I Got Your Back Hawaii Five-0


Five 0 is investigating claims of human testing on unwilling subjects in a Honolulu laboratory. One of the members of the team is exposed to a mysterious toxin. This toxin causes the victim to become extremely fearful with no apparent reason and seemingly lose control. Can the team members ohana get them through this ordeal or will they be left to cope alone?

The sounds of thudding feet resounded in the laboratory, enchoing all around. The thief cast a quick glance over his shoulder to see how close his pursuer was. Davis, a teen out to make a quick couple of bucks, clutched the vial in his hand. If he could shake 5-0 then he was home free and a thousand dollars richer.

"Stop! 5-0!"

Davis had no intention of stopping. He put on another burst of speed. The hallway turned up ahead and it was so poorly lit that he didn't see in time.
Davis slid hard into the wall, the vial knocked loose from his hand. It shattered on the ground, vapors rising. His pursuer collided with him and they both went down.

**This is my first story, I know there isn't much, yet. It's much harder to write then read.
Please review and let me know who you want to be exposed to the toxin.