Let it be known, between the five or six people who read this or and haven't given up, that I am back from my (almost) year long hiatus. My interest in Hetalia waned but its back now that I got the 3rd season and Paint it White the movie! I'm back, babies! *cough* Sorry.


Paris was burning.

Matthew sat in his alcove on the top of Notre Dame. He could see the buildings in the distance burning and he knew who was to blame. It was his fault that the sky was turned a horrid red. "It's all my fault," He said to no one in particular.

"No, Matvey, it isn't," Ivan sat down beside the teen. "You helped a person in need. Your father and his obsession are to blame." The tall blonde wrapped his arms around the teen and tried to comfort him.

"Yeah, Birdie," Gilbert stated looking up from his plate of food. He broke off a piece of bread and slipped it in front of the tiny, yellow bird that had started to hang around him. "I hate to admit it but Sasquatch has a point."

Elizaveta slapped the back of Gilbert's head. "And I hate to admit it but Gilbert is right. You should listen to this idiot for once in your life. You did everything you could to help that man."

"I know but," Matthew pulled away from Ivan's arms and went to stand away from their small, group. He sighed, feeling totally defeated, "If I hadn't helped him escape then maybe they could have worked things out. Then all those people wouldn't have gotten hurt!"

A pregnant pause followed. Gilbert sighed and pushed his chair away from the table he was sitting at, "Nope."

"Huh," Matthew looked at the albino.

"I said 'Nope'," Gilbert began redressing himself. He had patrol in an hour and things would go to Hell if he was late. "Francis would've ended up doing this anyways. Even when we were younger, he could be obsessive." That did not make Matthew feel any better. "I better go before the others do something they'll regret."

"Bye, Gilbert," Eliza called as the man walked down the steps.

"Don't do anything you would regret!" Ivan yelled. Gilbert made a rude gesture with his hands as he disappeared from view. Matthew giggled, a smile slipping onto his face. Ivan and Eliza smiled. "There is the smile we all love!"


Arthur leaned against the building's walls. He was panting and soaking wet: his heavy dress and the unconscious man on his back not helping. He looked down and saw blood seeping onto his dress. "Hello? Is someone out here?" A voice called. Arthur froze and tried to hide in the shadows.

A man in white came around the corner, a torch in his hand illuminating his way. He looked around for a moment then turned to leave. Arthur tried to be quiet but Alfred groaned. The man whipped around and stared directly at Arthur. "You're the gypsy," he gasped. Arthur sighed and walked out from the dark.

"He needs help," He pleaded, not something the blonde normally did, and stumbled under the weight of the unconscious soldier he was carrying. The man rushed forward and handed the torch to Arthur. He gathered Alfred in his arms.

"Come quickly, Child," He smiled and led the way.


Matthew was feeling better. A lot better. Ivan had curled up somewhere in the upper levels of the belfry and was fast asleep and Eliza was at home with her husband Roderick so Matthew was the only way still awake.

Suddenly, a crash resounded through the tower. It was small but still hung in the air. The tiny blonde dashed to where the noise had come from. He had an old collection plate in his hands and raised it as he rounded the corner, ready to strike.




Yeah, it's short and for that I'm sorry but it's an update none the less! I hope people are still reading this and will review.