, it's just going to be, you know, hard for her to accept that her boy's all grown up, you know, going out handle the world on his own." He said, meaning Mom. Dad was beginning to get tears in his eyes. Sam tapped Dad's shoulder. "You okay, Pop?" Dad nodded.

"Yeah." Suddenly, the dogs jumped onto the couch and began *ahem*doing stuff. We all looked at them and Dad frowned. "Mojo, no dominating Frankie! Get the hell off the couch, you filthy beasts!" He waved at the two dogs. "You'll see a lot of that in college, too." Dad said to Sam before he went to the kitchen. Sam raised an eyebrow and followed.

I still had my arms folded across my chest and sat grumpily on the couch. What Sam had said held some truth. Bumblebee and I do flirt a little, but I wasn't anything bad... Mikaela would always tease me about it but I knew she didn't mean any harm, Sam, however, was a different story. Sam would always comment on how weird it was, but, to be honest, I think he was just acting as the big brother and looking out for me. Mom and Dad would sometimes tease me but they're always having the 'birds and the bees' talk with me. I sighed as Sam walked in on the phone and up the stairs. I unfolded my arms and walked into the kitchen, heading for the fridge and grabbing a carton of juice. "Ooh, with added vitamin C," I said, smiling and nodding at the carton. I sighed and pulled out a glass and filled it with orange juice. I took a huge gulp of the juice. "Ah, sensitive teeth!" I cried. I shook my head and looked out the kitchen window. Mom and Dad were arguing again. I rolled my eyes and walked out the kitchen and leant against the back door frame. "You two better not be arguing again!" I shouted. Mom began to whine on about Sam leaving again. Poor Mom, she's always been a smother. I rolled my eyes but frowned as I heard a small pinging noise. I turned around and looked for the source of the noise, only to find a blue electrical wave wash through the kitchen. "W-what the..." I gasped as the appliances began to transform into tiny robots. "O-oh my... help! Robots!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. I could faintly hear Sam screaming upstairs about a fire. I threw the juice carton up at the nearest robot and dashed out the room, a stream of bullets just skimming me. "Holy!" I yelped as more bullets were fired my way. I peeked over the sofa (which I had used as cover) and saw a swarm of tiny robots flooding from our kitchen and heading upstairs. I glanced at the lamp and snatched it from the table and threw it as hard as I could at the nearest robot. The robot 'screamed' and fell over, shooting bullets wildly. I leapt from my cover and dove through the door leading outside. "Dad, Mom, run!" I ordered as I skidded behind the fountain. Dad raised a brow. "What's with all the racket?" he asked. I pointed towards the house where Sam was now diving out his window and jumping down from the terrace. He yelled as he collapsed onto the ground and began scrambling through the grass and behind the fountain. Bullets were fired towards us and Dad made a desperate leap for the fountain as well. I stared at him as he landed on his face then proceeded to crawl. "Dad, that was terrible," I said, staring at him. Dad gave me a panicked look before we all flinched and shielded ourselves with our arms as more bullets were fired. "What was that?" Dad yelled.

"I don't know, but they are not friendly!" I yelled back. I crammed myself the best I could between Sam and Dad and shook my brother. "We need Bumblebee!" I shouted. Sam panted and nodded before screaming at the top of his lungs, "Bumblebee!" An engine roared and Bumblebee burst through the garage. Wood shattered and showered us, causing us to shield ourselves the best we could with our arms. I couldn't help the grin that spread across my face or stop my heart from swelling with pride as Bumblebee transformed and began to fire at all the evil robots. The robots didn't stand a chance as Bumblebee shot them all down; like 1, 2, 3. Bumblebee fired at Sam's room, destroying it completely and throwing more wood at us. We screamed and huddled together as well as we could with the little space available. Needless to say it wasn't working. As the firing stopped we all relaxed slightly. The tense air was disrupted by Mom running out screaming as she held an appliance on her head. I raised an eyebrow as she ran headlong into a hanging basket and feel to the floor with a thud. I mentally sighed. Oh, Mom. "911!" Dad yelled and he rushed to Mom's aid. I also climbed up and began brushing shards of wood off my. "Bumblebee!" Sam yelled. The yellow robot looked down at Sam and I. "Get in the garage, go!" Bumblebee shrugged innocently; as if to say "what have I done?" Mom, however, was in hysterics. "What the freak just happened?" she asked. Sam continued scolding 'Bee. I just stood there looking confused. Why is Sam angry with him? "I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. Just go into the garage, quietly, please." 'Bee rolled his eyes and began to whirl in complaint. I frowned and shrugged as 'Bee looked at me for an explanation. Bumblebee threw his arms up and stomped back into the garage. "Hey, wait, 'Bee!" I shouted, raising my hand. Bumblebee turned back to Sam. "Whatever!" he choked out. I frowned at Sam.

"Why'd you tell him off for? He ain't done nothing wrong!" I argued. Sam gaped at me before turning to 'Bee. He pointed his finger threateningly at him. "Get in the garage now!" he ordered. I slapped Sam on his shoulder and he flinched. "Huh? Answer me! Why? He saved our asses!" Sam sighed. "Forget it," he said, waving his hand dismissively. I frowned and poked him.

"I will not forget it! Oh, and also... what the hell just happened!"

"I-I don't know, I think, a shard, of the allspark!" Sam stuttered as he began walking away into the kitchen. "What? Allspark? Sam!" I reached out for my brother but grasped thin air as he disappeared back into the house. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Just then the sound of a familiar motorbike engine reached my ears as Mikaela pulled up on our lawn. I waved at her as she pulled her off her helmet. "Hey Mikaela," I greeted, nodding at her. She waved back and nodded towards the destroyed house. "What happened?" she asked. Sam walked out towards us. We both turned to him and gave him expecting looks. "Come here. Listen, I need you to take the cube sliver and put it in your purse," he said to Mikaela, opening her purse.

"What's going on?" Mikaela asked. Sam shook his head.

"Just take it," he ordered. Mom marched over. I gulped, she looked furious.

"Sam and Tiffany Witwicky? A word with you two," she demanded. I nodded.

"Yes, Mom," I said. She walked over and smiled widely at Mikaela.

"Hi Mikaela. I have a bald spot," Mom said proudly. I rolled my eyes and gave Mikaela an apologetic smile. She nodded awkwardly.

"That's... that's fantastic," she answered. I giggled as my Mom parted her hair to show her. Mom will never change. Mom turned to Sam now with a stern look on her face.

"When you go, he goes," she said, her mood changing rapidly. "I cannot live with a psychotic alien in my garage!" she snapped. Dad rushed over and shushed Mom.

"Judy... National security," he hissed. "Look, if we stay quiet, they're gonna take care of everything. Just consider this the official start of our remodel, okay?" Dad reasoned. Mom frowned but nodded slowly. "Fine. If the government's paying, I want a pool and a hot tub!" She turned and marched away. "And I'm gonna skinny-dip and you can't say shit about it!" she screamed back. I scrunched my face up. Great, more freaking mental images! I looked sideways as Dad sighed and spotted Sam and Mikaela heading towards the garage. I quickly caught up with them.

Sam pulled back the black tarp to reveal Bumblebee choking and hitting his forehead. "Yeah, you know you're in trouble," Sam muttered. I frowned at him again and scowled.

"He still having voice problems?" Mikaela asked. I nodded but Sam answered.

"He's playing it up." Sam took a deep breath before speaking. "'Bee, I want to talk to you about the college thing, okay?" Bumblebee's face lit up as he searched radio stations. Suddenly it sung out, "I'm so excited and I just can't hide it.." 'Bee even began to click along with it. Sam, however, interrupted. "Hey, I'm not taking you with me." The song screeched to a halt and Bumblebee's wings drooped. He whirled with sadness as Mikaela turned. "I'm gonna wait outside, okay?" She walked out and I turned to go as well, to avoid the awkward conversation, but Sam grabbed my arm. "You, stay here. Then you can make him feel better." I sighed and stood back in my place. "I meant to tell you about this earlier. It's just that, you know... Here's the thing. Freshmen aren't allowed to have cars. I know, and if it was up to me, I'd take you with me, but it's not, 'Bee," Sam explained, Bumblebee grew sadder and sadder. "Look. You're an Autobot. You shouldn't be living in my Dad's garage. I mean, you're suffocating in here. You deserve better than this." Sam paused and Bumblebee whirled sadly again. "This is hard enough, man. Don't make it harder. Can you just look at me, please?" Sam walked forward and pulled 'Bee's face towards him. "Come on, big guy," Sam said softly. "Look, the guardian thing is done. Okay? You did your job. Look, I'm safe now. If anything, it's Tiffany who needs looking after." I stood ridged.

"Me? Sam you're the one who needs looking after. I can take care of myself perfectly fine," I retorted. Sam sighed and turned to me, using his arms for emphasis.

"No, you can't. Let's just say, trouble has a way of finding you," Sam countered. I scoffed and rolled my eyes, folding my arms over my chest.

"Oh, says the boy who got his thumb stuck in a pair of scissors."

Sam stared blankly at me, before pointing at me and shouting, "Hey, the holes were very small for adult size scissors!" I rolled my eyes and huffed. Sam sighed and turned back to Bumblebee. "I just want to be normal 'Bee, and I can't do that with you." Bumblebee raised his hand, stopping Sam, and began to 'cry'. Water began spurting from his eyes and he sobbed. "It's not the last time I'm gonna see you, you know, 'Bee," Sam continued. "Come on, don't do that. 'Bee. You're killing me 'Bee." Bumblebee was having none of it; he slid his helmet over his eyes and waved Sam away, quietly sobbing. Sam shuffled and attempted to cheer him up. "But you'll always be my first car. Love you, 'Bee." 'Bee pulled his helmet away from his eyes and watched as Sam walked away. Sam turned to me as he paused at the tarp. "Hey, cheer him up, please?" I nodded slowly, before turning sadly to Bumblebee. I put my arms out. "You okay?" I asked softly. He nodded slowly but didn't look convinced. I gave a weak smile. "I guess what Sam said was true, trouble does have a way of finding me," I giggled. I walked towards Bumblebee and climbed onto his hand. He lifted my up near his head and nuzzled me gently. I giggled as he began to hum. "Don't worry about him, he's just excited to finely be going to college," I said as I patted his head. We sat together for a few moments before I heard Dad call outside. "Tiffany? Come on, we're going now!" I sighed and pulled away from 'Bee. He whirled and reluctantly set me down. I grinned.

"Be good, we'll be back soon," I said to him, giving him a mock firm look. "Come here," I said, moving towards him again. He leant his head down towards me and I shyly gave him a quick kiss. I giggled like a school girl and ran out the garage. "Be good!" I shouted back over my shoulder as I ran towards the car.

A/N - FINALLY! Here's the sequel! I'm so sorry for the time it took, but my internet was up the creek without a paddle... anyway, please enjoy this and I hope this sequel lives up to expectations. :) Thank you everyone who read, reviewed or whatever my last story; Sweet Little Bee, and thank you to those who messaged me. :) Enjoy!