(The Serious Stuff Is In Italics)

Warnings: Mentions of Suicide (That's Kind of a plot mover), Frolicking Men? (I Don't know you guy want warnings for everything), Rad Bromancing?, Well I'm Done here…

Pairings: Peter/Sylar Friendship

Summary: Peter makes a run to have Nathan's watch fixed, but finds himself saving a life. His new found friendship comes with more costs than he could imagine, together they embark on a trip of discovery and adventure. AU Pre-Season 1-ish.


Ideas For A chaptered Fic had begun to elude me, since I deleted 'The Brave Ones' cause my Flash drive got wet and It was useless…. I had EIGHT chapters done…About 40,000 words it was two chapters away from being done! So I died inside and deleted the four I had posted….

So, now I am trying to bounce freakin back! YEAH!… I got a few reviews on 'Here To Stay'… I wigged out and was inspired to do another one-shot! THAT is why I wrote this…. And things got out of hand… *Smile?*

Ok, this is… AU, yeah I am making a HUGE leap Here, as I said, it happens Pre-season 1? You know when Elle 'saved' Gabriel when he tried to kill himself… . Ok that's when this happens….-ish…

BTW How many of you noticed Friendship was NOT in italics? And Rad Bromancing was XD PROPS TO YOU!

(Title is taken From Song By 'Bright Eyes')

If You Flame We Will Have a Bonfire and Make S'mores,

I'll Bring The Marshmallows.

The First Day Of My Life

The city bustled around him as he sat in the coffee shop, he sipped from the steaming cup cautiously, hoping that his tongue would not fall victim to its intense heat. Many students from his courses took lunch here; it was close and conveniently affordable for a Med Student.

The café sat roughly twenty people comfortably and smelled soups, cakes and coffee, the counters wooden but topped with a emerald glazed ceramic, the floor behind them an earthy brown tile, for the customer's the carpet was a forest green with wooden chairs, and table's whose cushions and tops matched the counters. The walls were decorated by local artists; Peter sat near a painting of a man in a shop full of watches painted by an Isaac Mendez.

After admiring the painting, he brushed his bangs away from his face, and began focusing on the anatomy book before him, backtracking, trying to remember the questions from his final exam, striving to check his work.

Despite the noise of the chattering people, his focus remained unbroken, and he brought the cup to his lips for another sip.

As Peter took his drink, a strong hand patted his back firmly, causing his entire body to Jerk forwards. The drink remained unspilled, and he cursed at the thought of it landing on his clothing. Peter turned to face his assailant, fining his brother casting him an apologetic look.

"Sorry about that Pete," He offered, "I didn't see that you were drinking something."

The student shook it off and smiled, "Don't worry 'bout it Nathan, nothing spilled."

Nathan shook his head taking a seat in front of his baby brother, "But if it had you would have quite a burn."

"But it didn't." He grinned and the other just sighed, Peter smiled and put a small scrap of paper in his book before closing it, "Whatcha doing all the way out here?"

"I wanted to see if your finals went ok." He smiled, Peter wished it was true, but the act seemed like something his brother would not do.

He smiled and continued, "So, how the election going?"

Nathan's eyes brightened as he leaned into the conversation and Peter felt his stomach churn, realizing what this visit was about.

"I'm not gonna help you Nathan." He cut, and his brother shrunk back.

"C'mon Pete, you really think you want to spend your life as a nurse?" The older man sighed.

Peter shook his head, "I want to help people, is that so wrong? I mean I just finished schooling and took the first portion of the test-"

"And you're going to go back in there and pray that you pass?" Nathan sighed, "Pete you have to think ahead, there's no guarantee that you're going to make this, and if you don't what then?"

The younger man sat straight with confidence, "I try again."

"Cause Petrelli's are fighters," his older brother sighed, "C'mon, think about this, help my campaign out a bit."

"I can't I have school and I'll get a job if I pass, I got it all lined up." Peter smiled.

Nathan just shook his head, "What time is it?"

Peter looked to his wrist and sighed, "I forgot my watch this morning."

The other man lifted his arm and pulled his sleeve to reveal his own, he then tapped it and cursed, "Damn thin cost a fortune and now its not working."

Peter smiled, relishing that his own watch was one from the local thrift store and had worked for his entire residency.

Nathan removed the offending Rolex and shook it, then sighed in defeat, "I have to go get it fixed, probably cost more than I paid for it…"

The younger man grabbed it and appraised the piece, "This may sound weird, but there is a Watch Repair Shop on my route to school, I could drop it off for you tomorrow."

Nathan smiled, "Would ya ? I was thinking that thing would be broken until Election Day!"

"No Problem." he replied, "I have off but I need to stop by class, I'll drop it off on the way."

He nodded appreciatively in response, "Ma wants you to visit."

The Med Student Froze as he pocketed the watch, "So ma sent you huh?"

The other man smiled and stole a drink of coffee, "Well, she may have suggested it."

Peter stood, "You can keep the coffee, and I'll visit Ma as soon as I get a day off."

"So I should tell her tomorrow." The older man offered.

And Peter sighed, "Sure tell her tomorrow, around noon."

"Perfect" Nathan grinned as he watched his younger brother leave the café, he sipped the coffee he had left, and soon vacated the shop as well.

The younger Petrelli continued on into his class, and completed testing, though Nathan had been teasing, Peter had actually prayed.

Running solely on caffeine, upon reaching his apartment, he ate dinner and slept like a train wreck.

The morning came too soon for him, as the alarm clock rang in his mildly cluttered apartment. Standing and making his way to the bathroom he cursed under his breath as he stubbed hi toe on the bookcase, suddenly his room seemed extremely messy.

He went through his agenda; he would drop off the watch then retrieve his report, and visit his mother. Deciding the 'Visit Ma' part would take the majority of his day he allowed the 'Clean your mess' to slide for another day.

Peter walked begrudgingly out of his apartment, and locked the door. He twirled the keys around his index finger, then pocketed them nonchalantly, wondering if the world would allow him to get through the day without so much as a single snag.

The city was buzzing with life, as he took the back way to the Watch repair shop, he had seen the sign before, but had never entered, his watch never needed to be repaired. He approached the shop, and entered.

The silence of the shop became eerie, as he walked in to see no one. He heard a light shifting and turned to see a and standing on a bench, he had a noose around his neck and as Peter opened his mouth the object holding him up was kicked out.

"Hey!" Peter screamed, running over, he was a small distance when he lifted his hand up as if reaching for the rope and it snapped, causing the other man to fall to the floor with the grace of a sack of flour.

Peter approached quickly and rounded the counter that the other had landed behind. Finding him breathing heavily, Peter released a heavy sigh. The man seemed unharmed, his neat hair disarrayed, and his thick rimmed glasses were floored, but he seemed fine.

"Thank God your ok." He whispered, and fell to his knees, and began to assess the man's injuries.

"What are you doing?" the stranger whispered, curiously, his voice sad, and unsure.

"Making sure you're not hurt, that was quite a fall." Peter replied.

The other simply stared at him, "Your helping me?

He gained a grin in return, "I don't know why you were doing what you were, but it's not the answer, trust me."

The man assessed him silently, and as Peter finished he sat next to him, "You feeling ok?"

The other shook his head, "I've done something terrible."

"We all have, but no one deserves to die for their mistakes." Peter answered softly, with compassion.

The other shook his head, "I don't know what to do…."

Peter's gaze was soft and understanding, "We keep living, looking for forgiveness, by doing good for others, for the ones we love."

The other man turned to him, his voice soft, "How do you know I could be forgiven? You don't even know what I've done."

Peter smiled, "Because everyone deserves a second chance."

"Even the devil?" he whispered, and Peter was unfazed, in his reply.

"You could never be the devil."

"How do you know all this?" The other man asked, his eyes pleading.

The Med student smiled, "I see the good in people, I see a lot of good in you."

The man with glasses smiled, "Here I am trying to end everything, and someone tells me there's a reason, to go on, and I believe them, with all my heart, I think god sent you."

Peter chuckled, "If God's name is Nathan, and he has a broken watch then sure."

He then reached into his pocket and chuckled a bit more, "I forgot his watch."

The other smiled, "Well, at least you found me."


GEE-ZUHS! This took forevah! Their dialog at the end is 100% original! YAY.

Also, it took me about three days of thinking to figure out how Peter would 'Cut' him down, because Elle used her electricity…

BUT! I reasoned this way~ If Gabriel had Telekinesis then Peter would absorb it when he walked in, the adrenaline rush felt when he went to save him would allow for it to be used!

I think WAY too much XD.

Yeah, to leave this as a one shot…. That would just be cruel to whoever decided to read it.

(This has been 1826 words from Phronima's Power)