A/n: Another short part, but one of the last.

I'm pretty sure that you can guess what's next. ;D

Disclaimer: I do not own Higashi no Eden/Eden of the East, the plot, or the characters. I did not make the fanart that this is based on. If I was so powerful as to own these, I would not be writing fanfiction. Also, because I don't know what stores like Victoria's Secret they have in Japan, enjoy the cheesy shop name. 8D

Notices: "Sexting" is illegal in most parts of the US, I believe, though I'm not sure about the details of the law or it's loopholes. I'm not sure about how this is viewed in Japan, either. Use discretion and be smart! Also, please note that in Japan, it's emailing instead of texting… but, I guess in the context, it makes more sense to use the Americanized translation. OTL. Sorry!

Those Kinds of Girls
Part Three: Almost There

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"…in a few?"

Saki squeaked, holding her phone to her chest nervously. Takizawa not only had responded, but he was coming to the store. Her heart was racing, and she was terrified. Was he interested in her, or coming because face-to-face rejections were nicer?

"What did I do?" She whimpered, biting her lip.

If he was interested, she guessed there wasn't much to worry about. She liked Akira Takizawa quite a bit, she realized. He was good-looking, and for some reason she trusted him. He was kind. He was helping Eden. He'd kissed her and made her happy again. He was interesting, and she wanted to see a lot of late shows with him. She thought if he rejected her, or she lost his friendship, she'd be very sad. Wait, she was thinking too much now, wasn't she? Darn it…

Saki heard footsteps outside, and put on her bravest face.

"Saki?" Akira's voice called.

She flushed, and the brave face died.

"I-in here, Takizawa…" She called back. Her voice cracked, and she internally swore.

Soon enough, Akira was at the door, knocking. "Here?"

"Y-yes." Saki nodded even though he couldn't see, rising from where she sat in the corner of the stall. She bit her inner cheek; once she opened the door while wearing this lingerie, there was no going back. "One moment." She called out, taking a deep breath. She was about to expose herself fully, wasn't she? How nerve-wracking…

There was a knock at the door again. "Saki? You okay in there?"

Did he not see the picture? Saki wondered. "T-Takizawa, you got my message… R-right?"

There was a pause, before he said, "Yes. I did." He cleared his throat nervously, and she flushed. "S-Saki, you… You looked pretty."

"…I did..?" She murmured, biting her lip. Does he like me?

"Y-yeah! Ah…" Akira paused again. She didn't like the pause. It frightened her. "Would you mind opening the door, Saki? It feels weird talking to you through it."

It might be even weirder once I open it, stupid Takizawa! "O-okay! Sure…" She mumbled, nodding to herself again, before opening it.

She only vaguely heard Akira sharply inhale.