Happy Reading



I only wish you weren't my friend

Then I could hurt you in the end

I never claimed to be a saint



Two Years Later...

Sasuke had heard the rumours.

Stories about Konoha's greatest weapon backfiring on the village.

The famous monster.

Oh, he had heard them – and much more.

How the aspiring Hokage threw his dreams away when he returned from an awry mission two years ago. How he spiralled further and further into madness until even his closest friends gave up hope and left him to wallow in his own darkness.

Some friends.

Sasuke had heard how he slowly let go of his sanity and allowed the destructive conscience that lived inside him take over.

He had heard all of this and he knew.

He knew it was all his fault.

Naruto had lost himself in his grief in a way that Sasuke only wished he knew how.

Instead Sasuke remained a walking, unemotional corpse, living each day as if it were a chore. But Naruto was able to leave behind what remained too hard to bear in the most primitive way.

It was a stupid, stupid thing to be jealous of, but Sasuke was just that.

And so he found himself standing in front of Konoha's gates, staring up at the wall that offered only imprisonment and a life of backstabbing murmurings. All because he was too selfish to let Naruto live in his blissful ignorance while he was left still very much aware of the burning that had racked his chest for the past two years.



My own was banished long ago
It took the death of hope to let you go



He knew he was here. He could feel him sucking the life away like a leech feeding on a gourmet of blood.

It always happened like this.

First came the overwhelming sense of home, then it was replace by the desperate need for acceptance finally to be devoured by the need for release from the heart-wrenching pain.

Kyuubi seemed to relish these feelings most because, when they surface, Naruto always ran from them, afraid to drown in the onslaught of emotions.

The first time it happened Naruto was able to regain control before anyone could get hurt, but as he continued to spiral downwards, so did his control over Kyuubi.

Soon it got to the point where he just didn't care anymore. Konoha could never offer him anything that could amount to half of what he truly wanted, so what did it matter that they should suffer as he did every single day.

He doesn't need them.

He doesn't need their help or their pity or even their hate. Those disgusted stares and barely concealed whisperings behind his back only drove him closer to the edge.

But when Naruto felt that familiar chakra approaching the walls, hesitating before being ushered towards the Hokage tower, something akin to hope sparked inside him.

But before he could relish the feeling, a sharp pain shot up his back and a fire of the most scorching kind enveloped him. He tried to fight it but was pushed roughly to the ground, bending over and retching into the grass as the fire continued to snake around his body.

He was faintly aware that his surroundings were disintegrating around him and could feel the chakra lashing out at anything reachable.

A rumble echoed in his mind as Kyuubi reared his head.

You don't need him, kit. You have me, Kyuubi said before pushing what little control Naruto had to the side.



So break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul



You did this to me, Sasuke.

Every single time, it's always because of you.

But I don't mind.

Not really.

It just reminds me that I never really had you in the first place, and you never had me either.

Otherwise, why would I hate you like this?

That is what this is, right? Hate and anger and disgust?

Well, I'll tell you, it feels good...

Whatever it is.


Sasuke looked over to his left where stood a very pissed Sakura, then to his right where stood a rather blank faced Hyuuga Neji.

It was all rather strange to be standing next to these two people.

Sakura's reaction to him was no big surprise. It mostly consisted of relentless yelling and restrained fists (thanks to Kakashi who had her in a near head-lock), then escalating to the one thing Sakura was actually quite good at; crying.

Neji was stiff yet polite, yet Sasuke could all but see the barrier the he put up between them. It was a barrier of cold indifference that spoke volumes about the distaste Neji had for him.

But as loathsome companions as they were, Sasuke was obliged to at least hold back the wonderful things that were begging to be let loose.

These two were his escape to that raging boy that meant something to Sasuke.

That raging boy who had been at it now for three days, demolishing homes and forest life.

The Hokage stood directly in front of them with her arms folded in front of her large bust.

She had a look in her eyes that echoed a thousand shattered hopes. He supposed Naruto just added to those broken dreams every day. It was impressive and yet disconcerting at the same time because, in that one haunted gaze, Sasuke could see her true age.

Her true age showed that she was strained near her limits.

"Consider all restraints nullified as of now," she said, staring pointedly at Sasuke.

He gazed into her determined blue eyes

"And the cost?" Sasuke asked because he knew that his freedom was not coming at a cheap price. This was Uchiha Sasuke they were dealing with, the one person who could probably be blamed the most for this current situation.

Sasuke was surprised, though, when his answer came not from Tsunade-sama or even from the ever vocal Sakura, but from Neji who offered Sasuke only a hard stare and three words each emphasised appropriately to denote the weight of the command.

"Bring Naruto back,"

Sasuke nodded, glancing once more at the Hokage then sending look in Sakuras direction.

Don't worry, it said, I'll show him and all of you the depth of a true bond.



You never needed any help
You sold me out to save yourself



Naruto was walking down the familiar halls of his subconscious, vaguely aware that he had already given himself over.

Dripping water echoed and let off sheens of reflective light.

It was always like this when Kyuubi was in control.

Lonely, cold, dark, everything that Naruto was trying to get away from in the first place.

Why did those feelings always linger? They're always with him despite his best efforts. It was no use running away from it, he knew that from the first time.

He could feel his physical body straining, breaking under the force of Kyuubi's pure chakra.

He knew it was painful, but pain was just another constant companion so it didn't really matter. And besides, what would he remember of it except that in the end he always hurt people he didn't really mean to.

It was all in the name of escape. But escape from pain never came, so really, what was the point?

The point, Naruto mused, was that he didn't have to suffer alone. Sasuke certainly didn't need any help to escape. But he left Naruto here to burn.

Naruto was not one to be selfish.

If he was going to burn, then so were those who he loved. It was only right that they should share the burden; his precious people.



And I won't listen to your shame
You ran away, you're all the same

Angels lie to keep control



Sasuke heard the screaming first. Then he smelt the stench of smoke mingling with the salty taste of blood in the air.

The trees that lined the famous forest of Konoha were devoured in fire. Flames licked and lashed out at random bathing the whole scene in a red hell-like light.

It was fitting this way, Sasuke thought. Fitting because he knew that he would always end up in a hell-like place for his crimes against the heart. If anything, he had anticipated it with abated breath.

With Sakura to his left and Neji to his right they were moving at a quick pace, anxious and apprehensive at the same time concerning the scene they were fast approaching.

They stopped as they approached the outskirts of the village, the furthest corner wall.

"He's here," Sakura whispered, dropping into a weary defensive stance.

The way she moved so smoothly into that position with Neji quickly following made Sasuke wonder how many times, exactly, did they have to go through this.

He pushed his thoughts aside, though, when Neji activated his Byakugan and moved in a general direction.

"We cannot get close," he said, referring to himself and Sakura, "but Sakura-san must tend to the injured. You need to draw him away from here, Uchiha."

"Understood." Sasuke said with a curt nod. With that his two companions leapt up and away, leaving Sasuke in the middle of a deserted street with an enraged Jinchuuriki closing in on him fast.

It's okay Naruto

It will be as I promised.

This is the last time, then we are free.

Just one more time…



My love was punished long ago
If you still care don't ever let me know

If you still care don't ever let me know



The rage; glorious.

The hate; fuelling.

The blood; over powering.

Did it really matter that it was his blood?

Something in his mind said so, but it was so easily pushed aside that it didn't even surface as a regret.

The red was everywhere. Red fire, red blood, red sun. He was a pure being of fire now, red was all encompassing.

It's all his fault anyway…


Sasuke was being flung like a china doll, demolishing trees that happened to be in his path of flight.

His skin was searing with chakra burns that seemed to eat away at his skin.

The person in front of him was barely distinguishable from the carefree dobe he knew and loved.

But he couldn't deny that he was still there, somewhere.

Even still, the feral glint in those normally blue eyes was impressive.

Sasuke stood, leaning an arm on the trunk of a half broken tree.

"Come on," he said, a familiar smirk gracing his features, "I have come so far to see you. I expected something…well, more."

His words seemed to have the desired effect as Naruto let loose a growl that emanated from the deepest part of his chest. It was the animalistic snarl of a wolf deprived of his prey for far too long.

Naruto moved at a speed Sasuke had not been anticipating. He threw his weight to the left, twisting in mid-air to land on his feet.

He was granted but a moment to register the four gashing lines that had formed above his ribs before he had to jump again to avoid the lash of another chakra-cloaked hand.

He dropped to a crouch as Naruto moved to pull his fist back in preparation of another swipe.

This time Sasuke was ready.

As Naruto's came flying at an inhuman pace Sasuke pivoted on the ball of his feet, using the motion to turn a full three sixty before swiping out with his left leg to knock Naruto to the floor.

Naruto met the ground with a crash and a howl of pure rage. Sasuke was quick to move after that.

He jumped onto the enraged boy, using one hand to lock two wrists above Naruto's head and the other to hold him down by the waist. His knees were locked on either side of Naruto's torso, restricting his movement to bucking hips and thrashing legs.

Sasuke tried not to move in closer to the blonde, knowing that if he did his resolve would crumble.

He tried but, like most things Sasuke did, failed.

He couldn't resist the pull of Naruto and everything that he linked with the blonde.

Naruto was hope and release and everything that Sasuke knew was missing in his failed life. He had to be closer, he had to know that this was real and Naruto really was here – be it enveloped in deathly chakra and blood-lust rage.

"Naruto…" he whispered, his forehead resting on Naruto's. He closed his eyes to the world, to the pain and to the feeling of Naruto still bucking underneath him, "I can't do it."

The thrashing stopped along with the furious growls as Sasuke released the hand holding down Naruto's hip and drew it up, ever so slowly, to Naruto's face.

Fingers stroked whisker-marked cheeks firmly, knowingly. Black eyes stared into red and willed for the one he loved to show through. His black hair hung in tendrils over Naruto's face like a curtain, blocking them from the outside world.

He leaned in closer until only a scare centimetre lay between there open mouths.




This is…this is home!

But, how? What is this?


Sasuke is…



Naruto opened his eyes to a pair of tightly closed ones. His mouth was moving in time with another as if of its' own as if of its' own accord.

"Sasuke…" he murmured.

He felt the lips connected to his own smile briefly. They massaged and caressed in a way that made Naruto's heart soar and then they slowly departed.

Sasuke opened his eyes, pulling away from the kiss.

A ghost of a smile was forming on his lips as he stroked Naruto's face tenderly.

"I'm sorry, dobe," he said sadly, "Just let me be selfish one more time."

"Always for you, teme." Naruto said as he lifted his mouth for another kiss, "but you're not getting away again."

"I know," Sasuke said, before meeting Naruto eagerly.



Until you burn me…

Thanks for reading! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE review...or face death...AAAHAHAHAHA I was joking...it was a joke

But seriously... I will love you forever!


Oh, and forgive me if the layout was a bit...annoying...I couldn't be bothered messing around with it for too long. I am a very impatient person, or so I've been told...

- D